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There have been 367 items by Happy Monk (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#282028 Would you want Nintendo to buy another Western dev

Posted by Happy Monk on 20 April 2014 - 04:33 PM in General Gaming

I thought Nintendo already owned Next Level Games?


Also, yes, they should buy Avalanche Studios - just for Just Cause.

#280803 Last of Us PS4 trailer

Posted by Happy Monk on 10 April 2014 - 02:42 PM in General Gaming

I still don't know why people are as excited for this as they are.

#280800 Project Cars: over 40% of people interested, will be buying it on Wii U

Posted by Happy Monk on 10 April 2014 - 02:38 PM in Wii U News

I voted for the Wii U version. I've been wanting this game for ages now.

#280572 Check Out This Epic Monster Hunter Frontier GG Trailer

Posted by Happy Monk on 09 April 2014 - 05:27 AM in General Gaming

Sony Never funded anything. MH was just on playstation because of the install base, and then on psp because it was the only handheld that could handle the platform.

Nintendo however, did persue capcom for monster hunter, and got exclusivity for the next few mainline new titles.

I didn't say Sony has funded it, just that either them or Nintendo are the only companies besides Capcom I could theoretically see funding Monster Hunter.

#280571 Are you getting Smash Bros for the 3DS or Wii U?

Posted by Happy Monk on 09 April 2014 - 05:26 AM in General Gaming

I'll be getting both, although I was kinda hoping for the Wii U version first, as that (to me) seems like the real deal.

#280405 Check Out This Epic Monster Hunter Frontier GG Trailer

Posted by Happy Monk on 08 April 2014 - 12:58 PM in General Gaming

Well, mh4 is using the new mtframework monster hunter engine for 3ds, whilst fronteir is still using the ps2 mh engine.

Honestly, the only way I ever see mh getting a graphical engine overhaul for modern systems, will be if someone other than cap funds it.

I don't care about the graphics, I'm just excited to actually play Monster hunter 4!


The only companies I see funding are Nintendo or Sony.

#280404 Nintendo Pocket Football Club ...anyone excited?

Posted by Happy Monk on 08 April 2014 - 12:56 PM in General Gaming

I've been looking forward to this game for so long!


Don't expect a huge amount of depth, it's not football manager and it didn't review well with transfer reviews.


Doesn't stop my excitement, looks like a great, simple football managing sim on the go with some great online capabilities!

#279687 Check Out This Epic Monster Hunter Frontier GG Trailer

Posted by Happy Monk on 03 April 2014 - 10:39 AM in General Gaming

Monster Hunter 4 looks better than this. In pretty much every way.

#279686 Mario Kart 8 Devs Praise Wii U Power - Show Off Visual Stunner

Posted by Happy Monk on 03 April 2014 - 10:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software

In all honesty, Mario Kart 8 is the nicest-looking game I have ever seen. I just can't get over it.

#278982 Check Out This Epic Monster Hunter Frontier GG Trailer

Posted by Happy Monk on 29 March 2014 - 11:55 AM in General Gaming

Is this on Wii U? I can't remember...

#278737 Assassins Creed Comet WiiU (among others) Rumor

Posted by Happy Monk on 27 March 2014 - 06:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I loved III's setting but it's also been done in Liberation, which makes it overdone imo.  They've also overdone Italy.


There are so. Freaking. Much. Interesting settings and era's for the series, they shouldn't stick  to the same. Why not make a game in London, during the industrial  revolution? Or a game in Russia?

The best thing about III was its setting. Everything else kinda let it down.

#278678 Assassins Creed Comet WiiU (among others) Rumor

Posted by Happy Monk on 26 March 2014 - 04:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

What will  the  setting be? Revolutionary America again? If so, no buy. I also didn't buy Revelations and Brotherhood.


I want  Unity for  Wii U. The French revolution is pretty interesting.

The French Revolution is a very interesting era for Assassin's Creed.


I hope this new one is not revolutionary America again. Although it is apparently a sequel to Assassin's Creed III, hopefully it should be better fun.


And hopefully much, much less edgy.

#278388 Could Zelda U look better than 2011 Demo or different

Posted by Happy Monk on 23 March 2014 - 05:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think there is no chance the game will look like the tech-demo. Will it look better? Yes. But most people will say no and complain about it until they play the game.


Personally, I think the art-style will be different to anything we've seen in a Zelda title before.

#278384 Do you think Nintendo learned their lesson from that E3 Direct?

Posted by Happy Monk on 23 March 2014 - 05:43 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The direct is okay. But I do hope they go back on stage, even though the lag will be horrible no matter what.

#278383 Your ideal Nintendo at E3 scenario FORGET REALISM

Posted by Happy Monk on 23 March 2014 - 05:42 PM in General Gaming

A new Star Fox for Wii U.

A new Kirby for Wii U.

Yarn Yoshi.

Shin Megami X Fire Emblem gameplay trailer.

Zelda for all the fans.

Awesome Smash Bros. trailer.

Retro's new game.




Reggie dressed as a Pikmin.

#278146 Yoshi's New Island - Soundtrack Opinions?

Posted by Happy Monk on 21 March 2014 - 11:06 AM in General Gaming

The soundtrack is good, and it fits the game perfectly. What more could you want?

#278071 Possible list of upcoming Wii U games

Posted by Happy Monk on 20 March 2014 - 09:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

So I looked up some of the games.

Chase Mii was a Wii U demo (Which is now kinda a Nintendo Land game?)
and Measure Up was another demo, where you had to draw a line, circle, angel, squigly line in a certain size of inches or cm against another player.
And then considering The Sims (EA) is on this list...

Its probably fake. Take in mind that 16-17 of the 24 games are confirmed though.

Measure up is a game on Game on Wario. It's good fun.

#277812 Lets face it: MS Messed up with Xbox One

Posted by Happy Monk on 18 March 2014 - 03:14 PM in General Gaming

I know how I avoid the Kinect camera from being hacked. Not having ONE.

Everything about the Kinect annoys me. Especially the name.

#277811 Peanuts Teaser Trailer

Posted by Happy Monk on 18 March 2014 - 03:12 PM in The Café

Any doubts I had about the film are now completely gone.

#277421 New pics for Arkham Knight

Posted by Happy Monk on 16 March 2014 - 05:34 AM in General Gaming

Seriously the games that bad?

It's a joke, but seriously, the cape looks awful.


Really, really ugly.

#277352 Marvel is planning on killing off Wolverine this year.

Posted by Happy Monk on 15 March 2014 - 01:22 PM in The Café

He'll die, but he'll live.


Quoting Ice Age 3 (sort of). Finally.

#277350 New pics for Arkham Knight

Posted by Happy Monk on 15 March 2014 - 01:21 PM in General Gaming

All I can say is that his cape is hideous. Way to ruin a perfectly good game Rocksteady.

#277347 Chicken takes drawing requests <(^)3

Posted by Happy Monk on 15 March 2014 - 01:17 PM in The Museum

Draw a banjo playing a kazooie

What about a Kazooie playing a banjo?

#277346 People accidentally buy stuff on PS4; Sony does not offer refunds

Posted by Happy Monk on 15 March 2014 - 01:16 PM in General Gaming

Man, he's lucky to have that British Cops Skin Pack - that thing is glorious.

#277059 Chicken takes drawing requests <(^)3

Posted by Happy Monk on 13 March 2014 - 08:24 AM in The Museum

Draw a banjo playing a human.

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