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There have been 142 items by iEatTacos (Search limited from 04-July 23)

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#306912 Nintendo Direct 1/14/15

Posted by iEatTacos on 14 January 2015 - 09:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

All I know is that I'm gonna do everything in my power to get that Majora's Mask Edition New 3ds, great direct Nintendo. Now back to "work"

*day dreams about Xenoblade Chronicles X*

#306815 Nintendo Direct 1/14/15

Posted by iEatTacos on 13 January 2015 - 06:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I have work at 8am, but I might be able to watch most of it, if the Direct starts on time (7am here in NM)

#306753 Nintendo Direct 1/14/15

Posted by iEatTacos on 12 January 2015 - 10:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I've been hearing rumors of a possible New 3DS North American release date as well.

I'm excited to see more on Majoras Mask, splatoon, More Amiibo info, and of course the years big releases: X, Zelda U, Star Fox, Mario Maker.

It is a bit strange about them having it so early, I'll be headed to work around that time. But I'll keep tabs here since these Wii U Forum guys are usually really good at updating on here when the directs are going on

#314740 Nintendo e3 - Digital Event Thread

Posted by iEatTacos on 16 June 2015 - 04:04 PM in E3 2015

The hype was real on my part, but a little underwhelming. But nonetheless, I saw some quality titles I liked, such as Star Fox, Yarn Yoshi, "Super" Mario Maker; AC Happy Homes (which I am getting) AC Festival (which I was completely caught off guard, but willing to give it a chance).

And Metroid Prime Federation was the 3ds Metroid title they were hinting at all last year and early this year? I was thinking 2.5D side scroller Metroid (again, I'm willing to give this a whirl)

I kinda feel like Nintendo purposely held back on big name titles for next years NX announcement. But that's just my wacky conspiracy.

Oh yeah and X is not out until December :(

#309082 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by iEatTacos on 17 February 2015 - 12:50 AM in The Café

Got these the last few days

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#309431 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by iEatTacos on 21 February 2015 - 09:53 PM in The Café

Got these yesterday

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#310883 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by iEatTacos on 22 March 2015 - 07:59 PM in The Café

Psn had a flash sale so had just had to

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#307164 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by iEatTacos on 18 January 2015 - 09:01 PM in The Café

Got these recently, but sadly no new Amiibo to fill them with :(

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#317276 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by iEatTacos on 17 November 2015 - 04:54 PM in The Café

Got this a couple weeks ago

Anyone know if Giana Sisters physical is also on ps4? I swore seen it before in a different group

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#305716 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by iEatTacos on 21 December 2014 - 02:59 AM in The Café

Got this after work, already tried some user made levels and they are very fun. Some folks even made Nintendo themed levels haha I thought that was so cool

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#306422 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by iEatTacos on 04 January 2015 - 08:36 PM in The Café

Got a case for my Amiibo

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#306223 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by iEatTacos on 30 December 2014 - 09:25 PM in The Café

Got these over the weekend

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#306625 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by iEatTacos on 08 January 2015 - 11:03 PM in The Café

Was on sale so I had to pick this up

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#306658 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by iEatTacos on 09 January 2015 - 01:47 PM in The Café

Where'd you get this?

Best Buy, there was another case for the same price which was called a "Travel Case". The one I have is called the "organizer" or something like that, but this one had more space for Amiibo so I got it

#306051 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by iEatTacos on 27 December 2014 - 01:03 AM in The Café

Got these today

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#304841 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by iEatTacos on 07 December 2014 - 11:39 PM in The Café

Sorry for the multiple pictures but I just wanted to get these all on one post. These are from the past week. But dang it, I just need the Marth, Wii Fit Trainer, and Villager amiibo! :(

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#304842 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by iEatTacos on 07 December 2014 - 11:45 PM in The Café

Been listening to a ton of Led Zeppelin lately

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