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#295443 A 9-year old boy married a 62 year old woman

Posted by genev on 10 August 2014 - 05:26 AM in The Café

Definitely not the most important issue but it was the issue we are discussing. I agree that those issues you mentioned are much more important but they're even harder to change than simply letting people of the same gender get married. Gay marriage laws are changing in places around the world because it's much easier to change than solving poverty in third world countries, as much as we would all like to do it it's just not that simple. For the other examples regarding women's rights in some countries that is also harder to change because of it being instilled in their tradition and religion. People in the Western world opposing gay marriage is also somewhat of a religious issue for some but  with no state religion it isn't something that is enforced as strongly as it would be if it were.


Just to reiterate, I agree that gay marriage isn't as big an issue as those other issues you mentioned.


I don't think you're homophobic, nothing wrong with your opinion. Sorry if I have been discussing with an attitude or something, today I've been kind of up and down so I didn't mean to be aggressive in discussing with you.

Don't worry is just a little difficult for me to understand the ''feeling'' of the message, because I don't get to practise my English a lot and I get confused some times :)

But you have to understand it's very difficult for some people even if they are forward thinking to beagainst or be in favor of gay marriage, because things as religion and personal beliefs intervene.

#295441 A 9-year old boy married a 62 year old woman

Posted by genev on 10 August 2014 - 04:41 AM in The Café

Oh alright. Great.

Thanks for contributing to the discussion.


Next time don't laugh at what I say if you're not even going to discuss a topic. Jesus Christ.



Well even if you don't tell me the companies, how do you know these people weren't hired because of their appearance and what kind of a job was it?


I'm seeing a lot of "it's an issue in your country and not mine" and then "but we wont allow them to get married". Okay no problem, you don't experience discrimination of that kind so you feel you can ignore the right that they are being refused. Personally you don't experience it but it is out there, there's no denying that.


People are bullied for a range of reasons and it'll vary from person to person and place to place. You can't really say one reason for bullying is worse than the other just based on personal experience, so without statistics I think we can just agree to disagree on that one. I'll agree that overweight people aren't accepted in some ways and are often ridiculed for their weight, can't deny that.

First, about the tall people I don't know about men but I'm almost 6.2 and I have (girl)friends who are 6.3-6.4 and we all have felt discrimination, I don't care about it now but back in school it really sadened me. Honestly, I know what I'm going to say it's controversial but you believe the most important issue about human rights that the world has to solve is gay marriage? I don't. I will when all these children in 3rd world countries will stop working and have a normal life, when women in some parts of the world will stop being treated like property and will be able to get education, choose their own husbands, work and not been flogged publicly for driving. I don't say that gay people shouldn't get married or fight for that right  but they are far more significant issues that have to be dealt with first. And really do you believe that gay people are so weak and discriminated? Do you know how much power they have about specific issues??? They are a very strong community and I don't think that their biggest concern is their marriage, except for the activists group of course.


P.S I'm not homophobic, I just express my opinion

I'm a Christian. I think gay marriage will eventually be legal in every country. Being part of the church i becoming increasingly taboo and seen as "old school", "backwards thinking", whereas supporting gay acts is becoming increasingly cool and seen as "forward thinking". Also if the final book of the Bible basically says that eventually almost no one will be following Christian law. It's really just  matter of how long it takes to get there.

I don't know about your denomination, but the Orthodox church will never accept it.


#295437 A 9-year old boy married a 62 year old woman

Posted by genev on 10 August 2014 - 12:18 AM in The Café

Where were these people being hired at?


Rights are acceptance on a larger scale. If gay people had equal rights then they would become more accepted in the long run. We're moving towards giving them equal rights anyway so their acceptance in Western society is increasing.

Personal experience in this issue isn't really relevant. Your experience is very limited in the grand scope of things, clearly the discrimination of gay people is a greater issue than someone not getting a job because of their appearance. If you're qualified enough you should get the job and if they choose their workers by another criteria then that is their decision, that is discrimination on a small scale and not discrimination against an entire group of people. Most decent people would hire the person that is right for the job not based on their appearance alone.


Homosexuality and being overweight aren't exactly comparable. One you're born with and the other, unless a genetic condition, you are not. More often than not weight issues are the result of one's lifestyle. You think people with unhealthy lifestyles should be more accepted than people with a sexual orientation that they had no choice over?


I guess you're right though, fat people should be able to get married too.



I live in Greece, so even if I mentioned the companies you wouldn't know. Also, I don't know what happens in Australia but here I have never seen anyone pointing a finger and calling bad names a gay person, but all the time I see people pointing at overweight people calling them fat cows, how you get out like these in the streets and more. I have gay friends and they never experienced any kind of discrimination or being ridiculed by classmates or generally people. But I have also overweight friends who were being bullied all their school life and they had reached a point of depression. If Australia discriminates gay people it's an issue of your country and not mine. Regarding gay marriage at least as long as I will live I think it will never be allowed in Greece, not because of the people but because the church has great influence in such decisions. Also, nobody has proved that you're born with heterosexuality,homosexuality, bisexuality etc.

#295412 #FeministsAreUgly currently trending worldwide on twitter

Posted by genev on 09 August 2014 - 01:01 PM in The Café

So much this. I respect women and think everyone should be threated equally but some feminists are completely ridiculous. Also a lot of these "feminists" just want to make the point across that they think women are in fact superior to men, what is not the true purpose of feminism.

When I hear about extreme feminist groups I always think of PETA. They have some pretty good ideals like animals should be treated with love and respect, animals which are for consumption should live in humane conditions, people who torture or kill animals should be punished but what do they do to promote all these? They sue Nintendo for pokemon!!!!! For God's sake, it's just so ridiculous!!!

#295406 #FeministsAreUgly currently trending worldwide on twitter

Posted by genev on 09 August 2014 - 10:54 AM in The Café

As a feminist I can say that these feminist-activists are ridiculous. Instead of trying to promote female equality, they show their boobs and try to steal the champions league cup. These ''measures'' just make feminists look like assholes and honestly have no real effect. If all these female organisations and activists groups gave money to educate women about their rights, many women would live in better conditions. But no they only think they do is to burn their bras in public! Such a great way to promote women's rights <_<

#295403 A 9-year old boy married a 62 year old woman

Posted by genev on 09 August 2014 - 08:48 AM in The Café

This happened to me few years ago. Barnes and Noble. I was super prepped for the interview and even got there early. Well someone shceduled at the same time of my interview an interview with someone else. A cute girl. That's when I looked around and saw they were all cute girls working there. I knew right then. Gets better tho I am sitting waiting despite I got there early and then she comes in disorganized and late and they decide to interview her first. When it was my turn I knew I lost the job before I walked in the door. I did the interview but yea. yes I did see here working there some months later.

That's very unfair. These people should be ashamed of themselves.

#295392 The Name Wii U is 'Abysmal,' Former Nintendo Indie Boss Says - IGN

Posted by genev on 09 August 2014 - 06:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

Honestly I hate the name. I'd be ok with just calling it Nintendo U or as posted above BEEM.  Wii is still a crap name Wii U is even worse.

SEGA could really name a console when they wanted to. Genesis,Nomad,Saturn,Dreamcast. I don't think Nintendo was ever good with names. Sony and MS are just lazy about it. I do miss when consoles in general had a different name. Tho even then not all tried. Super Nintendo,Neo Geo AVS,CD,Pocket,Pocket Color. DC to me had the most creative name and the idea was simple. Dream Broadcasting. Dreamcast. ...it's thinking...


Now things are confusing really. Xbox 360? ...isn't that just an Xbox then? You go 360 degrees wind up where you began. Xbox One? So once again MS has essentially name Xbox just Xbox. Wii U? Is it a controller for Wii? 3DS? Where is DS 2? Oh 2DS but that cmae out after 3? Huh?

A bad name can make things worse and confusing in some cases. It is true tho the right marketing can make anything sell. If good enough can sell a hair brush to a bald man. Still would have helped Nintendo if they had a better name.

With that phrase you reminded me of Sheldon in Big Bang Theory. hahaha

#295391 A 9-year old boy married a 62 year old woman

Posted by genev on 09 August 2014 - 06:07 AM in The Café

The difference is that people with the issues or characteristics you mentioned aren't having their rights infringed upon and discriminated against by politicians and hate groups.

The people with the characteristics you mentioned are accepted. Are you referring to someone being bullied because they're tall or short or different in whatever way? That's not really as big an issue if a small group doesn't accept an individual because they're different but when it happens on large scale to a large number of people is when the issues arise and when people are treated as less of a person because of something they cannot change.

First, I didn't talk about rights I talked about acceptance. You think the groups I mentioned are accepted, really? I haven't heard about people not being hired because their gay, but I have heard about people who weren't hired because they weren't good looking enough. If people can accept every different human being, then they will be able to accept gay people, but until then it won't be possible.


P.S I think that the group that is bullied the most is the people who have weight issues, not the gay group. Just look at a school in your neighborhood :)

#295380 A 9-year old boy married a 62 year old woman

Posted by genev on 09 August 2014 - 01:12 AM in The Café

A great man once said:

"You wanna be startin' something.

You got to be startin' something."


What is the definite right or wrong of abortion?


Could one not argue there is a definite right or wrong regarding gay marriage?

The argument of course would be that it is right to accept people regardless of sexuality.

You're kidding me? People still can't accept people with weight issues, tall people, short people, people who aren't that beautiful, people with disabilities,people with different color, people with different religion and they will accept people with different sexuality so easily? No way.

#295325 A 9-year old boy married a 62 year old woman

Posted by genev on 08 August 2014 - 01:26 PM in The Café

ok I remember reading a little about the man marrying a game character but not much so I looked it up again. I guess it wasn't "legally binding". and I l looked up the pets getting married to get my facts straight and I guess it's not legally "binding" either. so I'm sorry for using that for what you call "my argument"....I was arguing?

what I don't get though, is why am I getting attacked for bringing up that I think it's stupid that this marriage can happen but not gay marriages in a lot of places...?

Sorry if I used the wrong word I'm not a native speaker. Also, I'm not attacking you, I'm just saying that the examples that you brought up aren't right because in the countries that gay marriage is allowed is legal whereas nowhere in the world pet marriage or marriage to a fictional person is legal

#295321 A 9-year old boy married a 62 year old woman

Posted by genev on 08 August 2014 - 10:10 AM in The Café

wha? drama? I was saying that this can happen, pets can get married, and people can marry inanimate objects like pillows and game characters but gays still can't in most places. its stupid is all.

I don't know where you live, but in the majority of the countries no pet marriage or a marriage to a game character can be official. So your argument isn't valid.

#295300 Will smash bros be bad for Hyrule?

Posted by genev on 08 August 2014 - 12:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

No no no. I'm talking about this type of tripping: 

Awww prat falling

#295252 Will smash bros be bad for Hyrule?

Posted by genev on 07 August 2014 - 10:02 AM in Wii U Games and Software

"Trips" while talking about Smash bros. don't worry I'm only joking (kind of).

I don't undervalue the game, but I'm going to play ssb4 mostly on wii u because I like it better there. But when my flight is 13 hours( excluding the waiting hours) I want to play sth good and I can't think a better fighting game than ssb4 :)

#295236 Gamestop checkout problem

Posted by genev on 07 August 2014 - 01:10 AM in The Café

That's the thing tho. Gamestop "guts" new games puts the case on display and the disc in the drawer. Employees are allowed to take that new game home and play it for up to 4 days. They bring the game back and it's put back in the drawer and will still be sold as new. Also some stores like ours had a shrink wrap machine in the back. So had some used sold as new "sealed" games.

You're kidding me lol!!!. Nice policy. Thanks for the warning. Because I'll visit USA on September and I was thinking of buying games from there.

#295235 Will smash bros be bad for Hyrule?

Posted by genev on 07 August 2014 - 12:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Trigger warning next time plz

What is a trigger warning? And what did I say that made you upset? :mellow:

#295178 Books you're reading now

Posted by genev on 06 August 2014 - 02:08 PM in The Café

I'm reading for a third time this year ''the idiot'' by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

#295164 Gamestop checkout problem

Posted by genev on 06 August 2014 - 08:01 AM in The Café

Thank you guys. But I wanted to ask where do you buy your games if not from gamestop (excluding amazon and ebay)?

#295160 Gamestop checkout problem

Posted by genev on 06 August 2014 - 07:44 AM in The Café

So I want to buy a gift for for a friend who lives in USA from gamestop. When I try to checkout and go to billing address, there's no option for my country. Has anyone tried buying sth from gamestop with a European paypal? I'm so sad that I can't buy my friend's birthday gift :(. Any help would be appreciated :)

#294887 Legend of Zelda bundle

Posted by genev on 03 August 2014 - 12:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

Thank you everyone for your answers! However, I'll buy it anyway because I have spare money and I will sell my old console,too :)

#294880 Legend of Zelda bundle

Posted by genev on 03 August 2014 - 10:13 AM in Wii U Hardware

You decided?


Yes I'll buy it because it's only 230 euros.

#294865 Legend of Zelda bundle

Posted by genev on 03 August 2014 - 03:02 AM in Wii U Hardware

I thought the new update enabled you to transfer all your data. Also, if I can't transfer my ID I will just sync the new gamepad to my old console. Thanks everyone for your help :)

#294810 Legend of Zelda bundle

Posted by genev on 02 August 2014 - 03:14 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm really split lol

#294805 Will smash bros be bad for Hyrule?

Posted by genev on 02 August 2014 - 10:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm thinking of buying it because I want a good fighting game on my handheld so I can take it with me on trips ;)

#294802 Legend of Zelda bundle

Posted by genev on 02 August 2014 - 10:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

Actually when this bundle fist came out it was pretty disappointing that they didn't include a physical copy. Also, in Europe the bundle doesn't include Hyrule Historia :(

#294799 Legend of Zelda bundle

Posted by genev on 02 August 2014 - 09:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

It looks so cool lol. The markings have a yellow or a golden hue?

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