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There have been 11 items by LavenderTownGhost (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#286537 Your favorite video game character?

Posted by LavenderTownGhost on 25 May 2014 - 01:37 PM in General Gaming

Princess Peach, King Boo, May (Pokemon), Steven Stone (Pokemon), and Atoli (.hack//G.U.). Not in any particular order.

#286556 Politically-correct idiot criticizes Mario Kart 8 for being racist

Posted by LavenderTownGhost on 25 May 2014 - 04:41 PM in Wii U News

Oh my God, NO WAY.


That's pretty sad, though. He/she needs to spend his/her time worrying about something else.

#286685 PDP confirms Gamecube inspired controller for Wii U

Posted by LavenderTownGhost on 26 May 2014 - 01:08 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well how are you trying to get better? It's not too hard if you know how.

And a tip with smack talk, don't end with "hopefully" lol



The only way I know how to get better is simply by playing a bunch of people who are better than me. In any case, that's how I got better at Mario Kart Wii. As far as SSB goes, it's just not happening...


Yeah, I know. XD

#286566 PDP confirms Gamecube inspired controller for Wii U

Posted by LavenderTownGhost on 25 May 2014 - 05:55 PM in Wii U Hardware

Dang, was hoping for some more competitive players round here. Ah well, to each there own. Maybe I'll wreck you in Mario Kart sometime though :P


I've tried to get good at SSB for so long and it's not even funny how badly I still suck. Aww, it's too bad that Mario Kart Wii Wi-Fi is gone now. :( I'd make you eat your words! .........Hopefully. XD I fail at smack talk.

#286554 PDP confirms Gamecube inspired controller for Wii U

Posted by LavenderTownGhost on 25 May 2014 - 04:36 PM in Wii U Hardware

Do you play smash competitively?


Oh heck naw. I'm not any good, haha. Just for fun. Mario Kart, yes.

#286536 PDP confirms Gamecube inspired controller for Wii U

Posted by LavenderTownGhost on 25 May 2014 - 01:35 PM in Wii U Hardware

Thank goodness! This is literally the only way I can play Mario Kart and SSB.

#286567 Godzilla!

Posted by LavenderTownGhost on 25 May 2014 - 05:58 PM in The Café

I actually friggin' loved it so much that I'm going to see it again tomorrow with the mom. She loved it as well, surprisingly.


The Mutos looked great.

#286525 Boo!

Posted by LavenderTownGhost on 25 May 2014 - 10:54 AM in Introduction Central



Thank you, Lupaie!

#286534 Boo!

Posted by LavenderTownGhost on 25 May 2014 - 01:32 PM in Introduction Central







Thank you!


You shouldn't scare people like that. Some people have very weak hearts.


Haha sorry, I'll try to be more respectful of peoples' hearts next time. ;P




Hey, and love the avatar!


Heck yes, glad to have you here and Mario Kart is so close I can literally taste it. Hope you stick around and discuss all things nintendo. Add me on Wii U: iEatTacos

Thank you! Right? I'm so stoked for it. I can't wait to play online, bummer about Mario Kart Wii's Wi-Fi. Will do!

#286523 Boo!

Posted by LavenderTownGhost on 25 May 2014 - 10:48 AM in Introduction Central

Hello Wii U Forums!


LavenderTownGhost, here. I'm just your average college student, looking to major in either Meteorology, become a Journalist, or perhaps go into the Medical Field as a Surgical Assistant. Yeah, I'm still undecided...xD Right now, I'm currently getting through my Pre-Reqs.


I'm a huge fan of Nintendo, Mario Bros. and Pokemon being among my favorite series. I do indeed own a Wii U and am getting super excited for the upcoming release of Mario Kart 8. I also own a 3DS, and am absolutely in love with Pokemon X and Y. I would love to have more friends on both systems, so I'm hoping I've come to the right place.


Other notable things about me include my love of dancing (hip hop/freestyle being my favorite), my love of the Horror genre and paranormal things (hence the username!), and the fact that I enjoy drawing from time to time. I am by no means looking to be professional, it's simply a hobby.


I am hoping to gain some friends here and am looking forward to talking with other Nintendo fans. Feel free to message me or whatever. I do not bite, as I am a ghost. See ya around!



#286555 Boo!

Posted by LavenderTownGhost on 25 May 2014 - 04:38 PM in Introduction Central

I like pokemon. Welcome to the wii u where we discuss pokemon sometimes. I'm a college student too. I'm going into Musical Business. XD


Glad to see a Pokemon fan. Thanks! Awesome, good luck with your major. :D


Hey there and welcome. :)

Personally a huge smash bros. fan


Thank you! Me too, Melee is my absolute favorite.

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