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#312269 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Marcus on 23 April 2015 - 08:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Can anyone comb through all of the thousands of bits of info we have on this game to answer the question:  "Will you level up by exploring the world, like in the prequel?"


I also want to add my voice to the "stop moaning about supposed visual downgrades" position. Most of the in-game visuals have improved hugely from the first footage we saw. Having 1 cutscene look slightly worse is hardly a problem and really shouldn't be categorised along with the Watch Dogs fiasco which was a huge across-the-board lie about the visuals.

#309975 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Marcus on 03 March 2015 - 05:16 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The white continent has no snow on it, the area is called the white sands.

A basic sense of pattern recognition should have tipped anyone off on a seemingly bland area in a Xeno game.

Satorl Marsh day:
Bland and colorless, full of vison reducing fog
Satorl marsh night:

Its called contrast and juxtaposition.

White sands day:

Dull and colorless

White sands night:



I'm still waiting for the 3DS version to do a proper playthrough of the original. 

This is very good information though! Bravo.

#309940 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 01:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software




Crossing from the green continent to the white continent looks fun. Although the white continent looks pretty ugly in the preview vids.

#309352 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Marcus on 20 February 2015 - 05:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd seriously doubt this'll end up being 60fps. Look how insane and huge the world is. Must be pushing the Wii U quite far. I doubt they'd sacrifice other concerns for framerate in this genre.

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