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#267123 New in the Nintendo World !

Posted by Johncatal on 17 January 2014 - 02:18 PM in Introduction Central

What's going on guys. So I literally just made an account on this site to try and touch base with Nintendo gamers and fans ! I've predominantly been know for Playstation content online, on Skype, and on Youtube for the most part. Here and there on occasion I had uploaded MK Wii Content to my YT channel back in the day but due to my excessive amount of Playstation 3 content at the time I had not been able to interact with much people from the Nintendo Community. So I'm looking for some help obtaining input and information on what it is that you guys love seeing in Nintendo Gamers and what it will take for me to become a better and active member of your community. I have recently been partnered with Machinima gaming company for my Youtube channel that once again is predominantly Call of Duty: Ghosts and Playstation 4 content. I told them that I was going to integrate Wii U into my channel and they did not want to allow it because they said I would draw no type of fan base because I already play Playstation and in basic terms ... you guys wouldn't like me from the rip. I'm just looking for help on the transition from Sony -----> Multi-Platform gamer! Please give me some feedback and let me know what it is I can work on and what you would enjoy seeing in the future !

This is my first attempt at some decent content:
Super Mario 3D World (World #1, Part 1) Walkthrough/Commentary !



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