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#298180 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by genev on 08 September 2014 - 11:22 AM in The Café

I finally got a pal 3ds xl :D




I just love this hot pink baby :wub:


P.S Sorry for the photo quality, I took it with my laptop's camera

#295904 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by genev on 14 August 2014 - 02:27 PM in The Café

Depends on the mood but mostly: classical, neoclassical, opera ,jazz , celtic rock, pop, indie pop, alternative rock, psychedelic, hard rock, classic rock, nu metal, alternative metal, RnB, rap,  trance, house. Right now I'm listening to Skrillex (First of the Year).

#294404 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by genev on 29 July 2014 - 04:41 AM in Wii U Hardware

In Greece launch price for the deluxe bundle was 400 € (537$) which was pretty expensive, but now there are many nice bundles in reasonable prices; like triple fun pack, which has NSMBU,NSLU and nintendoland for 320€(430$) and one that has the triple fun pack+mk8 and a mario kart 8 red wheel for 350€(470$). The prices are very competitive if you take into consideration that a 500gb ps4 here costs about 410€(550$). I'm so happy that I see people buying wii u lol :D

#296309 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by genev on 19 August 2014 - 09:58 AM in General Gaming

Wii,Psp 1000, 3ds xl, ps3, wii u

#294283 Post Your Wii U Library and Collection

Posted by genev on 27 July 2014 - 11:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Ok I have these games:
Nintendoland(traded for 15€ off LoZ: The Wind Waker)
Just Dance 4
Mario Kart 8
Super Mario 3D World
LoZ: The Wind Waker
Pikmin 3
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Assassins's Creed IV: Black Flag
Lego City Undercover
Disney Infinity
Skylanders Swap Force
Trine 2
Child Of Light

#294284 Currently playing thread

Posted by genev on 27 July 2014 - 11:37 AM in General Gaming

Currently playing MK8 and AC:IV

#294351 The official "What games should I get?" Thread

Posted by genev on 28 July 2014 - 02:36 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I can sum this up in one word: Amazing. I don't know if you played the demo but the full version is quite different. The story is great, funny and interesting, usage of the gamepad is different and really acts like an extra pair of eyes aswell as an method for inputting the unite morphs. I was on the fence after demo but got it as a free game, playing on normal is actually challenging. It has it's minor flaws, weird camera angles and sometimes unresponsive too certain commands it's easily worth the price, espaiclly since it already is lower than say 3D world and the likes.

I haven't played the demo but I'm going to. Thnx :)

#294292 The official "What games should I get?" Thread

Posted by genev on 27 July 2014 - 12:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Is Wonderful 101 worth buying? I have heard both negative and positive things about the game and I'm a bit confused. How is the gameplay ?The controls? Is it an overall fulfilling experience?

#294093 If you were in charge on Nintendo...

Posted by genev on 24 July 2014 - 04:30 AM in Wii U Hardware

If I were in charge of Nintendo:


1) I would localise japanese titles.

2) Cut the prices; 60€ (80$) is too expensive for a game.

3) Make Club Nintendo and prepaid cards available to all the countries that have an eshop.

4) Make HD remakes of Nintendo's most popular titles.

5)Make Wii U more powerful so it can play next gen titles.

6) Make all the consoles and games region free.

7) Make polls about which sequels people would like to play

    and foremost listen to my fans!!!!!

#294257 If you were in charge on Nintendo...

Posted by genev on 27 July 2014 - 12:07 AM in Wii U Hardware

Gamepad is just fine. Most wii u owners love it. We don't want the same console just with better hardware, we want a different console and wii u is different. 8th gen should be about innovation, not about graphics,power etc. If somebody wants excellent graphics, he'll play on his pc not on xbox1/ps4/wii u.

#294482 If you were in charge on Nintendo...

Posted by genev on 30 July 2014 - 02:13 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think wii u's problem is probably the wii. Despite being extremely successful, the majority of people who bought the wii weren't gamers; they were just mothers,grandmothers and people who hated gaming,but liked wii bowling. Now that the 7th generation is over these people are not even aware of the existence of the wii u or think that is just an add on and they probably won't buy it. Another problem is that because this was the majority, mature games like mad world didn't sell, so 3rd party companies said that we aren't making any other of those games for the wii. If people had supported 3rd parties during last generation, maybe their attitude toward wii u would be different now and maybe the wii u would sell more. And even now that we have some ports like AC:IV or exclusives like zombi u , which are great games, we still don't support them.

#297431 New ninty 3ds and 3ds xl

Posted by genev on 29 August 2014 - 12:34 PM in General Gaming

i am really confused  is this supposed to be the succsessor or an upgrade???

i am really confused  is this supposed to be the succsessor or an upgrade???

It must be an upgrade like dsi. The only difference is dsi didn't get aaa exclusives like xenoblade.

#297354 New ninty 3ds and 3ds xl

Posted by genev on 29 August 2014 - 05:03 AM in General Gaming

I hope they wont make the old 3ds obsolete because Ive just bought a new xl. I'm also glad I have xenoblade in wii.

#297412 New ninty 3ds and 3ds xl

Posted by genev on 29 August 2014 - 10:46 AM in General Gaming

I need this now!! Those ABXY colored buttons sold me. Plus better resolution, 3D angle and built in C-stick. Nintendo is going to have my wallet on lock for a very long time with all the things coming out.

When did they say it'll have a better resolution?

#297356 New ninty 3ds and 3ds xl

Posted by genev on 29 August 2014 - 05:04 AM in General Gaming

I dunno didn't the xl come out roughly the same time in all regions, like a month after a direct?

They said that they'll come out in 2015 for na and Europe region

#297567 New ninty 3ds and 3ds xl

Posted by genev on 30 August 2014 - 03:35 AM in General Gaming

Think that's how every company does it. At least in gaming. But that's just what I've heard from the people I know in Britain.


Eh I'll just keep mine then. Killed me to trade in my DS lite for my 3DS anyway.

Starting price for 3ds xl was 18,900 yen,199.99$ and 230€. If they follow the same tactic the new 3ds xl will be 230€ in the eurozone countries, which is a lot of money.

#297438 New ninty 3ds and 3ds xl

Posted by genev on 29 August 2014 - 01:29 PM in General Gaming

Really glad I never bought an xl right now... Actually, I think I will just stick with the 3ds size screen. Dont like giganto pixels.... 3ds looks jaggy enough as is.

Also stoked at the no screen scratch when closed fix. (Right Nintendo? the NO SCREEN SCRATCH FIX... RIGHT????)

Oh, it says 16000 yen, so that would be what? 150 bucks?

It's not going to be 150$ (114€), no way

#297444 New ninty 3ds and 3ds xl

Posted by genev on 29 August 2014 - 01:48 PM in General Gaming

This is how nintendos bizarre pricing works. US gets the direct yen conversion cost, then eu gets the same NUMBER, but in euro...

So, 150 euro.

I hope so.

Woah wait what (lol accidental alliteration (x2))?

I was just asking if the unification of accounts is possible yet, since I've fallen behind in 3DS news. The compensation thing was whole other thing I was talking about.

No they're still kinda tied to the console, so you have to trade the old one and lose your downloads if they'll have the compensation thing.

#297440 New ninty 3ds and 3ds xl

Posted by genev on 29 August 2014 - 01:34 PM in General Gaming

So far I have resisted upgrading my broken launch 3DS.

I can no longer resist.

Anyone know if it will be possible to transfer games you already own?


Also it's possible Nintendo will try to give some sort of compensation for those who just bought a 3DS. I mean they did it for the price drop, so it could happen for this which is even bigger, right?

I think your statement is contradictory. Until they unify the accounts, how will you be able to transfer your old data to the new one without having to buy it? Thus eliminating the possibility to trade the old for a price cut in the new one.

#294287 Bayonetta 2 Screenshots

Posted by genev on 27 July 2014 - 12:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Bayonetta 2 looks awesome! I haven't played the first game and I'm really excited that I'll buy both in the price of one :laugh:

#294880 Legend of Zelda bundle

Posted by genev on 03 August 2014 - 10:13 AM in Wii U Hardware

You decided?


Yes I'll buy it because it's only 230 euros.

#294793 Legend of Zelda bundle

Posted by genev on 02 August 2014 - 05:43 AM in Wii U Hardware

So I found the legend of zelda : the wind waker bundle in a pretty good price and I was considering selling my old one to buy this one. Is it worth buying just for the gamepad? Because I already have the game. Is it truly a limited edition or they just advertise it as such? Any help would be appreciated because I can't make up my mind :)

#294799 Legend of Zelda bundle

Posted by genev on 02 August 2014 - 09:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

It looks so cool lol. The markings have a yellow or a golden hue?

#294865 Legend of Zelda bundle

Posted by genev on 03 August 2014 - 03:02 AM in Wii U Hardware

I thought the new update enabled you to transfer all your data. Also, if I can't transfer my ID I will just sync the new gamepad to my old console. Thanks everyone for your help :)

#294887 Legend of Zelda bundle

Posted by genev on 03 August 2014 - 12:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

Thank you everyone for your answers! However, I'll buy it anyway because I have spare money and I will sell my old console,too :)

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