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#263531 Wii U controller not working

Posted by taitg on 26 December 2013 - 02:24 PM in Wii U Hardware

Folks. Need some advice. Bought the wii u for my son and it is great so far. However I bought an additional wii plus controller with motion plus. When I play wii sports connection it is constantly asking me to calibrate the controller. e.g If I play golf, I have to calibrate the controller at the start of the game and after each hole. Also if I change to baseball or tennis etc I have to again calibrate the controller. I have sync'd it to the wii u but it constantly needs calibrated. Any help appreciated before I send it all back. Thanks.

#263530 Heeellllooooooo

Posted by taitg on 26 December 2013 - 02:12 PM in Introduction Central

Hi everyone. Just bought the wii u and loving it so far.

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