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There have been 29 items by Kimtastic (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#199052 Spam Battle

Posted by Kimtastic on 23 April 2013 - 06:49 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

To put things simply, don't always rely on others to do work for you. You can do a lot by yourself as long as you're not lazy and stupid.

I could say the same about you, Nathaniel. You never want to play with my sexy Walrus anymore. I know I have an empowering voice, but I'm still yo' best man, neeja.

#199045 Spam Battle

Posted by Kimtastic on 23 April 2013 - 06:44 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

ily Kim. You already know the kind of people who inhabit these forums. ;)

Yes. They can't handle all of this dericious blubber.


Little know fact #38: Lagiacrus Human hybrids have been know for raging on the interwebs over nothing at all, and are also horrible at being trolls.

Because I was trying sooo hard to be at your level. It must be amusing to look at yourself and make fun of someone who acts just as idiotic as yourself as well. Oh, oh! But here's the thing: I actually adore Lagiacrus. He is my baby. So I thank you for the compliment, but please please...


There is only one sexy Walrus to pass around. You're taking advantage of my affection towards your... nimble words of wisdom? Yes. I'll go with that.


Do you feel like a big macho man now?

#199030 Spam Battle

Posted by Kimtastic on 23 April 2013 - 06:17 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

oh wow guiz theres a pro elite MHU player whos godly and is bettr then erry singel pursun lul les be his friend cuz we sux and kant fend for ourself becuz were nubs.


Welp. Now I know how you people play MHU 'legitimately'. Good thing I'm a noob who will never succeed in MHU! Oh gigglesnort. Oh el oh el and such because that is so hilarious, girlfriends!


Please. I don't even know who this "Cerberus" person is. How could I be jealous over someone I don't know. Orly? I'd rather be a noob at the game than rely on someone who's a Monster Hunter nut. Did it ever occur to you that there are others who excel at the game as well?


Aww, 'das cute. I love you all too. <3 Not really. Get out.

#199019 Spam Battle

Posted by Kimtastic on 23 April 2013 - 05:48 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

You obviously didn't get the joke that Cerb is the resident Monster Hunter nut.

Oh I saw the joke. I just  decided to bypass that and hmm... I guess, perhaps put my own legitimate input against it?

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