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#312892 Splatoon Global Testfire

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 11 May 2015 - 08:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I tried it. It was what I expected, a really good take on online shooters. I don't like online shooters, so it wasn't for me, but a great game of course. They should have some idea on how to compensate for lack of voice chat though.

From what I played. The main online mode is about covering ink, you see a spot with no ink or enemy ink? cover it. See that X? A team-mate died. More too. VC isn't that important in the main mode, though may see more use in the ranked battles.
But Splatoon does not need voice chat, the Wii U does. I won't ever use it probably, but they kinda had a idea with Wii U chat, and it never happened. 

#310687 Nintendo gone Mobile/Nintendo NX system

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 17 March 2015 - 03:14 PM in General Gaming

Heh I kinda hate this, but whichever. I hate the articles and saying about time and too late (emulaters, people who can't read). I can't wait for the new CN and for the rest of the announcement though. I think Nintendo should've kept the game thing secret, and release things like a eShop and Miiverse app first, and people get mad that Nintendo has apps but their not games, haha.

#314699 Nintendo e3 - Digital Event Thread

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 16 June 2015 - 11:48 AM in E3 2015

I'm still trying to comprehend the whole thing... man.. that was.. SO AMAZING-ly bad. 

Saving the games for the NX though does not make it better at all. I mean look at the youtube channel, they had a trailer for Fatal Frame V and Fast Racing Neo, and they chose not to show it? Instead have developer talk, have more dev talk in the treehouse about the same games, then mention there might be more later in the treehouse. I'm sorry, but no. 

They really should've kept the mini-direct, smash direct, and everything else secret. Ok I guess not the mini-direct. But Roy/Ryu hype at e3? Imagine! N64 stage hype! Devils Third news! Then they also had Splatoon weapon news, hyrule warriors dlc (confirimg WW dlc for Wii U version alone would be nice too).

I understand that Nintendo releases news recently in waves, and there might be more in the Treehouse, but for a main conference? The Mini-direct was better. 

#314473 Nintendo e3 - Digital Event Thread

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 15 June 2015 - 11:59 PM in E3 2015

I wonder what their going to show.
They said they won't show Zelda U (Could be a lie, or they changed their mind)
no new hardware
they got the smash news out of the way (unless they talk about the ballets, but seems weird to have new characters so soon)
Nindies at home out of the way
Blast Ball and Chibi Robo out of the way
Amiibo news out of the way. 

So there is Starfox U, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and what they suprise us with. 

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