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#13612 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 10 July 2011 - 06:42 PM in General Gaming

Not a FFF (Final Fantasy Fan!), but I want people to have what they want, so YAY!

Thanks!  Hey, gamers got to stick together, right?  :D  (Esp. when game developers start asking for our opinion!)  And I see you signed the petition--thanks a bunch, StreetPassWanter!

FF1 PS1 Opening


FF2 PS1 Opening

FF4 DS Opening

FF6 PS1 Opening

FFV Special Boss Battle

Great references, TheOneWhoWroteThis!   Keep them up, you guys!   I should have something to share by Tuesday.

#15836 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 17 July 2011 - 08:01 PM in General Gaming

Hey, guys. I'm so sorry I've been out for several days. Life's been in the way. First, I lost an apartment that was reserved in New York, because it wasn't available after all like they claimed it was, so I've been spending time searching for a new place (I may even have to move to Connecticut or New Jersey). Then, my one and only chair completely broke on me (I got rid of my old dinner table chairs because they're being replaced when I move), so I had to wait for a decent seat just so I can sit at the computer again. I haven't felt very good all last week. And now, my best friend's father just passed away from an illness. It's been rough.

But I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still working on Operation Moogle, and the videos are still in development. I know it's been a while since I've been back, and I've only updated the Facebook and Twitter pages a couple of times. I thank you guys for continuing this effort. I see some of you have signed the other petition I've made available in addition to the one here.

I copied the petition to an ipetition.com site, just to make the petition as convenient as possible to some people. Some are willing to join this forum to sign it, and some aren't, so I've made the petition available in two places (though, I've described this forum's Petition Thread one as the better petition to support, since it best ensures the Wii U gets attention with this compilation).

Anyways, I'll probably be absent a few days to deal with my friend and to try to find a new home (because I have to have a place to move into before September 1, when my current apartment's lease is up). But I'll still be working on the Operation Moogle stuff, too. Just thought I'd let you know what's been up, and that I haven't lost interest or anything. Keep up the good effort!

Well, I hope that it will be successful, as well as our operation! :P

Elite Beat Agents did a good job (though combat wasn't truly involved: it just changed some of the outcomes).

I don't know if MacroManJr put this up yet in this forum, but the petition is ready (I am just a messenger, not the creator)! Here it is: http://www.ipetition...perationmoogle/

Thanks, Tho One Who Wrote This! You're all over the place, man! :unsure:

I'm just wondering, but do you think we should start a mail/email campaign like Operation Rainfall is doing? We could send mesages to Square Enix about how much we want the Final Fantasy HD collection. (Sorry if this has already been suggested)

That sounds like a good idea. I mean, after all, this is an entirely different case than with Operation Rainfall's campaign to Nintendo of America. Square Enix asked for us to do this, so why not start an email campaign? We can do that! Let's find some contact email addresses. Good suggestion, Andy!

#13421 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 09 July 2011 - 10:39 PM in General Gaming

Do want clips from all main title final fantasy games?

Yeah, you can post links (or clips, if you already have them as clips) of all the main Final Fantasy games, and also of those the other "main-series-related" games listed in the Poll.  Much of the clips will probably focus on the main series, but we do want to include some of those other mentioned titles as well.  One popular choice in the polls is Final Fantasy Tactics, so yeah, we'll give some of those other titles some love, too!

About the legal thing, all I do (And most people do) Is put a disclaimer in caps in the descriptions, it's the first thing that should go in the description, but you can do your idea. It's better I guess. So anyway, I'm thinking about making the channel look more "Pro." I was looking at our channel and I thought having a repeated image it's not so "Cool" xD so yeah. I don't know yet, though, I'm trying to think of a concept for the channel so if anyone would like to help at this, please reply to me and let me know.

There you go--"disclaimer"!  Thank you!  I was searching for that word all day!  Yeah, we'll just put disclaimers with the videos.

And a big thanks to you for your help with the YouTube channel!  I'll keep thinking about suggestions for a concept!  Hope someone comes up with something!

#13419 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 09 July 2011 - 10:21 PM in General Gaming

Sorry about my FF5 fan-ism. It was fun, but challenging at times (especially getting all non-necromancer jobs mastered and beating Omega and Shinryu). I don't know video editing at all, but I can help find videos. I'll have to PM you about certain questions I have about videos. I still need to learn about legality....  :)

Anyways, here is the FF3 opening video (I just found it, so I take no credit in making):


Should I just post them on the forum from now on or should I just PM them? If the latter, then to whom (or who [not sure about the grammar here])?

You can do either.  You can post them here.  If you want to PM them to me for editing the montage, you can.  Or if you guys want to work together on something, go for it!  It doesn't matter.  ;)

Since right now, we're just trying to find and collect reference to snag snippets away from for the montage videos (I haven't began any editing yet), posting them here is fine.  When we get to some actual editing, then I guess that's when I (and any other contributing member with a video editor) will take the footage and suggestions from you guys about what to include in the videos for editing purposes, and we can take them from this thread.  So I guess the best place is probably just right here, as you've been doing.  But again, it's totally up to you.  :rolleyes:

As for the legal thing, for most YouTube videos, we can avoid issues for most videos with some kind of credits at the end of the videos.  We're not using the videos for commercial usage, and similar to how DBZ Abridged episodes are able to parody Dragon Ball Z by offering the videos for free viewing purposes and giving due credits, we're good!

On the off-change that we do find someone specifically asking for permission before using their uploaded content, we can do that.  I'm sure most of them will be willing to support this effort, especially if they're fans, too.

How can I get one of those "nice signature images" into my signature? I tried copying the image and pasting it into my signature, but it wouldn't show up.  :P

Go back to the Edit Signature page (you reach that by first going to your Profile page, and then hitting the Edit my Profile button at the top right side of your Profile, and then look for Edit Signature on the left side).  At the Edit Signature page, go over to the toolbar where you see the options like bold and italics and underline, go over in the line and click on the picture icon (it's two icons over to the right of the smiley face).

You have to reference a picture saved online somewhere, and copy its link address into the "Image URL" prompt.  You can just use this Operation Moogle signature image link for now, to test it out.

Enter the link to your signature image there and hit Insert Image.  You'll see the link show up in the signature editing box below, placed between two image HTML tags.  You can also just type in those two tags around your copied-and-pasted link in the signature editing box.  Hit "Save Changes" and when the page is refreshed, you should see it.

You can add, as many images as you want, images up to 600 x 200 pixels.  Hope that helps!  ;)

#13180 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 08 July 2011 - 02:00 PM in General Gaming

I haven't played V so I didn't know about that ;) . Do you know any good scenes from III?

You've actually touched on a point that I've been thinking about myself, something we'll have to keep in mind while producing the montage videos. Since you haven't played Final Fantasy V yet, that's something to consider. We'll want to show key moments, but at the same time, we don't want to give spoilers (at least, not major spoilers for the plot).

I think you guys here have already given some good examples so far. Like, if we showed a scene of Tidus and Yuna getting ready to kiss, it'd make people who played the game say, "Yeah, I remember that moment!" and newcomers say, "Hey, I wonder what that's about?" Similarly, we could show some of the battle scene against Gilgamesh for FFV, but don't show the end result. It's enough to pique people's interest to relive it or to experience it for the first time, all in HD glory.

We'll want to produce strong nostalgia factor for those who have played, and yet not give the biggest parts of the games' plots away to interest those who never played some of these games. It's a tricky balance to strike, but I think we all can do it. :)

So we'll try to show you bits of Final Fantasy V in the montages, but won't give it away. Similarly, we'll try to include bit of Final Fantasy III, like maybe the opening for the DS version, that'll make you want to play the game in HD!

And also keep in mind which parts of the scenes you want to show, as since these two videos will be montages, we can only show brief moments of the scenes. Again, a bit tricky, but we're awesome!

Good suggestions so far, you guys! Keep them coming!

I'm gonna see if I can get some video game YouTubers to mention Operation Moogle in their videos. I'll update you on progress as it progresses.

Good! That'll help a bunch! Thanks!

Sent a message to NintendoCapriSun, I don't think he will do it, but we can only hope :/

Just noticed we have about 161 votes on the official site, 13 votes on Wii U forums and 32 likes on facebook and 72 views on our youtube channel!
I think it's something to feel proud of so let's do some math
161+72+31+13= 277!
were getting noticed people!

Yep! We're getting noticed! I think as soon as we can get people on YouTube to mention us and get more people in other forums to notice us (esp. with our nice signature images). Perhaps if I can find a clever enough way to sneak some news of Operation Moogle into my other non-gaming-related forums, like BlenderNation and BlenderArtists.org, we'll gain even more attention!

I'm working on compositing just a few 3D elements into the videos, like maybe a 3D version of our logo, and then editing the videos using Blender's built-in compositor. That should be enough to have BlenderNation do an article on this usage of Blender to get the job done--and get news out to thousands of people about Operation Moogle. Mwahahahahaaa!

#16154 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 20 July 2011 - 06:48 AM in General Gaming

Glad to help!! Posted Image Just tell me what to do, and I will help as much as I can (except for Twitter and creating videos [though getting supplies I can help with, though])! I can't wait to play this on the Wii U!!

Also, I hope things get better for you. It is pretty rough losing people that you know (and for people who you know to lose people that they know and love).

About the apartment, did they lie to you (if so, then Posted Image to them) or was it a misunderstanding (if so, then still Posted Image to them)? Well, apartments in New York are pretty expensive anyways, so maybe you might find someplace that costs less. Stuff in New York is generally expensive anyways. I hope you find a place to live!

Do you need audio for the FF Videos? I do have all of FFV and FFVI's music, so let me know.

One thing though: I wont be available on Friday because I'll be on a trip to Pennsylvania. Also, I posted on my Facebook page (which is on Day 2 of being alive [yes, I am that slow in joining in the social media Posted Image]) a thing that tries to get as many people to come as they can. And yes, I am the guy who says "Please put V on there too!! By the way, I'm also known as "The One Who Wrote This"" on post #4 on the Operation Moogle Facebook page (the one about having a remaster of FFVII being #1). I have the Black Knight from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn as my image (no good images of myself). As long as there are good games on the collection (and/or ones I've never played [basically anything above 5 [excluding Renevant wings and some of the spin-offs]) and that it comes onto the Wii U, I'll be fine (though FFV deserves a remake either on the 3ds or the Wii U)!

Anyways, let me know how I can help, and I hopefully will be able to. Posted Image

Thanks a lot for your fervent support, dude! You and Blade and all of you guys here really carry this thing! Have a good trip to Pennsylvania--maybe I'll bump into you over here! :P And I'll take whatever clips you'll throw at me.

Just to give you guys an update, I'm working on a little special something to add to the videos. To make these videos even more interesting, I'm adding some custom 3D animation to the end of the videos.

Primarily, I plan to render a small scene at the end of the video compilation that takes some of the characters from the most popular Final Fantasy games, and have them act out a short little melee fight scene against their main bosses of their respective games, and then end in the scene with the protagonists together looking admirably at an Operation Moogle logo, finally ending the compilations with, "Please help make this Final Fantasy HD collection a final reality!" It'd be about 30 to 45 seconds long, give or take.

This will not only get the attention of people to look at our videos and our cause, and hopefully get the imagination going in other people of just what we're looking at with this compilation, but also would undoubtedly get our video some notice on a few 3D sites I'm a regular contributor to. There's some sites just waiting to show people's 3D work, and I can mention word of this work in the videos on my personal blog sites, which gets quite a few repeat visitors a day (checking to see if I updated my stupid blogs--I'm so bad at keeping them!).

Plus, I just REALLY want an excuse to do this! I think it'd add a little more boost to our energy, and perhaps serve as an example of something we could do again. I'd like to hear more ideas for little animations. I think using the original content of the Final Fantasy videos you guys are posting up and mixing a little original content of our own might spice things up a bit. Just a little something to shake the imagination even more about this collection! I'll be posting up a few screen shots at what I'm working on so far in just a little while.

#20107 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 09 August 2011 - 11:38 AM in General Gaming

Okay, guys, I'm back from a busy round of trying to find a new apartment and some other stuff. Unfortunately, I lost yet another apartment (this is crazy), so I'm taking a break from it and getting back to this. I've got to find a new place by the end of this month, but I'm letting my sister help me find a place. I've also got to look for a new car. It's crazy--I actually have the money available, but can't seem to find jack in the nick of time! Oh well, something will come up soon, I'm sure.

In the meanwhile, I haven't gotten very much done on the video, but I did get two things done. I rendered a basic test animation of a power-up special effect, and I'm currently working on more particles system test animation now, which will be the sparkly and glowing magic stuff with some of the characters' attacks (you know the glowing special effects you see with special attacks and whatnot).

Here's a link to it:

special effect test render 01

And also, I just got a new addon for Blender called Bsurfaces which will increase my productivity like threefold (especially with the characters). I was having a difficult time with retopology of the faces taking too long and being kinda a pain to deal with (for those who are familiar with the modeling process), but this new premium Add-on for Blender is big help. I'm also working on some schematic drawings for the weapons to base the 3D modeling on.

Anyways, I'm getting back on track with the animation portion of the montage videos. I think we'll definitely need a flashy video, because though we're still getting votes and visits to the Operation Moogle sites, it's a gradual one. Seems like every other "Operation" out there gets more notice than ours do--and we're the one effort that was actually specifically asked for by a game company!

Operation Rainfall, Operation Moonfall, and "100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3" have all gotten wide attention, and I think our videos will get us similar attention (if not a little more). By the way, I personally support those efforts myself (and hope you do, too).

If you've got any ideas for videos, try them out, work on them! We'll make as many unique videos for our cause as we can! It doesn't have to be a flashy 3D animation--a simple little montage or skit or something like that can work. Operation Rainfall are using some funny skits to get more attention--and it's working, with over 14,000 views of their uploaded videos.

I think if we go the extra mile in creating some creative, catchy and inspiring videos for our cause--and emphasize the fact that Square Enix actually asked for this effort, and that enough support for this cause would pretty much make this HD collection a sure thing--I think we can gain similar heavy support like our other "Operation" efforts have gained.

Any kind of support here is welcomed for Operation Moogle, however big or small. Customized signature images, wallpapers, videos, fan art--they'll be posted on our blog site. And anything you can do to encourage more signatures in our petitions, votes in our Poll, and even simple Likes to our Facebook fan page and Followings us on Twitter (both of which I'll update in a little while), you're help is never too small.

Anyways, sorry for the absence! Glad to be back!

#67105 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 20 March 2012 - 10:10 AM in General Gaming

Hey, guys.

Phew, boy, did I have a heck of a 6 months since I last been here! Didn't mean to be away this long! Anyways, just came here to say that Operation Moogle is still active. I've been very busy with the woes of self-sufficient adulthood (if you don't have to pay rent yet, cherish it), but the Operation is still in effect. (By the way, I got a new apartment since January, as some of you know that I was almost facing homelessness last time I was here due to strange circumstances!) I didn't mean to be gone this long, but one thing lead to another and pretty soon, it's 6 months later!

On my business side of life, I've been working on an important project. This is what caused me to slack a bit here on Operation Moogle, as I've had to take the opportunity I've been given, because it's a temporary and small window of opportunity. So naturally, I had to put it as a high priority and thus having less time spent on Operation Moogle (and even on playing video games in general!). But I think I can get back into some Operation Moogle sometimes during the start of summer. It's still worth the effort. I just merely paused my work on this effort, not ended it.

On the flip side, though, if all goes well this year for me, I'll be soon a topic to talk about concerning the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U as an official developer hopefully next year. Let's hope so! It takes quite a good deal to become an approved official developer for Nintendo, so I've got a lot of hard work to do towards it. But my chances are good, thanks to this rare opportunity I've been given, and thanks to Nintendo aiming to keep their dev kits at an affordable costs so that developing for these platforms are attainable for indie developers, so I certainly hope you guys understand why I had to take my little break here.

And I hope you believe me when I say that Operation Moogle is still alive. Especially in light of the success of the very operation that inspired this one, Operation Rainfall. It WORKED! And since Square Enix didn't really give us a time limit here, and these games have been out for many years, and we're looking at the Wii U being the only eighth-generation console available for at least one whole year, we still stand plenty good chance to be heard. So, don't give up on this, enjoy your last months in school (those of you still in school), and hopefully I'll see you guy again this summer!

~Brian L., a.k.a. the son of Macro Man, Macro Man Jr.

P.S. - I got a new computer, by the way. My older computer was another thing that was holding me back last year.

#24932 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 30 August 2011 - 12:23 PM in General Gaming


Sounds good!! I hope that everything will go well for you (in finding a place to live, getting a new computer, and the modelling). Sorry about sounding impatient.

So, are you doing both regular Zidane and trance Zidane or just one of them? I'll help with the page and everything as much as I can. Thanks for everything!

Thanks, dude! And you didn't sound impatient to me! I just feel like telling what's been going on with me, to give some idea of how the animation production's going. And to gladly answer your question: Yep, I'm doing both regular Zidane and trance Zidane--he enters Trance in this animated fight sequence.

By the way, check the Operation Moogle blog site--I've made you an Editor, dude. It allows you to publish and manage posts and pages to the blog site, as well as being able to manage other users' posts. Now you can help with the page from behind-the-scenes whenever you want! There's no editorial pressures or expectations or anything--you just post something you want to post about Operation Moogle or Operation Moogle-related news.

If anyone else is interested in being a contributor to the blog site or Facebook page, just let me know!

#24894 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 30 August 2011 - 05:51 AM in General Gaming

Hey there!
Anyone heard of Monty Oum. They made the Haloid and Dead Fantasy cinematics.

I was wondering how many people would like to see Monty Oum make an Operation Moogle promotional cinematic, out of curiosity.

Hey, I am all for that idea! I've sure heard of Monty Oum--I loved those videos! That would definitely gain some attention, and help put something cool on our YouTube Channel. If you know how we could contact him, maybe we can ask him and see what happens. :)

Anything new? I managed to get 3 more of my friends to like the Facebook page.

Thanks, The One Who Wrote This! The more, the better. Nothing much new so far, as I'm still trying to get situated in my living situation at the present moment (tomorrow's my last day left in this apartment, and I still need to find a new place in the region I'm looking to move to). I'll be staying in a hotel for a few weeks, but I'm still working on developing the videos. My PC's also giving me some fuss, but I'll be getting a new computer soon (something that'll eat this current one for breakfast)--as soon as I can get a place first, though. At the moment, I'm working on the Zidane Tribal model. I don't remember if I mentioned this before already, but there's going to be 8 characters in the short animation:

Firion and Mateus from Final Fantasy II

Lightning and Orphan from Final Fantasy XIII

Zidane and Kuja from Final Fantasy IX

Cloud and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII

The landscape and weapons and stuff are easy to make, so I've been focusing on the characters more, which are a lot more complex. I'm working with Zidane first because his slightly exaggerated body proportions are easier to do first (the more realistically-proportioned the character, the trickier it is to make it look right). Anyways, after modeling him, I can work on one more realistically-proportioned base male model, I can just alter into the other male characters, leaving the female model for Lightning last (girls are a bit more trickier to model). I'm looking forward to modeling their hair! And then finally, I'll dress them. They'll have parts of their clothes that move when they move, and are not just painted-on textures. This animation at the end of montage videos won't be even a minute long, but I'm hoping to sure make it pretty enough to attract more viewers (and thus more petition signatures and supporters). I can do the stupid thing, but life keeps tapping me on the shoulders about a few other things at the moment. :P

But don't worry--since Square Enix hasn't put any time limit on the request or anything, and since it's a compilation of games already made that wouldn't take very long to upscale and compile into a collection, I think of all the "Operations" out there, we're the one not in a rush. So even as summer draws to a close and daily life will return to normal soon, Operation Moogle will continue as an effort. I'll post that on the Facebook and Twitter site.

#20156 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 09 August 2011 - 04:35 PM in General Gaming

Glad you guys like being new Admins on the Facebook page.

It's really simple to be, really. Whenever you have an announcement or bit of news to share about Operation Moogle, something to say to encourage people who joined the page, and something that people on the page might like to hear (like news about similar efforts as ours, like Operation Moonfall, Operation Rainfall, and the Mega Man Legends 3 petition), just post them up!

You can now do this without having to go through me or anything like that. And the invitation is open to anyone else on our Facebook page who'd like to be an Administrator on our Facebook page--and our official blog site, too, for that matter. ;)

Thanks, zxride64 and TheOneWhoWroteThis, for your good wishes to me in finding a new place soon. Also, I'm glad you enjoyed your trip and thanks for your feedback on the video, TheOneWhoWroteThis! Those tracks will definitely help! You guys are great!

How is the twitter and facebook going?

Yikes, it's been a while, but I just updated them now! Thanks for asking!

#12962 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 07 July 2011 - 05:18 PM in General Gaming

Hey, I'd like to be co-administrator if you want. Anyway, can't wait for those videos, I really want to see them. Because they will definitely will be better than the two I uploaded, one of them is opening for FF1, surprisingly that one has like 30 views and I added important links in the description, the other one is just an edited ff vs 13 trailer with effects and a few images for people to download.

Sure, dude, you can be a co-administrator of the Facebook page! If you've already "Liked" the Facebook page, then you can message me here in this forum about which one of the names of supporters is yours, so that I can click the "Make Admin" button next to your name. And then you'll be a co-administrator! This goes for anyone else here who'd like to be a co-admin!

And to everyone, I'm in the process of collecting scenes for the two montage videos. So, hey folks, if you have any favorites, scenes that you'd think would be inspiring for Final Fantasy fans of either the light-tone variety or the darker-tone variety, just tell me or show me! And if you have any little Operation Moogle videos of your own.

I like your videos, by the way, Blade! I esp. like the concept of showing scenes of the classic games and then asking the question, "Wanna play this in HD?" It helps drive home the reality of having a game with both old and new Final Fantasy games on it!

Also, I'm updating the blog site, so anybody with signature images and wallpapers, just send them to me, and I'll post them. And just for fun, I'm thinking about putting a Fan Art page on the blog site, to encourage a little fun and some more interactivity with the site. After blowing the dust off my deviantART account and checking out Final Fantasy fan art, I've seen a LOT of fan art, and I'm thinking that offering a little spot of glory for them might encourage more revisits to and more activity with the site. What do you think about that? Think that's a good idea?

#12776 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 06 July 2011 - 07:52 PM in General Gaming

Hey, guys!  Thanks for starting those threads on the other sites!  Not only are you spreading the word of Operation Moogle more, but you're also getting more people to join this forum as well to do the petition.  I've promoted the idea that this forum will be one they'll definitely want to be, as we near closer to Wii U's debut, but also that we're pretty chilled people here (because we are)!

We're growing in numbers with the Facebook page the most, with 24 people who Like the page (in addition to myself).  The Twitter page is gradually picking up more Followers, with 11 so far (but one of them being a high-level Square Enix employee!).  And so far the Petition has 10 signatures (though we have 12 voters...  o_0).

But we should expect more signatures and public support--just give it time.  So far, we've gotten 267 views of our Facebook fan page and 360 hits of the blog site, with 58 voters casting votes on site's poll.  Not bad for only 3 days work!  That's encouraging!  We're growing!

So yeah, keep at it!  This is to be expected, actually.  More "Like button" supporters than petitioners, but still, even the "Likes" help get the word out, and it still shows support for this cause that Square Enix can consider.  We'll get those petitions and poll numbers up--ESPECIALLY when we get those videos done to get people inspired for just what we're looking at with such a Final Fantasy HD collection and how much their voice can make this thing real!

And though using a forum for a petition is not the usual route for petitions, I think it's proving to be a very good choice.  It's just way easier to use a forum site to host petitions.  It's the best free option around.  Easy to join and participate, easy to manage, and just a heck of a lot funner a place to host a game-related petition than a "free petition" site.  Plus, as I explained to folks on Facebook, this effort help ensures we ALL get this game!

So keep on promoting Operation Moogle, and good work so far!  Whether by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, the blog site, or this forum site, we'll succeed with time!

Right now, I'm working finalizing some concepts for the videos, and then I'll share them with you guys for your feedback.  These videos will be epic...at least, that's the plan!

Also, if anyone wants to be a co-administrator of the Facebook page, just let me know!

Anyways, I'll be back Friday (gotta go somewhere tomorrow), so take care!  Thank for helping sending Operation Moogle off to a good start!   :D

#12266 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 04 July 2011 - 11:15 AM in General Gaming

...And now we've got a Facebook page and Twitter page!  Check it out!   :D

#12273 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 04 July 2011 - 11:37 AM in General Gaming

Wow!  Great news, guys!  I followed quite a few Square Enix employees on Twitter using the Operation Moogle Twitter account, and so far, one of them, Antonio Papero (antoniomarfuggi), Senior Digital Marketing Manager at Square Enix, is Following our Operation Moogle Twitter page!  This is awesome!

Oh, and sorry about that, The One Who Wrote This--here you go, guys:

Facebook: http://www.facebook....186327878091343
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/OperationMoogle

#12233 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 04 July 2011 - 06:06 AM in General Gaming

Okay, guys--I've got a basic set-up for the blog site.  Here's the link to the site:


It's still in development and I'm sprucing this up more, so keep that in mind and, please, give me your feedback!  Right now, I'm just putting the pieces together, but I'll organize it better (particularly the header bar), and again, I'm open to your suggestions.

Also, here is the Facebook fan page:


And here is the Twitter page:


Also, I'm making FroggyForce's signature available for download on the site, as part of the Promote This page on the site.

In fact, I was thinking that maybe we could have several signatures available, though I personally like FroggyForce's signature as our de facto main signature.  That way, folks can choose among a variety of signatures (people like that kind of thing).  What do you guys think?

And since I've got a LOT of time off work to do this, I'll be spending much of my time working on this blog site.  (I like any excuse to spend all day making something!)  So yeah, check it out so far, bookmark it, come up with ideas for it, let me know how you like it so far.

I'll be in my lab all day long working on this, and I'll stay online here so you can contact me and stuff.  This is coming together pretty quickly.  I think we might can even get this petition thread started today!  :D

#12179 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 03 July 2011 - 09:03 PM in General Gaming

Well I made a signature for operation moogle if you want to start using it. You can suggest anything to change to make it better. http://i53.tinypic.com/sy7d54.jpg

Personally, I definitely really like the concept of this signature, showing the several key faces that most of us will want to see included in this compilation.  Seeing those faces TOGETHER will definitely encourage a lot of people to want push this thing to becoming a reality.  I've been looking into some of the bundles and compilations that Square Enix has compiled over the years, and one thing I've noticed is that they tended to stick with make compilations based on sequels and prequels.

But to my knowledge, I've never seen a compilation that included Tidus, Zidane Tribal, Cecil Harvey, AND Cloud Strife on the face of it.  Having an image that promotes that possibility a great idea.  THAT would get any Final Fantasy fan to step up (and also generate more interest in Wii U...).  By having people visit this forum, this will generation support for the Wii U, and that's only good for the Wii U!

Maybe if this petition draws enough interest, Nintendo won't be so inclined to meet it with disinterest like they did with Operation Rainfall.  The Last Story was more a gamble for localization (I suppose)--but a (possible) Final Fantasy HD Compilation of this magnitude is a sure console seller.  By the time this compilation would come out, the Wii U should be out by then.  With Nintendo wanting to regain the core gamer, I think they'll have to pay notice to this.  And one good image like this one can help inspire all that!

If I may make some suggestions about improving it even more, I would like to suggest placing something in the background, as it's a little bare.  At least, for a Final Fantasy signature, anyways.  What if you were to try placing one of the famous Yorainbowaka Amano illustrations faintly appearing behind the text, similar to how it's done here:



That way, we keep the attention on those famous faces of Final Fantasy, and yet we keep that classic Final Fantasy atmosphere about the image overall.  Other than this, this is the only suggestions I personally have to offer.  (Oh, and of course, keep the Moogle!)  Good job with this contribution!

Alright, I was thinking a little introduction video explaining the situation that you can link people that are interested in the Project so they know what the goal exactly is and all. Don't worry I can upload videos but if you want to be able to manage the account I can send you a message with the username and password.

You can manage it, if you'd like!  It's OUR project, after all.  :D  Yeah, the little introduction video sounds like a plan.  I think as soon as we can get a little more information to introduce, like getting a general "OKAY" with the poll's games listing, starting a Facebook page and a Twitter page, and the thread is open for petitions (which I'm working on as we speak), we'll know where we can direct people's attentions.

#12174 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 03 July 2011 - 08:07 PM in General Gaming

Okay, guys, here's the list of FF games I have compiled for the poll thus far:

Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy III (Nintendo DS remake)
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IV (Nintendo DS remake)
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII (original in HD)
Final Fantasy VII (an enhanced remake)
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIV

Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy Tactics (Original version)
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions (Enhanced remake of the original)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift

Final Fantasy Adventure
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light

I can see now there are many games there that some Nintendo gamers have never played, and that many fans would probably want ALL of these in the compilation, and we would just vote for them all if we could.  But more realistically, getting all these into a compilation is very unlikely.  So it seems to me that we have to remain reasonable with our votes.  I'm thinking about having each voter being able to choose up to about seven choices or so.  And then that way, if Square Enix sees the poll, they'll see what were among our top choices for considerations for the compilation, and however many of those choices they choose to include in a compilation, at least they'd choose the top ones.  What do you guys think?

And if I've missed any vital titles you'd like me to add to this list, please let me know.  I did leave out several smaller titles released for mobile phones and focused on the meatier titles for consoles and handhelds.

Also, since I think most people are petitioning for more the main Final Fantasy series and those games related to the main series, I left out the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles series so far.  I'm thinking since we really have one shot to speak up for some of those titles in the compilation for Wii U that have never even been with a Nintendo console before, maybe the focus should be on those game closer to the main series rather than complete off-shoots like Crystal Chronicles.  But I did try to include as many of the remakes of the main Final Fantasy series and main series-related Final Fantasy games as I could find.

But again, if there's any game I left out that you think is a good consideration for being on this list, let me know!  I haven't made the poll yet, so give me feedback on this!   :D

#12285 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 04 July 2011 - 12:53 PM in General Gaming

Also make sure the links to the facebook page and the twitter are in the first post of this thread and on the Operation Moogle website so it's clear to see  :D

Okay, I've got the links in the OP!  B)  Still trying to get past some foolery that WordPress is serving me at the moment, but I'll have those links posted on the Promote This page of the Operation Moogle website.

And you guys can go ahead and join those Facebook and Twitter pages.  So far, I've only got three subscribers on Twitter and one on Facebook!  The Petition itself is still underway, but these pages are pretty much done.

Right now I'm working out the details for the official Operation Moogle Petition Thread and Poll.  I'm writing the details for it on the website first, and then I'm starting the Petition Thread and Poll.  I'll finish the few details for the thread in a little while, and then I'll run it by you guys.

#12417 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 05 July 2011 - 07:53 AM in General Gaming

Okay, guys, I'm now adding the final touches to writing the introductory post for the petition thread! We should be ready for business today!

Also, I'm working on three videos for our YouTube channel:

  • A "Getting Involved with Operation Moogle" video, where I'll quickly walk people through how to sign the petition and vote in the poll, and what they can do to help support Operation Moogle.
  • A montage video of the best cinematic moments of the Final Fantasy franchise, of a light tone with a light Final Fantasy theme song, to inspire people even more about the compilation (particularly those who like the lighter-toned ones).
  • A montage video of more best cinematic moments of the Final Fantasy franchise, of a darker tone with a dark Final Fantasy theme song--again, to inspire emotion for this compilation (particularly those who like the darker-toned ones).

I'm way open to suggestions about the "best cinematic moments" (or, at least, your personal favorites). I'm shooting for the first video to be about 3-4 minutes; and the montage videos to be about 2-3 minutes each.

Also, suggestions for the theme song to play for the montages are much welcomed (including alternate and remix versions of classic Final Fantasy themes)! So far, for the second darker-toned Final Fantasy montage video, I'm thinking using part of this, and for rather obvious reasons:


What do you folks think?

Also, sorry if I haven't gotten back with some of your messages to me yet. I'll attend every single one, after I make some more time to get to them. You are not ignored! I'm McLovin' this experience, and I like hearing responses from you with our Operation Moogle!

Finally, I'm about, say, 50% done with the official Operation Moogle website, so check it out so far and keep tabs on changes made periodically throughout the day. And as always, your feedback is appreciated! :D

#12462 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 05 July 2011 - 11:02 AM in General Gaming

I've pinned the The Operation Moogle Petition Thread and Poll for you MacroManJr for the time being. If Operation Moogle gets its own section on the forumin the future, me or Feld0 will move it there. Even though I'm not an FF fan, I'm interested to see where this petition goes.

Thanks! Appreciate it!

Hey, dude, are you going to send me the videos or something, or maybe you want total access to the Youtube page? Please do let me know so I can be ready :D

This is epic, we should use it xD

Yeah, I can send the videos to you when I'm done with something, or we could even share a Dropbox folder (if you're familiar with Dropbox). Any way is fine with me! And that song is definitely a good consideration for the lighter-toned video montage! Boss theme music from a recent popular hit with nostalgic 8-bit flair--that's says "fandom" all day!

#12460 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 05 July 2011 - 10:52 AM in General Gaming

It's reeeeeaaaddyyyyy! Okay, Feld0, I've finished! And gang, you can leave your signatures and cast your votes! Just read the quick instructions and have at it!

Link to the Operation Moogle Petition Thread and Poll: http://thewiiu.com/t...hread-and-poll/

#12450 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 05 July 2011 - 10:14 AM in General Gaming

Hey! How do I join or... well whatever?? This is a great idea and I love FF!! :D (This is the reason I joined the forum xD)

Working on the thread where the Petition and Poll will take place right now. Such be up and running pretty soon (I'm talking within 10 minutes or so). And then I'll direct you to that thread. All the instructions will be there for your easy participation.

And thanks for your support for Operation Moogle and for joining the forum! We're a chilled bunch of folks! B)

#12447 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 05 July 2011 - 10:02 AM in General Gaming

Okay, Feld0, I'm ready to start the Petition Thread and Poll. So, I just have to start it as another thread and you'll give that thread a dedicated spot, right?

#12163 "Operation Moogle"

Posted by MacroManJr on 03 July 2011 - 06:53 PM in General Gaming

Our names aren't Goomba and Yoshi - they're The One Who Wrote This and Feld0. B) You were looking at the forum ranks, not the usernames.

What I was thinking was that this thread would serve as the discussion thread for the whole project, and a separate thread (with the poll on it) could be used to collect signatures for the petition. The number of replies to the latter thread would be the number of signatures.

If you want to do that, feel free to create that petition thread anytime, and I'll sticky it.

FYI, by a "dedicated section," I meant a forum category for Operation Moogle (like the ones we have for the Wii U, General Gaming, Forum Games, and so on). I'll consider creating one if this campaign takes off.

By the way, as promised, here's your shoutout on Wii U Go. :D

You know what?  I hashed those out so quickly, I didn't even pay any notice to that!  Sorry about that!  Wasn't paying attention.  I'm going to blame it on sleep deprivation (been up for over a whole day now).  Hahaha!  But I DO you guys from the other sites, though.  Guess I just grabbed the first names I saw.

And yes, I want to do that idea you suggested.  That was the idea I was trying to describe there, about keeping this one a discussion thread and having another thread exclusively for the petitioning replies.  I'll start that thread, post my signature, and somehow include a note that that thread is for replies for the petition only.  I'll also make that poll for the games.

Thank you for the shoutout!  That will help!  Now, I've got to whip up that thread and poll!


Hey, be sure to let me know when the link is out, you know, you got me hyped already xD
it's in my Signature now!

I made a Youtube channel for Operation Moogle, if anyone wants to consider
it as the official channel, please let me know.

Good on ya, Blade!  We can so use that!  Good thinking!  I'll put that link in with the Operation Moogle info for sure!  Now we can add YouTube video to our arsenal!  Now, for a video...any ideas?  I can contribute to making a little video (I've got video-editing software and image-editing software I can chip in with).  Anybody else, feel free to chip in!

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