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#188714 Wii U can it wait

Posted by JoshuaCoulter123 on 31 March 2013 - 06:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

First question is how long would you wait tell you get the Wii U system?


Second question what package would you get? Wii U Basic Edition or Wii U Deluxe Edition?


Third question Would you get the Wii U Deluxe Edition or Wii U ZombiU Edition?


Here is my answer for these three questions first one a year or two because for Nintendo to improve


Second answer Neither one because of the extra $40 bucks for ZombiU game that's a deal


Third answer I might chunk out the extra money for Wii U ZombiU Edition


And please check out my youtube.com channel at youtube.com/user/JoshuaCoulter123

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