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There have been 15 items by hammers2332 (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#245958 X Love Fest thread

Posted by hammers2332 on 14 September 2013 - 09:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah, both trailers are there the second trailer is on top.

But honestly, all the online video feeds are so bad, even in hd resolutions the compression completely destroys any detail the game has.

Watch it via the eshop's hq option on wii u once you get home. Its still by far the best quality of the trailer.

Ta 3Dude. Will do.

#245954 X Love Fest thread

Posted by hammers2332 on 14 September 2013 - 09:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Not seen second trailer 3Dude. Going to watch it when I get home from watching the football. Tbh the first trailer got me hooked. Is the second trailer the second link posted by op. Got no WiFi at mo so can't check.

#245948 X Love Fest thread

Posted by hammers2332 on 14 September 2013 - 09:25 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I can't wait for this game. From the 'one' trailer I have seen it looks amazing. When is it going to be released in Europe?

#244556 Wii U Friends

Posted by hammers2332 on 06 September 2013 - 07:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm 42 (is that too old to still be playing games?)  Feel free to add me, my id is in my sig below.

#250220 Project CARS (AMAZING!)

Posted by hammers2332 on 07 October 2013 - 09:20 AM in General Gaming

When's this due for release?

#246423 60 Minutes of Monster Hunter 4 Gameplay

Posted by hammers2332 on 17 September 2013 - 05:07 AM in General Gaming

I am currently playing MH3, (the first time i've played any game of the franchise) and I'm loving it.  So hope this gets released on the Wii U in Europe, it looks really good.

#246439 60 Minutes of Monster Hunter 4 Gameplay

Posted by hammers2332 on 17 September 2013 - 07:28 AM in General Gaming

Are you playing MH3U? Or just MH3 on the Wii? Either way, they're both great games :D I want costumes in MH3U really badly XD

MH3U on Wii U. This has become my favorite game on the console. I played the demo and wasn't really that excited about it. However got a copy of the game fairly cheap of eBay and it has blown me away. I don't feel the demo really did it justice.

#244654 What's Up With My Wii U?

Posted by hammers2332 on 06 September 2013 - 10:43 PM in Wii U Hardware

Drain Gamepad battery until it's completely dead.


After powering down, Unplug Wii U and TV from everything (HDMI, Power, etc.)


Wait 30 minutes.


Recharge Gamepad.


Plug wii and TV back into power.


Reconnect HDMI to Wii U and TV, but don't turn anything on yet.


When Gamepad is sufficiently recharged, turn on Wii U and TV.




with wireless technologies there can be some handshake issues.


Also, with HDMI there can be major handshake issues (especially with Samsung and Vizio televisions).


What we have done here is allowed the TV, Wii U, and Gamepad to reestablish handshakes anew.



If this doesn't clear the problem, then please call Nintendo.


There are other troubleshooting steps to perform.  And it's best to have them guide you.


Finally, make sure you don't have the Wii U or game pad very close to other equipment that could cause interference.

Thanks, I'll try this at the weekend.

#245771 What's Up With My Wii U?

Posted by hammers2332 on 13 September 2013 - 03:18 AM in Wii U Hardware


Please let us know how you fare with this.

Fingers crossed, this seems to have done the trick as I've not experienced the problem again.  I also contacted Nintendo who said send the console back for repair which i don't really want to do unless it starts happening again.


Thanks for you help Socalmuscle.

#244522 What's Up With My Wii U?

Posted by hammers2332 on 06 September 2013 - 04:36 AM in Wii U Hardware

I have recently experienced problems when starting up my console.  When i turn the console on it seems to "get stuck" where the tv and gamepad display the Wii U wording screen with the white background.  There is no sound coming from the tv but there is from the gamepad. Sometimes it just sits there indefinitely and i have to restart the console to be able to access my profile.  Other times if i press the power button on the gamepad once, it then takes me to my user profile. Everything else works fine.


Any ideas why this is happening or has anyone else experienced this?

#244928 monster hunter 3 question

Posted by hammers2332 on 08 September 2013 - 08:25 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Thanks. But is their a way you can get it to show on the gamepad all the time in off tv mode? I know how to get it to show on the gamepad when playing normally but haven't worked out how to when switching to off tv.

#244982 monster hunter 3 question

Posted by hammers2332 on 08 September 2013 - 03:04 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If you have the map set to display on your panel set on the gamepad, and you set the gamepad to show the action that's on the tv, the game will still "display" it on the panel set, even though you can't see it.  You have to take the map off your panel set to have it show up on the action screen.  I recommend having a second panel set saved for such occasions.  Hope that helps.

Sorted, thanks Lightning_Ninja.

#244915 monster hunter 3 question

Posted by hammers2332 on 08 September 2013 - 07:49 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Just picked up a secondhand copy of this game and am about 10 hours in. I think the game is amazing.

I have a question about the off tv mode as now the wife and kids are back from their holiday I have competition for the tv! Is it possible to get the map to show on the gamepad when playing in off tv mode?

#296037 lego hobbit

Posted by hammers2332 on 16 August 2014 - 09:20 AM in Wii U Games and Software

[quote name="Fig" post="296001" timestamp="1408152356"]

I'm almost certain it supports off tv okay. Lego Marvel Heroes supports it. And the Lego games are great! Easy to control, humorous, charm oozing takes on the stories, and fun and engaging puzzles. Fun for adults and easy enough for kids to enjoy. Honestly, the Lego games might be the perfect family game series.


Thanks Fig. Might be getting this game soon then!

#295977 lego hobbit

Posted by hammers2332 on 15 August 2014 - 05:40 AM in Wii U Games and Software

My young son has got into the Hobbit book and I was thinking of getting this game for him. Does anyone know whether this game supports off tv play? Also any thoughts on this game, as we've not played any Lego games. Thanks

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