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#233438 I need some positivity to curb my WiiU disappointment :(

Posted by vampyren on 20 July 2013 - 09:00 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Hello all, this is my first post and hopefully not preceived as very negative. I know i been really pissed at Nintendo specially during Wii time but i'm slowly finding the way to forgive them even if i think they could have done much more even this time around.

Also i should mention i buy all consoles usually but i did sell my Wii sense i did not get to many games for my taste and i just couldnt stand the low resolution when i had PS3/X360 with so so many great games.

I'm also realistic and dont expect all that many games from WiiU but i did buy it since its atleast HD and i wanted to play some of the games i had missed on Wii like Zelda and Metroid.

This time around i'm more true to the fact that i wont be getting that many games on the WiiU but rather a selected number of games i want to experience like pikmin, Zelda U, X , Watch dogs and maybe a few more. So the list above with tons of old ports and many cute games are not for me. I will also get PS4 so i can get all the "other" type of games i like.

So in my view WiiU is a complement to get the best from both worlds.

Could it be more powerfull? hell yeah but atleast the games now looks good on a LCD/LED tv's.

Lastly i actually think Nintendo did the right thing not to add an HD, this way you dont need to open the console but rather hook it up to a usb HD which is much better. The user have to learn to read from the box what is required. But Nintendo was to damn cheap to add USB3 so i have to use 2 usb ports to powerup my WD HD since newers drived use USB3 so that was a crappy decision really but anyway beside that i do like the WiiU and enjoy MH3 right now.

#233797 Great forum and hi everyone

Posted by vampyren on 21 July 2013 - 02:14 PM in Introduction Central

Thank you all for the warm welcome :)


Not sure if i should be sad or happy but i'm leaving for a 2 week vacation tomorrow (to spain) and i'm sure right the next day i will be missing my consoles and internet. I will bring along my Vita and maybe 3DS but still i love sitting in my own couch and play on a big screen.


O well its good to get away as well to enjoy the sun and relax my eyes ;D Also getting some extra point with the GF so she let me play more when we get back haha


See you all in 2-3 weeks time, enjoy the summer and thanks for the cookie, looks delicious mmmmm

#233515 Great forum and hi everyone

Posted by vampyren on 20 July 2013 - 01:26 PM in Introduction Central

Hello everyone,


I stumbled across this forum checking david's page at wiiu blog and i'm happy i did.

So to get back to the introduction :) my name is Reza and i'm from Sweden. I love video games

and ever since the 8-bits i have owned pretty much every single console and handheld that been out so it goes without saying i know a thing or two about video games and consoles which is my passion :)


I bought my WiiU not long ago and i'm now enjoying the MH3. I did sell my Wii a while back so i have missed playing the latest Zelda Skyward Sword, Metroid, Mario Galaxy 1&2 so i also bought them together with the WiiU and i'm set for a time to come with the catching up.

I'm also looking forward to the game "X" and a new Zelda U and metroid. Pikmini looks to be a great game as well. Also i have already booked Watch dogs for my WiiU even if i will get PS4 and also have Ps3. I like to support Nintendo and hopefully the game will also take advantage of the second screen.


O well that was a short presentation of me sorry if it got a bit to long or detailed, hope to talk to you all soon on the forum and enjoy some mature discussion. As you can see i'm passionate about games and consoles and hopefully so are you guys :)



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