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#245432 Chargers

Posted by jevs on 11 September 2013 - 04:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

I got some induction charged batteries about 3 years ago and they still work great.

Which ones? Which Charger?


Energizer has one, but it has a lot of bad reviews on their site, Amazon, and elsewhere. There is also a Memorex one. Same with that...a lot of bad reviews along with some good ones.

#245313 Chargers

Posted by jevs on 10 September 2013 - 12:48 PM in Wii U Hardware

I have wasted a lot of time looking for a Wii remote charger that works with the cover on. So, far they all have as many good as bad reviews and I can't find anything I want to order. Too many complaints about all of them.


I am half tempted to cancel my preorder of the Zelda Wii-U system just because I am annoyed by the lack of a good rechargeable battery system. I just got rid of my Wii which I was using the Nyko stand up chargers. They worked good for years, the problem is none of those will take a remote with the cover on (I am getting the new plus controllers).


I don't want to remove covers and take off battery covers etc, all the time for the kids. Its a hassle. I am definitely not buying Alkalines.


Unless someone can suggest a good inductive charger setup or other setup, I may just forget it and hope the Xbox One Kinect picks up small kids better. I personally could do without the Wii-U stuff, but the kids can play it easy. Of course the main remote they forced on us with the gimmick screen will have to be hidden from the kids. They will break it. So far the normal Wii remotes held up great.


Anyway.....what charger setup? Need to keep 4 remotes charged. I will not remove the rubber cover and I will not replace regular batteries. Why can't Nintendo offer a charge cord and battery pack or something like the other systems do, or a charge cradle that fits what they sell. Do they own an Alkaline battery factory?





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