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There have been 74 items by Sachmach29 (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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#248809 Here is Nintendo on iOS!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 30 September 2013 - 12:35 PM in General Gaming

Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, SNES and more on ios :) It's not a virus I have a pic of GBA4iOS on my device that I'll try to post :)

Hi I guess I can't post it :(

#248851 I'm new!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 30 September 2013 - 02:57 PM in Introduction Central

Thanks and I also had a GBA, DS Lite, DSi, and Wii. Now I have an emulator for GBA on my iPod which satisfies my retro needs.

#248799 I'm new!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 30 September 2013 - 11:37 AM in Introduction Central

Hey guys I got a Wii U for last Christmas and I have Scribblenauts Unlimited, New Super Mario Bros. U, Sonic racing transformed, Nintendo Land (from my deluxe bundle), and Wind Waker HD. I'm also a retro game freak so I have a ton of VC crap. My nintendo network is Sachmach29 but I 'm currently banned from Miiverse because of those stupid mods.
I also have a launch day 3DS with a ton of games and a whole lot of VC including the 20 ambassador games. I'm feeling to lazy to look at my 3DS friend code right now so I'll post it later.

#248820 I'm new!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 30 September 2013 - 01:03 PM in Introduction Central

I will if my grandfather will get out of my FRICKIN basement!

#248969 Smash Bros Pic of the Day

Posted by Sachmach29 on 01 October 2013 - 02:31 AM in General Gaming

Lol why'd you get banned?

Said stuff about emulators for iOS.

#248824 Smash Bros Pic of the Day

Posted by Sachmach29 on 30 September 2013 - 01:06 PM in General Gaming

Same, sad I can't see these pics on my iPod every morning on miiverse after I got banned for who knows how long?

#248802 What games do you plan to get?

Posted by Sachmach29 on 30 September 2013 - 11:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Hey guys so I personally was looking forward to a lot of games like:
• Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U
• The Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds
• Super Mario 3D World
• Mario Party: Island Tour
I was wondering what games you guys planned to get too?

And Mario Kart 8

#249998 What forum rank are you?

Posted by Sachmach29 on 06 October 2013 - 12:35 PM in Introduction Central

Supreme overlord.

K Smith (what the hell is that!) and that I mean it says u are Smith

Isn't this in the wrong area? Seems like this would be more suited for cafe or something.

Lies, you're at rank "Smith"!

Sorry didn't even know where to post it and what the cafe is. What is it?

#249987 What forum rank are you?

Posted by Sachmach29 on 06 October 2013 - 12:17 PM in Introduction Central

I'm Shy Guy. To check go to your profile and it should say something. Is this good considering I joined September 30th?

#251192 Gamexplain talks about Super Mario 3D World for 39 minutes

Posted by Sachmach29 on 13 October 2013 - 05:57 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Game is awesome.

But, that voice really gets annoying.

Had hoped to never hear it again after the Mario Kart 8 demo...

The one with the commentary like NASCAR? Only watched 2 minutes until it got me pissed.

#249730 Miiverse Ban Question!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 05 October 2013 - 02:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

That's not it. Emulators, in Nintendo's eyes, are illegal. So, they didn't like you talking on how to circumvent buying their games... even if they aren't sold anymore. (i.e. Don't talk about piracy on there. Not the right place.)

Yea I realized that and it is a two week ban guyyyys!

#248826 Miiverse Ban Question!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 30 September 2013 - 01:08 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So I got banned on miiverse and I wanted to know how to find out how long I'm banned. Can anyone please help?

#248850 Miiverse Ban Question!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 30 September 2013 - 02:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Said stuff about some emulators for ios. Saw one get deleted and 30 mins later in banned :( hope it's not forever. Thanks for the replies everyone ;)

Read the article and it might be because advertising for the website that has the emulators oh well. Just upset I can't brag about having Wind Waker HD early from the eShop. By the time it's over everyone will have it :|. Here is the advertising thing:


This includes any post containing commercial or marketing content, as well as any attempts to sway public opinion for the purpose of financial gain.

#249771 Miiverse Ban Question!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 05 October 2013 - 08:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Not sure if it will work but you should be able to creat a new user account with a different nnid to switch to until your ban is up. Not sure if it works but I made one just in case.

It actually almost done cause I couldn't figure out when until around now so doesn't matter!

#249921 News feed

Posted by Sachmach29 on 06 October 2013 - 03:03 AM in Wii U Hardware

yes its true . wii u is much easier to code for i even found out that when a most 3rd parties make games they begin by wii

EA doesn't hate Wii U !

i researched the internet and contacted EA and found out that the real reason behind EA bad support is online.

Ea indicated that they need more access to Nintendo network to establish Origin service.

( Wii U is  almost capable of ignite)

on paper yes Wii U is almost  capable of running ignite and as we know its fully capable of running  forsbite 3

this was gaming news for this week by Mahmood Ahmed Basheer.

What. I heard this a long time ago. Go to school and learn some grammar, boy!

#251254 Dream Game: Nintendo Universe

Posted by Sachmach29 on 13 October 2013 - 02:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

wonderful 101 was supposed to be something like this..... ;-;

I had read that in an article and almost ripped my hair out after I learned they scrapped it. I was ready to fork over a lot of money for that.

I predicted a super mario universe but never thought of typing it up because when you type up a story for a game you came up with it sounds like a five year olds imagination lol, I like the idea, it's just nintendo will never make it.

Yea I'm just saying how awesome it would be even though it would be practically impossible! Super Mario Universe would be like Galaxy 3 not like Nintendo Universe. They also predicted Super Smash Bros. Universe but I never saw the gameplay concept!

#251289 Dream Game: Nintendo Universe

Posted by Sachmach29 on 14 October 2013 - 02:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

[quote name="YoshiWiiUGamer9" post="251263" timestamp="1381707189"
My idea for super mario universe is MUCH bigger than that.[/quote]

I'm just saying how Nintendo would treat it!

#251201 Dream Game: Nintendo Universe

Posted by Sachmach29 on 13 October 2013 - 07:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

So I posted this in the IP thread but I feel like it needs it's own thread it is Nintendo Universe: I want Nintendo Universe. It is like Super Smash Bros and Mario Galaxy combined. It starts off with Mario traveling to Hyrule by taking a portal and it gets combined into LoZ gameplay and Mario gameplay. When he meets Link they team up because Ganon, Vaati, and Bowser have teamed up! Then they follow a trail around the Nintendo Universe teaming them up with Kirby, Pit, Pikachu, Samus, Ice Climbers, Fox and everyone else because all of their last bosses/villains teamed up too. This would be 3D like Mario Galaxy have more exploration than the biggest Hyrule and end in a epic final face off with every Nintendo Hero against every Nintendo Villian. They would each get transported to different world throught the battle working together to saw their land, princesses, and the Universe. It would have like have the roster on 3DS and another half on Wii U and they would be linked for the final battle, switching between each console for a certain part of it. Nintendo would sell millions of both consoles with this awesome game. Nintendo Universe equals awesome. Each of the gameplay from each game would be featured! Every Nintendo fanboys dream...
Reply with thoughts for a dream Nintendo Game.

#251213 Dream Game: Nintendo Universe

Posted by Sachmach29 on 13 October 2013 - 08:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Sounds like a 3D version of subspace emissary

Sorta but you have more than that gameplay. You have LoZ gameplay, Kirby gameplay, Metroid, Mario and more!

#252526 How awesome the Swift Sail is! And how to get it!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 21 October 2013 - 02:19 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Btw the "Elvis" guy's name is Tott.

How do u know that lol

#252637 How awesome the Swift Sail is! And how to get it!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 22 October 2013 - 01:43 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I first found out when I got his figurine made, check out this link too: http://www.zeldadungeon.net/wiki/Tott

Tott is a stupid name. Call him Elvis.

#251819 How awesome the Swift Sail is! And how to get it!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 17 October 2013 - 11:20 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Haha I remember getting so frustrated with this a few weeks ago because it took FOREVER to get the swift sail to come up as the auction

Felt like I was playing Animal Crossing for some reason.

#251194 How awesome the Swift Sail is! And how to get it!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 13 October 2013 - 06:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

So I got the swift sail and let me say it is fantastic! You sail so fast and don't have to play the stupid Wind's Requiem to change direction! I never played to original Wind Waler but when I was reading articles about Wind Waker I saw people hating a ton about how slow it was to sail. So I decided to tell people how to get it!
You have to go to Windfall Island at night and if it is not night than you can show Elvis on the top of the hill your Wind Waker and he will teach you the Song of Passing that turns day into night and night into day. You have to go the Auction House and start an auction. When the guy tells you what the item is that he is selling you can quit if it is not the swift sail. Exit and reenter a few times then eventually the swift sail should show up. When it does just auction for it and get it!

Tell me if I was helpful and if you got it!

So anyone get it yet?

#251257 How awesome the Swift Sail is! And how to get it!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 13 October 2013 - 01:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

First I heard of it. I had just ignored that weird Abba guy.

Did too but actually (wait for it) looked on IGN for how to get the Swift Sail and it told me about it! Can't resist cheating sometimes!

#251214 How awesome the Swift Sail is! And how to get it!

Posted by Sachmach29 on 13 October 2013 - 08:34 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Song of passing?

What about it?

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