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#254851 Anything needed to know before purchasing a Wii U?

Posted by TelkEvolon on 06 November 2013 - 09:44 PM in Wii U Hardware Help

Look forward to having you here pal and yeah, we're getting a solid selection and variety of games on the system now, just before all the massive titles start flowing next year.

As for the visuals, they are about on par with the current generation and maybe even a little better in some places. Also much like with the other consoles, the exclusives titles are the real stand-out when it comes to looks, everything is crisp & clear with a great depth and emphasis place on color.

#255007 details emerge on swapnote controversy

Posted by TelkEvolon on 07 November 2013 - 06:41 PM in General Gaming

What a stupid reaction: "Shut it down!"

I don't even know why Nintendo invented this pedophile device to begin with, if it has no merit or purpose after being used for pedophilic pleasures.

#254942 G'Day Mate!

Posted by TelkEvolon on 07 November 2013 - 10:12 AM in Introduction Central

I am a newbie. So.. yeah.



^ Noob above




That sure is something... Sorry folks, I don't know what it's doing or why it's here. Best just to stay inside and wait for it to pass.

#254589 G'Day Mate!

Posted by TelkEvolon on 04 November 2013 - 06:45 PM in Introduction Central

Awesome! Do you follow the footy?

I said I lived in Victoria right? I'm not some sort of world-hating communist (not that there is anything wrong with that, I'll happily share my our Wii U), of course I follow the footy!

The family's club is Collingwood, very original, I know. My cousin even played for them. So they're a favorite by default.

I think my personal favorite outside of Collingwood would be Richmond & The Suns, but now that Heath Shaw has gone to GWS, I'm going to have to give them a chance also. He was my favorite player in Collingwood.

After all that detail I hope your reply isn't going to be "Oh, I'm not, I was just asking."

#254507 G'Day Mate!

Posted by TelkEvolon on 04 November 2013 - 07:29 AM in Introduction Central

Which part are ya from? I'm from Victoria.

Yeah man, Victoria, you know it!

Also, thanks to everyone else for the welcoming... Welcome.

#254398 G'Day Mate!

Posted by TelkEvolon on 03 November 2013 - 07:41 AM in Introduction Central

'Ello lads & ladies, nice to meet you, I'm Josh!

As you may of noticed by the obnoxiously Australian title, I am from Australia, which means my hobbies consists of wrestling Crocodiles, boxing Kangaroo's and waiting on delayed games in my region at the eShop. Which gives me plenty of time to work on crafting Boomerangs.

My first gaming console was the SNES, followed by the N64, but it wasn't until the Wii U that I got back into the Nintendo brand, picking it up about a month after it's release. That being said, it has just been gathering dust since then. Until now. I have decided to get back on the wagon in the form of digital downloads. Having a great big spread of retail releases (obtained digitally), digital-only releases & virtual console games littering my home page on the Wii U has a pretty big appeal with me.

So I've picked up an external hard drive and I'm ready to start adding to the collection again!

What better time to sign up to a Wii U forum! (Maybe when I first purchased the system...)


#254616 Hello!

Posted by TelkEvolon on 05 November 2013 - 03:28 AM in Introduction Central

Exciting times lad, Nothing quite like picking up a new system!

I'm hearing pretty mixed things about Sonic: Lost Worlds, but most of the Sonic fans seem to be having a good time with it and they tend to be the harshest critics, so it must be doing something right for fans of the series. I hope you find yourself landing on the side of enjoyment!


#256127 Hi i'm Dudy

Posted by TelkEvolon on 14 November 2013 - 03:30 AM in Introduction Central

Howdy Dudy! (Yes, I logged in just for that)

I always thought being a Patient Transporter would be cool, also have you checked out Cloudberry Kingdom?


#255384 How To Distract Your Opponent in Wii Sports Club Bowling

Posted by TelkEvolon on 10 November 2013 - 12:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software


My god, we're onto something!

#255259 New 3D World Images

Posted by TelkEvolon on 09 November 2013 - 08:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Looking great! Everything I have seen for it has me dying to get in and interact with that world.

#255401 New Challenger Approaching

Posted by TelkEvolon on 10 November 2013 - 04:04 AM in Introduction Central

...that black & gold trim. It just goes with everything in my house.

1. Are you Tony Montana?

2. Are you looking forward to "X"?

3. Welcome to the club!

#254943 Origin of your username

Posted by TelkEvolon on 07 November 2013 - 10:16 AM in The Café

I needed a name for a Dark Elf in Morrowind in 2002 that sounded Dark Elf-like and that's what I came up with.

#254781 Splinter Cell: Blacklist Review

Posted by TelkEvolon on 06 November 2013 - 08:42 AM in Wii U Game Reviews

Mercs takes away your ability to be stealthy, and spies takes away you ability to do takedowns.
It's like you cut a good moveset in half, and it turned carp.

Huh, I guess I never saw this as an issue, The Spy class is essentially the Sam Fisher game mechanic you've been playing the entire game and the Merc class is a counter to that play style and a representation of the action-heavy A.I. enemies in a more tradition first-person shooter style, each with their own gadgets, pros & cons. I like the variety and the objective based alternative to the traditional Deathmatch.

I get what you're saying about the Mercs being stripped way back and essentially being able to only run & shoot. But that's the whole point. Power vs finesse. I feel it greatly increases the effect of being a Spy if your opponents aren't also Spies. At least there are other game types that mix the classes and ensure you can always play a Spy.

#254704 Splinter Cell: Blacklist Review

Posted by TelkEvolon on 05 November 2013 - 07:50 PM in Wii U Game Reviews

Specs v. mercs strips away everything fun about it though. To me at least.
I played it with some level 52's for the first time, they were so passive-aggressive to me for not know what the Wii was going on.
After I figured out what was happening, I decided it was the worst mode of any game ever.

That sucks that you had such a negative experience online and I'm not sure why exactly you disliked the game type so much. "Different horses for different courses" I suppose.

#254624 Splinter Cell: Blacklist Review

Posted by TelkEvolon on 05 November 2013 - 05:59 AM in Wii U Game Reviews

Love this game. So much variety, so many options, just filled with content that will make you want to keep on coming back to try out different play styles and try out your newly unlocked suit/weapon upgrades as well as a number of gadgets. It's an amazing stealth/action sandbox that gives you a freedom to play how you like. Go in guns blazing, not letting up until all have been eliminated or sneak through like smoke without anyone ever knowing your were there and not a single life taken.

Add in a variety of side-missions, an awesome asymmetrical multiplayer and all the co-op your heart could desire and you have one of the most enjoyable and best value games you're likely to come across.

So much to see, so much to do, even if you feel like this game is not for you, this is one that you really want to make sure of, or you'll be missing out BIG TIME.

#254613 What games do you want nintendo to bring back?

Posted by TelkEvolon on 05 November 2013 - 12:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd love to see more HD remakes of GameCube and even Wii titles. I'll be first in line to get a Mario Sunshine/Galaxy HD remake, especially after seeing how well Wind Waker turned out.

Yeah, I know, I could go buy Galaxy and play the Wii version on the Wii U and yes, graphics aren't everything, but seeing Nintendo games, which have such a strong and distinctive art style looking so polished & smooth is a thing of beauty and can really add to the immersion. It sounds cliché, but; "it's like seeing it how it's meant to be seen" and that can really help to draw you in even further.

So yeah, keep bringing them back and filling up the Nintendo archive for the Wii U. I'm all for it!

Also, Harvest Moon... A great big one! A massive one! One for the ages! All the ages! Ever! Yes!

And ah, ignoring licensing issues, trademarks and everything else (A.K.A. a fantasy) make one mega AKI wrestling game collection. Featuring all the characters from Virtual Pro Wrestling 1 & 2, WCW vs nWo World Tour, WCW/now Revenge, WWF WrestleMania 2000 & WWF No Mercy. Throw it all together, give it a bit of polish and you're got a console mover.

#254858 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by TelkEvolon on 06 November 2013 - 10:34 PM in The Café

On of my favorite super-underrated bands, Earl Greyhound - Great live performances, with a ton of depth & elements thrown into their songs.

The music, the lyrics, the delivery, the flow. They've got it going on, top stuff!

#255402 Wii U fan

Posted by TelkEvolon on 10 November 2013 - 04:08 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome aboard lad! Great to have people from all over the world posting here. Have fun!

#255008 Wii u sports club,

Posted by TelkEvolon on 07 November 2013 - 06:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

10 Bucks isn't too bad, you can get a lot out of the games, they're a HD version with online capabilities and a club feature, you also have options on how you'd like to go about buying them, if you want to at all.

#255258 Yo Yo Yoshi

Posted by TelkEvolon on 09 November 2013 - 08:49 AM in Introduction Central

Hello pal, welcome home! It's about time you finally showed up, we've been waiting for your arrival since you first purchased the Wii U!

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