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There have been 21 items by TokyoKid (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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#182186 Favorite Youtubers

Posted by TokyoKid on 13 March 2013 - 05:50 AM in The Café

SimonandMartina !


Love their Kpop reviews.

#187261 How to Record Game Audio and Video from TV

Posted by TokyoKid on 28 March 2013 - 07:35 AM in The Café

Basically exactly what the Title says. I'm doing a project and would love some video to work with! 


Any and all ideas are accepted



#181876 is it true the wii u will be destroyed by ps4?

Posted by TokyoKid on 12 March 2013 - 05:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Really all about the power? Who cares. It's the games that make the huge point. It doesn't matter how fast, or beautiful your game looks, those only remain a certain quality. Its about how you play the game and the puzzles within that, that keep you thinking. Power and Graphical Capability is only a plus.

#181883 Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon (Nintendo 3DS) $29.99, Free Shipping @ Newegg

Posted by TokyoKid on 12 March 2013 - 05:58 AM in General Gaming

Got it from Mynintendonews! Thanks for this post too! 

#203810 Mario Kart U: Who should be in

Posted by TokyoKid on 04 May 2013 - 07:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Princess Roaslina! :D She's been an amazing insert in the games! Hopefully she'll stay! Her and Shy Guy :D

#181339 Mario Party Wii U Wishlist

Posted by TokyoKid on 10 March 2013 - 01:36 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I would love a Mario Party 10! I just really would want HUDSON to create it as with the previous ones. (Not 9)


Since its their 10th game I think some speical things should happen, maybe do a collectors version? Include a Poster, Reversable Cover, Maybe a figurine of some kind? A little medal?

I don't know, I just think when a game has some kind of bonus with it, it just makes it all that much more special. Like how Last Story in the US had that little box to go with it. That was awesome!

And again its their 10th Game! :D It's amazing haha.


What I think should be included:


• All Playabel Characters in the past Series.

• New characters Added! Rosaline*, Metal Mario*, again anything would do, maybe 2-3 new ones?

• 5-7 New Boards

• Now this one might not be possible. But I really would love to see all previous 71 Game Boards revived in the glorious Wii U Graphics. (I know it sounds like a lot. But maybe just 2-3 of their most populor boards of each game brought back?)

• Switchable options between MP 9 style and Regular MP Style for obtaining stars. Or Just go back to normal style.

• Another probably impossible task. But All the minigames! Bring those back too. Obviously not the ones with the Mic for Ds and such.

• ONLINE OPTION Wii U is now totally online with MiiVerse and etc. Bring it on! Random Wifi Minigame battles, Party Play, you name it! Also why not full on screen camera of whos playing? Also talking why not? We should all have gamepad.

•Some of the other Mini Stuff to do. Ex. ( Bring Back The battle mode MP5, the board game, Volley Ball, Basketball, Tetris, etc.) 


It may seem like a little rant. But I don't know. I just got my entire MP games altogether and miss playing them.

But who knows Nintendo has been acting strange latly. I should just be happy we got Pandoras Tower :P. Even if it is delayed.

#182531 Nintendo Land 2

Posted by TokyoKid on 14 March 2013 - 05:36 AM in Wii U Game Reviews

If they made starfox and pokemon like Animal Crossing, it would be boring. Nintendo Land would be named Chase Land.

Well not exactly like them, but In my opinion I had a way more fun with those multi-player attractions than I ever did with Zelda, Pikmin, or Metroid. I felt like those weren't the best that they could of been. Link didn't fit well with an on rail type game play.

#181873 Nintendo Land 2

Posted by TokyoKid on 12 March 2013 - 05:43 AM in Wii U Game Reviews

There was several Nintendo Attractions missing from the first game!






Star Fox

Kid Icarus


Sub Main


Chibi Robo



For Pokemon it should be some cute addicting minigame just like Animal Crossing! That one is the best right next to the other co op minigames!

Kirby could be one player.

StarFox do the same thing as Pokemon

Kid Icarus one player. 


I don't know, theres just some thoughts.

#182364 Pandora's Tower Wii [NTSC]

Posted by TokyoKid on 13 March 2013 - 01:54 PM in General Gaming

Does anyone know the exact release date yet? It was March 26th, and now its pushed back for April 21st and on...
XSEED already said that there probably won't be a LE bundle things like the Lucky Europeans got :P.

But if anything it could be first print copies like Last Story for America which was pretty cool!

Since it's getting delayed again.. any ideas?

#182538 Pandora's Tower Wii [NTSC]

Posted by TokyoKid on 14 March 2013 - 05:49 AM in General Gaming

We got this ages ago, I had no idea you guys never did.

Really? Did Australia have any special pre order bonus? And Hah of course we didn't NoA has been a little dumb the past few years.

I wish they would make another shipment of Xenoblade:Chronicles , it's almost impossible to find it where i live.

I wish they would just make the next shipment for Wii U. I would love an HD remake for it. And where are you from then? There were rumors of it being remade again but none else was said.

#182366 Pikachu 3DS XL/LL Coming?

Posted by TokyoKid on 13 March 2013 - 01:57 PM in General Gaming

I feel the same way! I would even really wait for Christmas for this. They would gain so much money for Christmas. But knowing them I could see them release soon or summer - august time.

I would really like to upgrade to this Pikachu 3dsXl but I just don't have the cash for it. I'm hoping they release it a couple months from now when I do have the money for it.

#181882 Pikachu 3DS XL/LL Coming?

Posted by TokyoKid on 12 March 2013 - 05:56 AM in General Gaming

During the new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Commercial the black guy was using the Pikachu 3DS XL/LL! :D It's Amazing!

Hopefully America will be able to get one soon! I already have my zelda 3ds and would love a Pikachu 3DS XL! 

I was hoping for the Charizard one but that was for a lottery prize in Japan for Pokemon Centers. So I doubt we'll get that one.

#182185 Pikachu 3DS XL/LL Coming?

Posted by TokyoKid on 13 March 2013 - 05:43 AM in General Gaming

I'm not saying it's been annouced, or anything like that. But its very likely or why else would they have it in a commercial? For America *

#183569 Pre Order Bonus Question

Posted by TokyoKid on 17 March 2013 - 07:14 AM in General Gaming

Hey There,

So I'm a huge video game collector. But I constantly get ticked off when other countries get an amazing Pre Order Bonus. And America always gets some lousy ones when they could of gotton some awesome ones!

(For Example: Xenoblade: controllor, posters, cool box,  Luigis Mansion 2: Boo Stress Ball, Pandoras Tower: cool box, Steel artbook. etc) Now I know America doesn't always get left out. For instance I love my Phathead of Paper Mario! That I got with Sticker Star, That was amazing!

So call me out on it now. I don't really care. But heres my insane idea:


I'm going to use this example: I bought Paper Mario Sticker Star that I pre ordered at Gamestop. I also got a phathead with it. Now once I buy the game. That Phathead is mine. I own it. So I could come back the next day or so and return the game(unopened and etc.) Wouldn't I get my money back They won't ask for the bonus back? And I'd still keep my pre order bonus.


Now Game.co.uk still has the Collectors Edition of Xenoblade in stock for 100 Euros. Now I did check that they do ship over seas. So now if I bought that bundle. And return my game unopened and etc. And just pay for my shipping back and forth would I still be able to keep that cool box and etc. I've tried to look under their polices and stuff. But haven't found anything of the sort. And I don't really want to use 100 euros and not have it work xD. Anyways its just a thought, so please keep your rude comments to yourself.



#187262 Should I send in my Wii U for repair?

Posted by TokyoKid on 28 March 2013 - 07:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

It seems like you would just need to update your console. Not sure. That's a strange problem.

#181560 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by TokyoKid on 11 March 2013 - 05:14 AM in Wii U Games and Software

As long as we get these Characters I think we'd be good:


Toon Zelda, who can change into Tetra.

Skyward Sword Link/Twilight Link. Maybe just a change costumes?

*Shulk is a must from Xenoblade no doubt

*Zael from the Last Story is also a must!

Aeron would be iffy, as that wasn't as popular as the other ones (Pandoras Tower)

Paper Mario would be kinda cool, not necessary. 

Something of Animal Crossing would just have to come in! 

*Rosalina is another must!


I don't really care for third party content. But if I'd have to choose, in my opinion:


Capcom: Chris/Jill from Resident Evil

Konami: Gabriel Belmont from CastleVania LoS

Sega: Sonic or maybe AiAi from Super Monkey Ball

Hudson: BomberMan! :D


Anyway its just all a thought. 

Online would also need fixing! Haha.

#184828 Video Game Video Project

Posted by TokyoKid on 21 March 2013 - 05:05 AM in The Café

So my next assignment in my digital media class is to make a video project with special effects.

I've already done a Mortal Kombat one and made costumes for SubZero and Scorpion.

So me and my friend were fighting each other, I had the fake blood and everything. 


I'm having trouble thinking, so I thought I'd post here, and see if theres any good ideas to do?

Anything is welcome.



Ideas so far:

Pokemon Battle, 

Something from Zelda

Something with Zombies like R:E

#181878 what can Nintendo do to win EA back

Posted by TokyoKid on 12 March 2013 - 05:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

Well whatever Nintendo do, I hope they don't sell their soul.


Haha I can't see them doing just that. Thats what makes them unique.

#183574 What is your favorite gaming system?

Posted by TokyoKid on 17 March 2013 - 07:26 AM in General Gaming

Mine would have to be the GameCube! I had so many memories playing Animal Crossing with all my family, from Christmas Parties, to Thanksgiving, we brought the Gamecube Everywhere! Also the unforgettable Wind Waker :D. the 4 Mario Party Titles, and I was also in a competition for Melee when I was 7. Oh The Memories.

#186406 Wii U Trophy/Achievement Petition

Posted by TokyoKid on 26 March 2013 - 07:36 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Thanks for the Link! Going to sign now.


Wait nevermind its blocked at school. :P

#182543 Your favorite video game character?

Posted by TokyoKid on 14 March 2013 - 05:58 AM in General Gaming

Mine would have to be Young Link! Shulk, Zael, Animal Crossing Character, and Pikachu. Haha ( Top 5 )

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