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#291849 File Deleted Please Help!

Posted by Papachips on 28 June 2014 - 11:09 PM in Wii U Hardware

So after about a month of playing Mario Kart 8, I've gotten almost all stars, lots of stamps, almost all karts and many points online. However, just this morning I turned on my Wii U, selected Mario Kart 8 and all my data had dissapeared. I had the initial 28 stamps, 1000 points and the initial characters and karts. There's another user on my Wii U which someone else uses but the person's MK8 file is intact, nothing has changed. Also, all of my other games (3D World and Pikmin 3) are fine. Nothing deleted from them. So does anyone know why this happened so I can prevent it from happening in the future? Note that MK8's file is stored on the Wii U's hard drive, not outside on something like a flash drive.


Thanks for the help!


#291865 File Deleted Please Help!

Posted by Papachips on 29 June 2014 - 03:19 AM in Wii U Hardware

What do you mean by stored on the WiiU's Hard Drive, the internal storage ?
I thought that all the Save Game data from every game is stored on the internal storage.
Your MK8 Save File wasn't overwritten by the other user was it ?

Yeah, I meant the internal storage. And no, it hasn't been overwritten since the other user also has quite a few things and for me its like at the start. I guess backing up the file on an external device is an option as tedious as it is. I think what could've caused the memory to wipe out is the fact that I turned off the console in the middle of a race. Maybe the file corrupted or something.

#291904 File Deleted Please Help!

Posted by Papachips on 29 June 2014 - 11:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

maybe the other person log in to your side and messed up the save.


Nah, wasn't him

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