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There have been 7 items by Sixxon (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#13154 SSB4 Final Smash IDEA just for fun

Posted by Sixxon on 08 July 2011 - 11:52 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Come on guys? What do you think of my Sonic Smashes? I haven't got any feedback yet! There on page one or 2 I think.
Final Smash One: Tail Whip
You remember Marth's old one? It's like that, except you get hit by a tail, not a sword.

Final Smash Two: Sonic Heroes
Same thing as the one I put for my Sonic Smash List, except tails goes first.

Final Smash Three:Super Tails
Same as Super Sonic. 10% of the time the flickies from sonic 3 come to help him by hitting enemies.

#12277 The Legendary Nintendo weapons

Posted by Sixxon on 04 July 2011 - 12:02 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games


#11874 The Legendary Nintendo weapons

Posted by Sixxon on 02 July 2011 - 10:37 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

This is a RP, where we are in a gigantic arena, with all the villans of Nintendo trying to kill us. Well, that's pretty much it.
Your character has a legendary weapon of Nintendo, and is ready to fight.

Your weapon must be a accessory of a nintendo system: Ex. A stylus cannon.

Nintendo accessories that you can turn into weapons:
Famicon 3D glasses
3DS Stylus
Wii U controller
Wii remote
Wii Zapper
Hyperkin +
Nyko Power Pak +
Gamecube charger
NES Power Glove

You can use any of these accessories to create your own weapon, for example, Sixxon uses dual stylus swords.

You may not have the same weapon as someone else, but you may have the same accsessory to make it.

Sixxon: Weapon: Stylus Sword

#7890 SSB4 Final Smash IDEA just for fun

Posted by Sixxon on 16 June 2011 - 06:31 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Final Smash One:Sonic Boom
Sonic turns into his spin form, and and dashes everywhere on the stage, and anyone who gets hit is screwed.
Final Smash Two:Sonic Heroes
Sonic goes to the top of the screen, and does a giant spin dash across the stage, then disappears, and Tails shoots a beam across the stage, then Knuckles comes and does a dig across the stage.
Final Smash Three:Super Sonic
Sonic turns into Super Sonic. 10% of the time he goes Hyper, and he can shoot a giant beam in Hyper form.

I think that would be awesome.


Posted by Sixxon on 14 June 2011 - 04:40 PM in The Café

Theme Riot
Ok. I'm bored. I want to make a thread. About theme songs.
Here's what you do. When you post here, you either:
Post your theme song
Ask me to pick one according to you or your fan characters personality

Kay? And, now, I bring you, the theme of Dragon The Hedgehog, Waking up.

Why did I pick it? For those of you who know his backstory, it describes almost EXACTLY what happened when dragon escaped from the egg rock. Awesome.

#5144 Sixxon is back, baby!

Posted by Sixxon on 13 June 2011 - 07:56 PM in Introduction Central

Thanks! Some signature you have there...Lol.

#5112 Sixxon is back, baby!

Posted by Sixxon on 13 June 2011 - 07:34 PM in Introduction Central

Yeah, I am. Some of you guys know me from the 3DS forums. Well, hi again!

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