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There have been 9 items by Sortvind (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#236209 Going from 1080p tv to 720p, can`t sync gamepad?

Posted by Sortvind on 31 July 2013 - 12:13 PM in Wii U Hardware Help

bring over your gamepad.


would right now if i lived closer :/

#236195 Going from 1080p tv to 720p, can`t sync gamepad?

Posted by Sortvind on 31 July 2013 - 10:58 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

So im trying to help out a friend of mine, but i am stuck.


he had his wii u over at my place, and used my gamepad to play.


the resolution was changed to 1080p, but when he came back to his place, it was black screen because the wii u could not output it on his tv (720p tv) .


he can`t change the display options through the home button because he can`t get his controller to sync.


since the screen is black, it wont show the symbols...



any help would be appreciated :)

#233562 Wii U's Biggest Problem [Not a Hate Thread]

Posted by Sortvind on 20 July 2013 - 04:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Im glad it took so long, since price has dropped 30% since launch :)

#233556 Earthbound for Wii U releasing today

Posted by Sortvind on 20 July 2013 - 04:13 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I never bought a VC game before.


is there any added benefit ( graphics, sound e.t.c )?


if not, the price seems a bit steep.


THIS. 9,99€ is more expensive than $10. And the worse is they do this with every title. I pay almost $100 for a game on release day just because someone thinks 60€ is the same as $60.

I'm sorry for the double post but I'm highly considering getting this one, despite the price. Never played the original but I feel as a RPG fan I'm missing out on a classic. But I have a few concerns before I go in... First, for those of you who already bought it, what's the filesize once it's installed? And eShop purchases on the Wii U, do they stay "bound" to my account or is the license exclusively for the console I buy it on?


The way most people do it is that they have to ask nintendo to transfer purchases to a new consol if the previous is stolen, sold, broken e.t.c

based on what i know its tied to your account, but the account can only be tied to one consol, therefor the process of asking them.

#233554 Just Saw Wind Waker HD In Person!

Posted by Sortvind on 20 July 2013 - 04:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This will be amazing.


Its a good thing its constant 30fps and not 60.


not something i usually say, but it allows for full hd and a nice amount of bloom.



#233468 Wii U disc drive noise? ( Louder than my Ps3 )

Posted by Sortvind on 20 July 2013 - 11:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't know if it will help or not, but trying setting it vertically if you have the accessory stand. Or you can try blowing out the dust and make sure you have a bit of space for it to breathe. If it comes down to it, send it in to Nintendo to fix.



tried both..seems i might have to return it :/

#233461 Wii U disc drive noise? ( Louder than my Ps3 )

Posted by Sortvind on 20 July 2013 - 11:02 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hmm definitely not normal. Mine's a black one and never did any noise like that. How long have you had yours for? Is it in a well ventilated place? Does it heat up a lot?


seems the black wii u machines dont encounter this issue, not based on what i heared so far.


one day old, no overheating, stays cool.

#233458 Wii U disc drive noise? ( Louder than my Ps3 )

Posted by Sortvind on 20 July 2013 - 10:43 AM in Wii U Hardware

How are we supposed to tell you if it's normal when the video is private? 

i thought it was public when i linked direct to it, will fix! sorry.


Edit: Fixed now

#233449 Wii U disc drive noise? ( Louder than my Ps3 )

Posted by Sortvind on 20 July 2013 - 09:36 AM in Wii U Hardware

I asked about this on nintendolife, but i thought i could get some input from you guys to.

i recently bought a wii u that i found to loud, it was louder than the sound on my tv, even when i bumped it up!



video off it ( might have to turn up a bit, bad phone to capture sound with )


its loud sound even from the distance at the end of the video.


is this normal?


my friends is so quiet, i find it weird that the white should make more sound than the black.


(the sound is constant throught playing or in the wii menu )



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