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There have been 4 items by KHIIIforWiiU (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#226233 Kingdom Hearts III for Wii U, yeah I know I'm late on this.

Posted by KHIIIforWiiU on 25 June 2013 - 10:37 PM in General Gaming

You'd need at least 100,000 to even get Square Enix's attention.

Well thats why I have + symbol and also the reason I say 3000+ is because Square Enix in total, from The Americas, Europe and Asia have about three thousand something employees, maybe a little bit more.

#226222 Kingdom Hearts III for Wii U, yeah I know I'm late on this.

Posted by KHIIIforWiiU on 25 June 2013 - 10:20 PM in General Gaming

A goal of 200 supporters? Even if this petition would work a mere 200 wouldn't make them blink a eye. Sadly their excuse is oh the Wii U can't support that. I think I read somewhere that they sorta do want to put it on the Wii U. I hope they do, I don't care if its even a year later than the others. 
But with the current status, looks like I might get a PS4, even though I 'hate' their controller/ui/everything.


200 signatures is too little to ask for, plus there's another petition asking for 50,000 signatures. Which seems much more plausible in my eyes.

The Goal isn't 200, every time the petition reaches its goal the bar turns green, but as long as I don't close the petition and people continue signing it, the petition extends another 100. Well thats what I'm assuming since my "original goal" was 100 and people kept adding signatures it got extended to 200. My real goal is to get 3,000+.

#226160 Kingdom Hearts III for Wii U, yeah I know I'm late on this.

Posted by KHIIIforWiiU on 25 June 2013 - 07:48 PM in General Gaming

Well I did say it wouldn't hurt to try, plus I'm not really doing it for me, but for the KH fans who just stick to Nintendo consoles or feel like they can't afford another console besides a Wii U. Also I don't own a Wii U, but I will eventually own one and a PS4 to.

#226086 Kingdom Hearts III for Wii U, yeah I know I'm late on this.

Posted by KHIIIforWiiU on 25 June 2013 - 04:03 PM in General Gaming

Okay so let me start off by saying I personally don't mind buying a PS4 to play Kingdom Hearts III, but Wii U owners and Nintendo fans have been getting the short end of the stick lately from 3rd party developers (and there are arguments for that), but I still feel that the Wii U deserves its own version as much as the XB ONE and there is to consider the rich library of KH games that have been released on Nintendo. I support KH III going multi-platform, hey the more the merrier. So if your a Nintendo fan, Wii U owner, multi-platform supporter or just sympathizing with the Nintendo fans, and Wii U owners please add your signature to my petition and if possibly spread the word about this petition on twitter, facebook or any other social media site. It might be a long shot, but its worth a try. It wound't hurt to try either.

Thank you and have a nice morning, afternoon or evening.


I also have a twitter @KHIIIonWiiU and check out this fb page:


(If this violates anything in the forum rules, I apologize in advance).

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