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There have been 5 items by Rockodoodle (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#318091 Nintendo NX reveal at 10AM EST.

Posted by Rockodoodle on 08 February 2017 - 07:44 AM in General Gaming

Looks like they are going to have supply problems, so doubtful i will get this at launch.  But I will try to get it as soon as I can.  I think this time around, I will be a lot more selective in my game purchases, seeing how many unplayed games that I have on the Wii U.

#318104 How good is Zelda?

Posted by Rockodoodle on 13 April 2017 - 11:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This site is so dead, even the admins left us lol. We should all go somewhere else...



Sad.....It pretty much died two years ago, when the "NX" was announced.  Activity really dropped off after that- and for that last year, there really hasn't been much at all.  Granted, there hasn't been much to talk about RE: the Wii U since Xenoblade.  Star Fox was meh.  Paper Mario better than I thought but by then, nobody cared about the Wii U.


Only other place to go is NintendoLife, IMO.

#317997 After Star Fox and Zelda... Anything else?

Posted by Rockodoodle on 19 April 2016 - 06:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software

While I will play my Wii U for many more years... I'm about done


I bought my Wii U nearly three years ago to the day.  For the most part it has been a great experience.  Very satisfied with the purchase.  Barring some pleasant surprises at E3 or in the fall, I don't see myself getting much more.  


Always up for Mario Kart and Smash.  Still have a ton of games to finish. In fact, if the NX did launch this year, I doubt I'd get it at release b/c I have too many games to play as is.  

#318000 After Star Fox and Zelda... Anything else?

Posted by Rockodoodle on 19 April 2016 - 11:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah, kind sad....  I remember when it used to be pretty active and everybody was all fired up about things.....I think last year's E3 killed a lot of that.  the Wii U might not be dead, but it's certainly on life support.  To be fair, I have enough games on the system to last me another three years.  Several that I haven't even opened- first Bayo, TP, Xenoblade... several that I have a lot left to play- that would be pretty much every major release.  And there are a few indies that I still want to get both released and to be released.  

#318050 After Star Fox and Zelda... Anything else?

Posted by Rockodoodle on 27 May 2016 - 02:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

i bought star fox day one. haven't played it yet. as cool as i thought innovative gamepad use would be, i like games that i can play w out TV. for other reasons, mainly time, also have not played xenoblade.

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