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There have been 2 items by Deneteus (Search limited from 05-July 23)

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#152863 Hello

Posted by Deneteus on 28 December 2012 - 12:22 AM in Introduction Central

Hello everyone!

#152862 John Carmack: "A lot of next gen games will still target 30 fps."

Posted by Deneteus on 28 December 2012 - 12:15 AM in Wii U Hardware

there is games on pc, even with sli or cf, that get less than 60 fps... so basically depends the game you playing.

I personally dont like low fps games running in an amd gpu... NVIDIA got a technology in their chipsets, even with low fps, looks smooth. In amd you see lots of tearing...

Both video chipsets have Microstutter issues which can cause the framerate to drop. Alot of the loss of FPS on the PC is Windows OS UI and other programs running in the background. That is not really an issue with consoles. So if they move to the current state of the art video card tech with better memory, more efficient chipsets and power usage and better rending it will smoke the XBOX 360 and PS4. Anybody that thinks nothing will change if we upgrade is smoking some kind of invisible crack because they haven't spent enough time playing with the latest 3D Chipsets. The cards that are out now kill what we had when the XBOX 360 Tricore came out with 512MB of RAM. It's so outdated its pitiful.

Thumbs up to this.

4K is where its going. We should have been there years ago but the whole HD marketing craze stagnated the display market. http://www.tgdaily.c...t-4k-resolution

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