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#309923 Sonic may continue for consoles

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 09:40 AM in General Gaming

I don't think they know how anymore...


They could start by watching Jim Sterling's video on the subject where he points out what should be obvious: that whenever they've found good approaches to gameplay, they've immediately abandoned them for future games.

Another one would be not to loan your main franchise out to random third parties.

They should just make Generations 2 and people will pay attention again. Granted, it is a hard game to get working in three dimensions. But both Sonic Adventure games and Sonic Generations had moments of brilliance. They just need to take those, build on them, and remove the flaws.

#312305 Mario Kart DLC 2 not working? Anyone else have issues?

Posted by Marcus on 23 April 2015 - 11:33 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Works fine my end. Although having to unlock 200cc is a bit annoying. Maybe try deleted all of your system data for the game and start over?

#311598 Wii U - Shin Megami Tensei & Fire Emblem Crossover Project Gameplay Trailer

Posted by Marcus on 07 April 2015 - 01:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It kinda looks like they took the parts of both series that people dislike the most and brought them together. It's almost the exact opposite of what I was expecting. Graphically quite impressive though. I'd probably only go near something like this if it gets outstanding reviews though cos there's only so much anime I can take.

#311137 Iwata Asks: Xenoblade 3D !

Posted by Marcus on 29 March 2015 - 11:16 PM in General Gaming

No, he means screen resolution.

The wii is 480p, thats 400x800

The 3ds 240x800 in 3d, and 240x400 in 2d.


Oh yeah, right you are. I forgot what 480p meant.


Although based on the images I've seen, I think the texture resolution is a bit lower too. 

#311596 Iwata Asks: Xenoblade 3D !

Posted by Marcus on 07 April 2015 - 12:52 AM in General Gaming

Yeah I realised the original had pretty muddy textures too. It still looks lower res to me though. I played the Wii version fairly recently and there was definitely a noticeable difference in the texturing of the buildings in Colony 9. Not as much with the landscapes though, I guess the tiled textures make that stand out less.

Take an example scene with a predetermined camera. Like where Shulk and Reyn leave Colony 9 and it zooms out backwards from Dunban's window so that you see the side of his house. Compare that on the Wii and 3DS. Looks different to me!

#309921 Sonic may continue for consoles

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 09:30 AM in General Gaming

I've seen some comments on twitter where Sega are being called sellouts for abandoning consoles. What do you expect them to do with the situation that they're in? I think it's a bit harsh.


Lol I know this one!!!!!

Make a good Sonic game. Yes, I think that might be the answer.

I started replaying Sonic 2 the other day. It just made me sad really because I'd forgot how good a thing they had going. Feels like a friend dying or something.

#315023 Xbone gets XBox 360 Backwards Compatibility?

Posted by Marcus on 19 June 2015 - 08:59 AM in General Gaming

Have they said anything definitive on how many games this will apply to? 

#315025 Xbone gets XBox 360 Backwards Compatibility?

Posted by Marcus on 19 June 2015 - 09:14 AM in General Gaming

100 games ready by holiday, that is about all we know


Is Tales of Vesperia one of them (that's all I really wanted to know)?

#313796 Fast Racing NEO - New Pics!

Posted by Marcus on 03 June 2015 - 11:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If these guys could do gameplay as well as they graphics, they'd be damn awesome.

#308606 For What It's Worth: Xenoblade comparison N3DS and Wii

Posted by Marcus on 10 February 2015 - 04:54 AM in General Gaming

Yeah, but still, the character models in OOT 3D/ MM 3D looked better than that of this game in my opinion, Shulk's face just looks really flat is all...


Agree. But think how much bigger the Xenoblade world is than any of the Zelda worlds. They've got an awful lot of stuff to render after the characters.

#309932 Wii U really is the best console for exclusive games.

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 11:33 AM in General Gaming

Haha, I still buy DVDs!

And I still have a VCR.

#309920 Wii U really is the best console for exclusive games.

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 09:29 AM in General Gaming

Does the XBONE not have a Bluray player too? It's a bit ridiculous that the Wii U doesn't to be honest.

#309929 Wii U really is the best console for exclusive games.

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 11:23 AM in General Gaming

honestly no its not.


think about how many people have dvd players or blu ray player. Why would you need your system to also play it.

In all of my life i have only play 1 movie on a system. It was long time ago i play a DVD on a ps2. Then i got a dvd player when i started to get more movies.

Got a blu ray player when i upgraded from then. I was never into wanting a system to play movies. Its meant for games.


Lol that is exactly the same for myself too. DVD with PS2 was a big deal. I still don't have a Bluray player though so I would've welcomed it.

#313430 Splatoon reviews

Posted by Marcus on 27 May 2015 - 08:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It's only at 81 on metacritic. Fairly good, although based on the extreme hype some people were generating, I was kinda expecting high 80s.

Still worth buying though.




Toronto Sun gave it a 60 cause no voice chat. haha



Is that not a legitimate complaint? Or are you just saying they maybe took it a bit too far?

#310965 Rodea Sky Soldier US/EU this fall confirmed! WiiU/3DS

Posted by Marcus on 25 March 2015 - 07:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This just got reviewed in Famitsu. Not the best scores:


Rodea: The Sky Soldier (Wii U/3DS) – 8/7/8/7


Bear in mind, they do tend to score quite highly. I'm guessing this'll translate to around 70% on metacritic, but we'll have to see.

#311139 Rodea Sky Soldier US/EU this fall confirmed! WiiU/3DS

Posted by Marcus on 29 March 2015 - 11:25 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Who cares about metacritic? Just unqualified morons who don't know how to review seriously most of them know nothing of gaming and are just as qualified as a Gamestop Clerk. Numbered reviews are a joke and worthless just as Metacritic. Famitsu has been crap for years now. Never undertsand how people let a worthless number from someone they don't know decide their opinion for them.


What exactly would qualified mean in that context? Of course they're unqualified. They're just average people writing their opinions down. I like numbered averages though (as most people do according to nintendolife's recent poll). Whilst it's obviously not a perfect way to represent a game, it is the quickest when you need to sift through hundreds of games. And when you can take an average, at least you can even out the various idiosyncrasies of individual reviewers. So for me either a user average of a critic average is very practical. Even if it ends up occasionally pointing you at the wrong games, at least it's A process to eliminate a majority. I don't have the time or money to look through them all.

#310746 Rodea Sky Soldier US/EU this fall confirmed! WiiU/3DS

Posted by Marcus on 18 March 2015 - 08:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Cool, thanks. Can't see it on the UK amazon yet. 

I think this is something I'll definitely be waiting for reviews on. It strikes me as something that it's very easy to mess up! Especially a smaller developer.

Hopefully they can capture that Sonic Adventure vibe though.

#309115 Rodea Sky Soldier US/EU this fall confirmed! WiiU/3DS

Posted by Marcus on 17 February 2015 - 12:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd definitely buy it. This is one of those things that usually never makes it out of Japan so I sure hope it does!

#310841 Rodea Sky Soldier US/EU this fall confirmed! WiiU/3DS

Posted by Marcus on 20 March 2015 - 10:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It's more like NiGHTS than Sonic


Yeah, I realised that. Although I never played that game. I just meant the kind of thrill of fast-paced smooth-flowing action mixed with cool music. That's what always defined sonic for me. Or at least the good parts of Sonic.

#316531 Super Mario Maker: 60 Levels Confirmed; One by Rayman's Michel Ancel

Posted by Marcus on 11 August 2015 - 01:44 PM in Wii U Games and Software


They claim it will preserve all the physics and abilities of each Mario game, including kicking a shell upwards in SMW and wall jumping NSMB games.


Cool. Well we've already seen evidence of wall jumping and ground pounding in NSMB levels. I don't think we've seen upward shell throwing yet though. I hope it's added though. It adds one extra possibility for gameplay challenges.


One other thing I didn't mention for SMW was also the ability to run up walls, which I'm fairly sure was missing from all recent games. I'm guessing that one will be less likely to have survived than the upwards shell.

#316625 Super Mario Maker: 60 Levels Confirmed; One by Rayman's Michel Ancel

Posted by Marcus on 16 August 2015 - 01:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software




Throwing shell upwards confirmed.


Yep, I saw that too. Excellent news. Now lets look out for wall running. I'm somewhat less optimistic about that!

#316478 Super Mario Maker: 60 Levels Confirmed; One by Rayman's Michel Ancel

Posted by Marcus on 07 August 2015 - 06:21 AM in Wii U Games and Software

They're doing a pretty good job of making this hard to avoid. I predict quite impressive sales!


I don't even think I'll bother creating much but it seems like there'll be so much to play through that it's worth owning for that.

#308770 Possible Twilight Princess 3DS (new grain of salt rumor)

Posted by Marcus on 12 February 2015 - 01:41 PM in General Gaming

I also look at it like this. We're getting legitimate handheld versions of games that were previously tied to home consoles...and I think that's fantastic. Granted, I still think asking full price for a console to handheld port without adding much of anything new is a bit much, but it's still fantastic that we're getting them.


If it's just a port, I agree full price is bad. But I wouldn't call the 2 Zelda games ports at all. They're complete remakes. I don't think Nintendo have ever charged full price for a port, have they?

Wind waker HD is the closest I guess. I'm not even sure I'd call that a port. But I guess some people might. The line between port and remake is very blurry.

#308759 Possible Twilight Princess 3DS (new grain of salt rumor)

Posted by Marcus on 12 February 2015 - 12:08 PM in General Gaming


As for people saying "too many remakes/re-releases"...well, you're not wrong. But the thing is, this is pretty much par for the course for Nintendo. The GBC got a few SNES/NES ports, GBA got even more SNES ports, DS/3DS got a few N64 remakes/ports, so it wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo moved to GameCube remakes/ports for the New3DS.


The good thing about remakes is at least you know you're getting a pretty good game. They don't tend to remake bad games. And when it's a game you haven't played for a decade or so (like Majora's Mask), it's pretty much as good as a new game.

#308751 Possible Twilight Princess 3DS (new grain of salt rumor)

Posted by Marcus on 12 February 2015 - 09:15 AM in General Gaming

I'm not buying this rumour. I doubt they'll do any more Zelda in the near future. Nintendo don't tend to oversaturate a genre. I'd much rather see another 3D Mario. The sunshine remake would be birlliant. 


Wrong. Dragon Quest IX sold 1 million units in the US alone. DQ9 became the best selling DQ game of all time. Bravely Default sold 1 million units. Fire Emblem Awakening sold close to 1 million when it needed 240 thousand to be successful.


Not only do they sell. They have been setting sales records.


Fire Emblem is probably closer to 2 million at this point. It's at 1.5million physical sales. Add somewhere between 10-20 percent for digital. It's the best selling in the franchise by quite a way!

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