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#269339 Wii U Issue - Sold on eBay...

Posted by wingman on 29 January 2014 - 01:19 PM in Wii U Hardware

Hi guys,


Looking for a bit of help.

I recently sold my Wii U on eBay with the download versions of Zelda Wind Waker and Super Mario World (SNES). This was noted as part of the sale.

I had looked into the topic to a small degree and was under the impression the games are saved to the console rather than the user and therefore wiped everything clean relating to my card details and the Nintendo user I had created. 

I checked afterwards and booted up Wind Waker and it seemed fine - it had deleted my saves, which I wanted, but the game was able to boot up.

The buyer has contacted me today and said all is fine with the console however neither game will boot up and is asking for my log on details. 

I've said in the interim to try and redownload from the store. 

Can anyone offer any advice, should that fail? Obviously I am not happy about passing my account details and password out.


The buyer has also said;


"The first thing I did when the console turned on was connect it to the internet which required me to make a Nintendo network ID after creating this and connecting to internet I tried the games and it said the ID they where associated with had been deleted and I`d need to reactivate it to access them or buy them with the new account"


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


#269342 Wii U Issue - Sold on eBay...

Posted by wingman on 29 January 2014 - 01:24 PM in Wii U Hardware

Thanks for the response Graham. Will this mean that the buyer will be able to download the games that I downloaded on the console? 

#269467 Wii U Issue - Sold on eBay...

Posted by wingman on 30 January 2014 - 02:32 AM in Wii U Hardware

Thanks for the responses all.


I gave the buyer my I.D and it's now working.


Appreciate the help.

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