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There have been 2 items by Reeze (Search limited from 16-July 23)

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#170867 Hey! :D

Posted by Reeze on 12 February 2013 - 05:30 PM in Introduction Central


I'm Reeze. I've been a longtime fan of Nintendo and currently own a 3DS, a Wii, and a Wii U (as well as an XBox 360, but I'm not a traitor). I'm really excited to get active here! The Wii U games I have are Nintendoland (7.5 stars), New Super Mario Bros. U (7 stars), Scribblenauts Unlimited (8 stars), and The Cave (9 stars). I'm really looking forward to Pikmin 3 (though I've never played any other Pikmin game) and the new Mario game from the creators of Galaxy and 3D Land!

About me... Hmm... I live in America. I guess that's all anyone needs to know.

Alrighty! :) I hope I get to meet a lot of you soon!

-Reeze :D

#170872 Hello!

Posted by Reeze on 12 February 2013 - 05:43 PM in Introduction Central

I just joined as well! Welcome! :)

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