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There have been 58 items by Alex Atkin UK (Search limited from 23-June 23)

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#286251 Can I use a high speed microsd card in USB adaptor instead of a HDD?

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 23 May 2014 - 11:45 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nope. It's just for Wii data.


No that is the SD card port, they were referring to plugging in a USB SD card reader which is essentially the same as a USB stick.


That should work but it might not be as reliable as a USB stick which should have their own wear leveling.  Also as you point out, a HDD is a LOT cheaper per GB so the only point really is if you already have some SD cards to use or know the can reuse the one you bought for the Wii U later if you upgrade.

#281976 Activision indefinitely postpones Xbox One version of The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 19 April 2014 - 03:44 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Sounds like a good headline to me. :P

#281701 Activision indefinitely postpones Xbox One version of The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 17 April 2014 - 09:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Confirmation the Wii U is easier to code on than Xbox One?


Yeah probably not, but it is amusing to see Xbox One getting similar treatment to the Wii U - yet this particular game IS "supposedly" on Wii U.

#274908 Nintendo Ending Wi-Fi Connection in Japan on May 20th (Tues) @ 11PM

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 27 February 2014 - 09:28 AM in General Gaming

Can't say I'm impressed with this.  While I never played anything online on Wii, this comes across as a desperate attempt to force the people who did into buying Wii U. 


It also mocks the Wii U backwards compatibility.  What good is 100% compatibility if they slowly shut down functionality?  Even Microsoft gave it 4 years before they shut down original Xbox Live, although granted those people WERE paying for it.


Still, Nintendo should be trying to come across as BETTER than the competition, not worse.

#267073 a better article than that euro games peice

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 17 January 2014 - 09:23 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yet companies like eurogamer say otherwise.

No, they said that when trying to PORT a game that is completely optimised for Xbox 360/PS3 to Wii U, its hard and expensive.

Its unlikely small indie devs ever pushed those consoles that hard, its certainly unlikely they heavily optimised the engine.

As an example, it should be very easy to port between ALL platforms when using Unity, as the engine developers did the most important work of optimising for each platform. However if your game heavily modified the engine or was optimised for specific consoles over the past 7 years, its going to be very very hard to port to Wii U.

The question is not "is the Wii U more powerful than Xbox 360/PS3" because the answer is clearly yes. The question is can your game be ported to Wii U and actually take advantage of its unique architecture so you are actually tapping that power, in a cost effective manner. So logically for small indie projects the answer is more likely to be yes than for the big developers like the Eurogamer articles are clearly from.

Bottom line, PS4/Xbox One are enough of a jump forwards to temporarily offset the problem of optimisation. Combine that with the fact many games are also ported to PC anyway, so they already have a version of the engine partially optimised for PS4/Xbox One hardware. Even if they don't, they have the PS4, Xbox One AND PC market that benefit from doing so, making it cost effective. The fact that optimising for Wii U benefits ONLY Wii U, is by far its biggest stumbling block and is what those big developers are moaning about.

#267102 a better article than that euro games peice

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 17 January 2014 - 10:59 AM in Wii U Hardware

Perhaps they didn't word it exactly like that but I felt they made it fairly clear they were talking relative to other platforms.  I guess its difficult to judge how other people would interpret it.

#290014 has anyone else with a ps4 got the destiny beta yet?

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 12 June 2014 - 03:24 PM in General Gaming

Downloaded it earlier but haven't tried it yet.  I also got the Battlefield Beta code today too.

#290015 Bungie says it will get Destiny to 1080p/30fps on XB1

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 12 June 2014 - 03:30 PM in General Gaming

Everywhere else says 30fps for both.


That means either Xbox One will run more choppy, the PS4 version will look much much more pretty, or they scale down the graphics on both to make Microsoft happy.


I fear its most likely the latter, I just hope it doesn't become a "thing" to scale down PS4 games so they can have platform parity on performance.  Its bad enough some developers are doing this on PC already so it doesn't outclass the  console versions as much as it should.

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