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#170084 Iwata cries at investor meeting

Posted by LAA on 10 February 2013 - 11:54 PM in General Gaming

...Are you all really believing this?
This apparent meeting took place about a week ago and theres no details of this question on nintendo's page about this meeting, plus this and p4rgaming are the only sources of this.
This just seems like a troll with the questions asked and how Kaz somehow gives him advice... (Whats he doing at an investors meeting...), and then its a hint to say vita is a failure atm I guess.

Seriously this Wii U negativity is just really getting me down. Its obviously capable graphics wise of doing anything current gen for sure and perhaps a little better, so theres nothing wrong with the machine itself in that area, its just the fanbase, and for some weird reason, everyone thinks they should be seeing people clawing each other for Wii U's in the streets or something. I dont really care about how much something sells straight away. What would sell straight away is some sort of CODBox, cause of this generation of "Gamers", if thats the right word...
If thats what the future of gaming that I'm being wanted to be investing in, count me out.
I like how no-one is putting any sort of pressure on 720/PS4. Espicially 720. If thats charging for live, has no exclusives,etc. I'm not buying it period. 720 is in the most bleakest situation in my eyes and this is from someone who got a 360 a few years before I got a PS3 (Which was just last year actually). So, just stop with all the nintendo negativity. Theres a lot I can "hate" at nintendo for, such as achievement system, better messaging system, etc., but if the future of gaming for them looks like X, Bayonetta 2, Zelda, etc. Its looking pretty good as far as nintendo goes.

P.S. Weirdly, I had a thought about if nintendo were bankrupt or something and imagined iwata, reggie and miyamoto all crying on stage announcing it and saying they were a family or something, ha ha. Someones been reading my mind knowing its unbearable to think about, ha ha.

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