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#271397 Can I plug in my European Wii U in the US?

Posted by Zygote on 09 February 2014 - 04:55 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yes, I don't really understand the linked blogpost. I mean, if it says 110 V in and 15 V out, that is probably what it does, regardless of whether they are using some parts with "220 V" printed on them. Plugging that into 220 V would probably not put out 15 V. And I agree that putting in 110 V into a European adapter would probably result in a lower out voltage than 15 V. Did he even measure the voltage at the output end when connecting it to 220 V? I don't get it.


Yeah, the blog post doesnt really go into detail, but one thing is clear though. If you plug in something hooked to a power supply designed for 110 volts into a power outlet that gives you 220 volts, you will normally fry whatever equipment is connected to it. And apparently, hooking US Wii U's up in Europe works. 

Ill go and get a converter just to be on the safe side :)

#271395 Can I plug in my European Wii U in the US?

Posted by Zygote on 09 February 2014 - 04:35 PM in Wii U Hardware

Even if the power supply does go up to handling 250 (which it probably does, its likely just cheaper to manufacterer one type that is capable of withstanding the highest voltage, than having 2 or 3 different factory lines producing supplies of differing capacity), the power sent out through the lines is 120 in the states, You will need a power converter, or your wii u will be damaged.


HOWEVER, voltages lower than what the equipment has been designed for will cause premature failures, particularly in areas with small motors or moving parts, as too low a voltage will cause the motor to draw extra current to aquire the voltage needed, and that will overheat the motor windings. In other words, things like your disc drive will get toasted, much sooner than you want.


Thank you. However, again, the blog post seemingly concludes with the fact that the power supply is dual voltage, so wont it work just fine just like how my European phone chargers work just fine here with a regular power adapter? I mean the only difference between a EU and a American Wii U is the actual power supply, isnt it? And might it be possible that the Wii U power supplies are actually identical regardless of region?  (In terms of power, not region locks, etc)

#271390 Can I plug in my European Wii U in the US?

Posted by Zygote on 09 February 2014 - 04:09 PM in Wii U Hardware

Hi all,


I have an interesting question here. Ive brought my European Wii U over to the states and Im eager to sit down and finish Wind Waker on it. However, the power supply clearly states 230 volts only (got it in Norway, which runs on 230v). At any rate, Nintendo customer support told me I need a voltage converter or Ill risk damaging the console. 


However, I stumbled upon this blog post which shows how the US Power Supplies are actually dual voltage. So my question is whether someone here knows if the power supplies sold with European versions of the Wii also are dual voltage? I dont have the necessary tools at hand at the moment to open up the power supply and check for myself.



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