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UnstoppableHeart's Content

There have been 2 items by UnstoppableHeart (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#174581 Hey I'm a 100%er

Posted by UnstoppableHeart on 22 February 2013 - 02:33 PM in Introduction Central

My name's Heart and I'm a hardcore Nintendo fan! I love their consoles and franchises. My main hobby is 100%ing games and currently I'm working on New Super Mario Bros U and Sword of Hope 2 on wii u and 3ds virtual console. I have pretty much all games that came out recently since the release of the 3ds (I came across a lumpsum of money...) and I can get any game I want anytime LOL.

Anybody who likes 100%ing games please add me, I've been searching for friends to start a 100% team with. It be fun to competitively complete games with friends and to help each other along the way.
My Wii U ID: UnstoppableHeart
MY 3DS FC: 1375-7458-5506
Add me!

#174342 [PP] Perfect Percent

Posted by UnstoppableHeart on 21 February 2013 - 06:17 PM in Competitions & Matchmaking

Anyone have tons of games just lying around? Games have a ton of content to explore and 100%ing games is the best way to make the most of em.

Perfect Percent is a 100% clan where we 100% games together for fun and to help each other and increase our gaming experience, one game at a time. There are no clan limitations and anyone can join.
Preferably, only join if you have reliable access to Skype, as that is this how we will communicate. (Miiverse, Swapnote, Friends list are other ways).

Our first game will be voted on as soon as we get some reccomendations.
Welcome to Perfect Percent.

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