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#262432 Wii U Virtual Console Subscription Service?

Posted by Oobatz on 20 December 2013 - 12:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Nintendo's biggest asset has always been it's low cost, from the consoles price to the lack of memberships to play games on line with other gamers.  They need to continue this to survive.


There are so many things that could make the Wii U more attractive, some that will cost next to nothing to implement.

Instead of requiring a player to "purchase" the virtual consoles games to play them, offer a low cost monthly membership so that people can play any game in it's virtual console library.

I have spent around $35 in the last 8 years on virtual console games. There are more titles I am willing to buy, but just not at the asking prices.

Instead of getting $5 one time from a player for one game, you can get $5 to $10 Every month from the same player to let them play the existing games in the Virtual Console Library.  This is why I have a Netflix streaming membership, I may not get the best and newest movies to watch, but I will watch a few titles each month.  If they started charging a "Per view" fee, I would cancel my membership. so instead of getting only a few dollars every so often for "on demand" viewing, they are getting $85 out of me every year that they would normally never get.



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