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#193608 Still worried about capcom support

Posted by Kimtastic on 12 April 2013 - 12:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Capcom should though the 3ds version blows in comparison!

Capcom does not care what one or a select group of people want or think would be better for their company. They just want money. All companies want is to make sales. Unless they themselves find it necessary, would they allow a price drop for their games... but I find that very unlikely.

#193601 Still worried about capcom support

Posted by Kimtastic on 12 April 2013 - 11:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Because Capcom is so going to read this thread and make that decision.

#193475 something about Nintendo i noticed

Posted by Kimtastic on 11 April 2013 - 10:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I like how most of those pictures are of pokemon. Pokemon may be affiliated by Nintendo, but Nintendo didn't make Pokemon.. so they have no place in that list.


I also find it weird how an overweight guy like Mario can do so many stunts, yet still have a belly. He's actually a lot slimmer than he used to be in the older games. But seriously. He's a cyborg! Bowser's mad muscular though. He has some beefy biceps in SSBB.

#193469 Monster Hunter 3 Demo... why do i hate it?

Posted by Kimtastic on 11 April 2013 - 10:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The game is called "Monster Hunter" for a reason. The main purpose is to hunt monsters. Either small or large-scaled ones. Honestly, the demo was demonstrating hunting two individual monsters. (Lagombi in Easy, Plesioth in Hard) There's more to the game than just hacking and slashing the thing. Most monsters are the same, while others are different. They live in different habitats, have different movesets, etc. You can capture or hunt the monster down, then carve it when it is dead to make materials for a new weapon or a nice set of armor.

Online and offline play are different. If you strictly play the game offline, it'll bore the hell out of you. Playing online with either strangers or friends is a lot of fun. Not saying playing offline is boring overall. I actually enjoy playing both, but if you want to get some nice armor/weapons and raise your Hunter Rank, it's best to play online. Not only are the monsters you fight more difficult, but you get to fight it with others. Capturing the monster, hunting it down, collecting materials to combine better items. That's what the game's about.

If you love exploration, then this game can be pretty fun. You have a whole 50 minutes during any guild quest, to gather materials for potions or bombs as well as bugs, or you can go straight to hunting. Trapping monsters is my favorite thing to do, but what's the harm of making the large monster face you, and with such skill, you quickly throw a flash bomb right onto their face, making them dizzy? Well, that's something that's fun for me. Hunting monsters can be a pain sometimes.. especially when you're dealing with more than one large monster in a map and you're not experienced. The game is difficult, but with practice and patience, you'll be an expert in no time. Dodging is important!



Anyway, I could go on, but like I said.. There's much more to the game than just hacking and slashing.

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