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There have been 8 items by PapiDimmi (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#263860 Hi Random People!

Posted by PapiDimmi on 28 December 2013 - 11:31 PM in Introduction Central

Hi x3

#263859 Skylanders without TV?

Posted by PapiDimmi on 28 December 2013 - 11:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Skylanders is for 3DS/2DS too.

#263713 I need help with Scrribblenauts Unlimited!

Posted by PapiDimmi on 27 December 2013 - 07:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't have the Wii U version on account of it being delayed about a year, but on PC, you can create your own invention in the creator tool, and I'd imagine that's the same on Wii U, on PC we have Steam Workshop to get other people's inventions, on Wii U there's probably QR codes or something like that.

I know. On Wii U you can create objects in the Object Editor and put them at your shop in Punctuation Plaza while also downloading others' objects, but still, that was NOT what I was asking for.

I was asking for why I cannot create memes! I've seen others create meme objects like Nyan Cat, Keyboard Cat, lolwut, etc. but I'm unable to spawn them.

#263706 I need help with Scrribblenauts Unlimited!

Posted by PapiDimmi on 27 December 2013 - 05:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I just recently bought a Wii U Deluxe a few weeks ago, and I also just recently got Scribblenauts Unlimited (for Wii U) for Christmas, along with 4 other Wii U games too (Super Mario 3D World, New Super Mario Bros. U, New Super Luigi U, and Rayman Legends), but I have a problem!

I see that a lot of people create memes like Nyan Cat, Ceiling Cat, Keyboard Cat, Lolwut, etc. on Scribblenauts Unlimited, but when I try it, it just gives me word reccomendations because it doesn't exist. I can perfectly type in Nintendo stuff like coin, star, Mario, Yoshi, Link, Zelda, Peach, Master sword, etc., but I cannot type in memes. It's really annoying, because I want to ride Nyan Cat and stuff xP

Why can't I spawn memes? I know that Nintendo characters in Scribblenauts Unlimited are only available on the Wii U, so is memes like only available on the PC or 3DS version?

Please help!

By the way, I'm sorry if this is the incorrect forums. I haven't been here in a while, and I'm not sure if it exists a question forum, or if it's even allowed to ask questions on this website (I know you're allowed to do that now). If I did something wrong, I'm very, very sorry, but I doubt that I did. Please answer my question, it's really bugging me.

#253745 Hi guys!

Posted by PapiDimmi on 30 October 2013 - 05:15 AM in Introduction Central

I forgot to add that I'm really looking forward to Super Smash Bros for Wii U. I have a 3DS, but I rather want it for my Wii U... I don't have a Wii U yet, as said, but I'm gonna buy/get one :)

I also added my list of what concoles I own/owned/want.

Anyway, thanks for welcoming me, guys :)

#253587 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by PapiDimmi on 29 October 2013 - 01:55 PM in General Gaming

I have:
1 PlayStation 3
1 Xbox
1 Nintendo 3DS
1 Nintendo DS (broken)
1 Nintendo DSi XL
1 PSP (broken)
1 Sega
1 iPad Mini (if that's counts as a gaming console, I mean... you CAN play games on it, and I DO use it every day.. lol)
1 PlayStation
1 PlayStation 2
1 GameBoy Advance (waiting to sell)
1 GameBoy Advance SP (waiting to sell)

I had (either sold or can't find):
1 PlayStation 2 Slim (sold)
1 PS Vita (sold)
1 Nintendo GameCube (sold)
1 Nintendo 64 (sold)

Game console wishlist:
Wii U

#253584 Hi guys!

Posted by PapiDimmi on 29 October 2013 - 01:33 PM in Introduction Central

Hi guys!
Before I introduce myself, I just wanna point out, in the pinned main-post for this forum, made by Chaothix, he states that this is only a return and leave thread, meaning if you've been gone from the forums for a while, but has returned, you can post a thread here, or if you leave the forum after being here for a time, you can post a thread here as well, but seeing that so many new people introduce themselves here, I'll do it as well.

My (nick)name is PapiDimmi. I'm from Norway (Is my English grammar good? You know.. I'm Norwegian... Lol, nevermind xD). I don't have a Wii U yet, but I'm gonna buy a Wii U if I don't get it for christmas this year, hehe.

I'm really into Nintendo, and the Wii U. After all the info on websites, and all the YouTube videos, I basically know everything about the Wii U, even though I never touched one.

I'm really excited to get Scribblenauts Unlimited, Nintendoland, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD (being that I never had the original version for GameCube), Pikmin 3, Sonic: Lost World, New Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Luigi. U (A DLC for NSMBU, I guess).

I'm also really excited for the upcoming games like Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure, Super Mario World (cat Mario, heck yeah), Super Smash Bros. (for Wii U), and Mario Kart 8.

I basically owned almost every Nintendo console ever made, and also every PlayStation console ever made. All of them, except the new not-yet-existing PS4. Nintendo has way more gaming consoles and handelds than Sony, though. Also, I'm more of a Nintendo fan that Sony, wich excplains a little of why I'm here.

What game series I espesially love from Nintendo (in order, 1 is best and counting down):
1. Super Mario
2. Pokemon (I espesially love the anime)
3. Sonic
4. The Legend of Zelda

Also, my favorite type of Mario games, in order:
1. New Super Mario Bros. series
2. Mario Kart series
3. 3D Mario games (like Super Mario World, Super Mario Land, Super Mario 64)
4. Super Smash Bros. series
Gosh, that's not even right! It's really hard to number them!

My favorite PlayStation game series (in order as well):
1. Ratchet and Clank
2. Spyro The Dragon
3. LittleBigPlanet

My very first game consoles (in order too):
1. Sega (the first one)
2. Nintendo 64
3. PlayStation (the first one)
4. Nintendo DS (the first one as well)

My consoles, the consoles I want, and the consoles I had before:
I have:
1 PlayStation 3
1 Xbox
1 Nintendo 3DS
1 Nintendo DS (broken)
1 Nintendo DSi XL
1 PSP (broken)
1 Sega
1 iPad Mini (if that's counts as a gaming console, I mean... you CAN play games on it, and I DO use it every day.. lol)
1 PlayStation
1 PlayStation 2
1 GameBoy Advance (waiting to sell)
1 GameBoy Advance SP (waiting to sell)

I had (either sold or can't find):
1 PlayStation 2 Slim (sold)
1 PS Vita (sold)
1 Nintendo GameCube (sold)
1 Nintendo 64 (sold)

Game console wishlist:
Wii U

Too much information? Sorry...

I'm really excited for the Wii U! Really! Even though it launched about a year ago...

Oh, and by the way, here's what "PapiDimmi" - my name - means:
First my nickname on basically all websites was "Paper Dimentio". People would call me sometimes just Paper or Dimentio, though. "Paper" was from the Paper Mario series, wich I loved, and still love, and "Dimentio" was obviously from my favourite Mario game, Super Paper Mario... it makes me kinda.. cry, when I'm thinking about it. No, I'm not a pu... nevermind! Dimentio was, and still is (one of my) favourite Mario characters. I mean, think about it! He could fly, teleport, teleport others to another dimension, spesificly; HIS OWN DIMENSION! Phew... Anyway, then I thought about a shortened version of Paper Dimentio, wich was PapiDimmi. Papi = Paper, Dimmi = Dimentio. So if you wanna find me on basically all the webpages in the world (almost xD), search for PapiDimmi. People would just call me Papi or Dimmi too, though.

So yeah, that's my life story xD

You know... you only live once!

(too much information?)

#252078 Hi guys! (CANCELED)

Posted by PapiDimmi on 18 October 2013 - 11:27 PM in Introduction Central

I made a new post because I thought this one got deleted. It contains way more information, though, so welcome me there, please :)


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