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#155548 Wii U Gamepad creaking problem

Posted by vicky82 on 03 January 2013 - 09:42 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

I'm getting this issue with my Gamepad, everytime I hold it from the right side I can feel and hear the plastic creaking, and I'm not applying a great amount of strength to my grip, I'm holding it like I would normally hold any other controller. Is this normal?

hi my wii u gamepad is exactly the same loose on the right hand side n creaky n when held or playng it so annoying i rang nintendo up to see what the could do n the lady said she didnt think it could be fixed but would let me send it off to be looked at i was thinking of buyin a sillicone case see if that might help

But can you try it out yourself? I mean, check out if your gamepad does the same thing? This creaking noise is driving me f**king insane! I'm close to breaking my Gamepad and I feel the only thing that could calm me down is knowing this is something that happens to every Gamepad... so could someone please verify this?

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