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#145432 Help! Wii U Gamepad Won't Connect to the Console

Posted by Vukodlahk on 08 December 2012 - 08:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

I love how clearly heaps of people are having the same issue, myself included.. yet noone seems to have any logical helpful info on how to fix this.. Nintendo at its finest here.

#145767 The connection with the Wii U console has been lost. Message.

Posted by Vukodlahk on 09 December 2012 - 12:40 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

Ive had a Wii U since the mid night launch, and as off 2 days ago I got the "The connection with the Wii U console has been lost." message popping up on the gamepad every 5-10seconds, which as you can imagine makes gaming imposible... I tried everything I could possibly think of to get rid of it... Removing battery pack, Resyncing, Updating, Moving the console (even though it worked perfectly fine for the last week) and last but not least formatting it.  And still the consoles gamepad wouldnt sync.... Annoyed beyond all reason, I returned it and got a brand new one, with high hopes the issue was with the old console and nothing around the house... I setup my new console, and 4seconds didnt even pass before I was greeted with my old friend again..... I have no idea why the wii u is doing this.. as I have had the console in the exact same location in my bedroom, since mid night launch... and its worked perfectly... but as stated above, within the past 2 days its become unplayable...  Ive heard rumors of others having the same issue...

Would anyone know if its fixable, what may be causing it... If it is the console itself... if nintendo intent on fixing it?

Only think I could think of was my wireless modem interfereing with the frequency of the gamepad to console sync.... I turned off my modem and it still happens... Im at an utter loss... and have tried to call nintendo for help.... but apparently noone works on the weekends >.>  Which is mighty handy...

I bought this console as a B-day prezzie for my misses.. and yeh its pretty much made itself redundant.

Anyone have any ideas?


#145694 Wii-U Controller not connecting to Console.

Posted by Vukodlahk on 08 December 2012 - 06:47 PM in Wii U Hardware Help

No she was playing funky barn, and it happened.. I tookm back the console, and its still doing it on the new one... I cant understand why that is....

#145401 Wii-U Controller not connecting to Console.

Posted by Vukodlahk on 08 December 2012 - 06:35 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

Hola all,

Ive had my Wii-u since launch, and haven't had any issues with it, until yesterday, when my gf was playing a game, she kept getting a popup msg on the controller "The connection with the wii u console has been lost." We both thought perhaps we wernt close enough to the console, or something was in the way, etc etc... but then I thought, hey the consoles been out for over a week now, we both play it exactly in the same area/room/location, we have in the past... and had no issues as far... why it is suddenly doing this... We turned it off, and went to bed... I woke up eager to give Zombiu a play... and kept getting the same msg... Making the game impossible to play. 2 of my best mates work at EB games (Aust version of Gamestop) I msg them asking if they knew any ideas on how to stop this, both suggested resyncing the control to the console... Upon doing this I was greeted with a msg saying its already synced.... killing that idea dead in the water.

I have heard reports of consoles bricking when updating via the net if the net drops or there is a black out, and until today haddent tried.. due to my net being unstable and prone to dcing in my area. 1 of my mates suggested trying to update the console, and seeing if that helped at all... Reluctantly, I did... The DL got just over 1/4 way through, and my controller switched off... I turned it back on to be greeted with "Could not connect to the wii u console, Turn off Gamepad and turn it on closer to the console" Ive tried this over 20 times as far.... to the point where if I were any closer, the controller would become part of the console itself... and still get this msg... making the controller useless, and not able to see the progress bar on the DL.

FINALLY the dl finished, and on the TV, prompted me to press OK... problem being the controller not working anymore.

I tried to resync... and managed to get the syncing pattern (Diamond, Spades, Clubs and Hearts, prompt on the controller) but since its in the Updating prompt process on the TV, it wont come up with the combo I need to sync. Placing me back at square 1.

Logic told me.. switch off the console, and try resyncing it from there... the DLs finished, so there shouldnt be any bricking issues... BUT in saying that im worried that if I do turn off the console, SINCE I havent gone through the full update after prompts... if it will error and brick regardless....

Any help would be muchly appreciated.

Thank you.

Got the update all finished.... But the controller keeps doing the "The connection with the wii u console has been lost."... any ideas how to fix this?

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