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#249843 Wii -U purchased in the USA - to be used overseas

Posted by nannybananny on 05 October 2013 - 03:59 PM in Wii U Hardware Help

We have a Wii- U purchased in the US and suddenly we need to move to Asia.


Now I understand the Wii-U is region locked code locked, but we do have a multisystem TV, a Transformer to convert the electricity to 220v, US credit cards, a US home address.


I have NO intention of buying the games in Asia, they are much cheaper in the US, well at least the used old regular Wii games and we will always have a base in the US  even though we will keep moving.


Nintendo refuses to answer my question.


So why cant I use it in Asia. Does it mean whenever we move we must buy a new Wii - doesnt make sense. Is there any way around it ? Nintendo said that it is "possible but they are not sure" that when downloading software updates, the system auto selects the local country region codes.


Has anybody tried using the Wii-U overseas ? 



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