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There have been 2 items by qaradox (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#216608 New kid on the block

Posted by qaradox on 06 June 2013 - 10:40 AM in Introduction Central

Thanks :)

#216555 New kid on the block

Posted by qaradox on 06 June 2013 - 08:12 AM in Introduction Central

Hey everyone! I'm not really sure what to say right here but I'm sure I'll think of something off the top of my head. I guess I could start with why I chose to join this fourm. I have a few reasons one being that I don't really have any friends at all on WiiU. Most of my friends play other consoles and PC. At the moment the only console I have is a WiiU so I should probably gain some friends on here xD. Another reason is that I haven't been apart of a fourm in the longest time and I think it would be nice to get involed in a community again. But enough about that.. My current games are Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (One of the main reasons I got a WiiU), ZombiU and Nintendo Land. I plan to get a lot more games in the future. Another thing I do is post gameplay videos of WiiU games on my youtube channel. I've been part of youtube ever since 2005 but never really posted Nintendo content. If anyone that sees this wants to check out my channel it would be greatly appreciated :D. At the moment I'm working on a ZombiU playthrough while posting random Monster Hunter videos until I get more games. Anyways that's pretty much it. I'm sorry if most of this was really random but I'm not very good at writing :P.

Feel free to send me a friend request
NintendoID: qaradox

My youtube if you want to check it out




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