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There have been 4 items by Hugsandslices (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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#260854 Greetings :3

Posted by Hugsandslices on 12 December 2013 - 07:25 PM in Introduction Central

Yay, added you :)

#260815 Greetings :3

Posted by Hugsandslices on 12 December 2013 - 06:06 PM in Introduction Central

I really want to play Monster Hunter! It seems like a hit :)

#260809 Greetings :3

Posted by Hugsandslices on 12 December 2013 - 06:00 PM in Introduction Central

Hi guys! I actually never really played online with others on my Nintendo platforms, so I'm new to it. I always played online on my 360 & PS. The Nintendo community seems so much more welcoming though! So anyway, I have all of the super Mario bros games except 3D world, which I plan on getting soon. For my new DS I just bought Animal Crossing & Pokemon Y, which I am addicted to lol. If you guys like to recommend some games you play online often with others, please do so!

#260650 Greetings :3

Posted by Hugsandslices on 12 December 2013 - 02:08 AM in Introduction Central

Hello everyone! My name is Chandice, but everyone calls me Chandy :).

I joined here because I need to make friends to play Nintendo with. Although I have a handful of friends who own a Wii or DS, most of them play PS or Xbox. I play all, but I'd really like to have more active Nintendoers<3. So if you'd like to chat, that'd be awesome.

NNID (& PSN if you're interested): Hugsandslices
Xbox: Hugsandslices89
& my DS friend code is on my profile.

I'm looking forward to using these forums often. Thanks guys & gals!

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