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#200207 Favorite RPGs of all time

Posted by Happy Monk on 26 April 2013 - 03:18 AM in General Gaming

Does Fire Emblem count?

If so (in no particular order):


Any Fire Emblem game, they're all so good.

Dragon Quest IX, I also really like IV and V, but IX wins it for me.

Any Pokemon game, they're all so good.

Dragonball Z: Attack of the Saiyans (awesome game that not many people know about).

Secret of Mana.


If Fire Emblem doesn't count (again, in no particular order):


Dragon Quest IX.

Any Pokemon game.

Dragonball Z : Attack of the Saiyans.

Secret of Mana.

The Last Story.



I also very much like the DS remakes of Final Fantasy III, IV and Chrono Trigger. Never got into Mass Effect, reminded me too much of Star Wars Episode 1 (kidding). Oblivion and Morrowind are both great, Kingdoms of Amalur is good. Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi are also great series. But the 5 listed above take the crown.

#198614 Do You Ever Use the 3DS's 3D?

Posted by Happy Monk on 23 April 2013 - 04:11 AM in General Gaming

I always play with the 3D on. The games look better in 3D and I just seem to enjoy the games more when playing in 3D, even the ones where it's entirely pointless. I also never turn the brightness down. I don't get the point if you can just charge it when it runs out.

#259118 VGX announcement Predictions

Posted by Happy Monk on 05 December 2013 - 08:37 AM in General Gaming

Plus, reggie just had a HUGE blowout on dk, WITH geof, WHEN he first started teasing about.

Showing dk would be the most idiotic move possible, and with the vgx audience, get nintendo boo'd off stage.

Good. It would be great for Nintendo to show some balls and show Donkey Kong. And I seriously don't get the hate surrounding that game, everyone loved Returns, a sequel therefore is great news. And don't bring up Metroid - I think Retro have made enough of those, four to be precise and more than one company can make Metroid.


I do agree however that the audience of VGX are the kind that would not appreciate something like Donkey Kong (too colourful), I'm thinking it might be X they show.

#259276 VGX announcement Predictions

Posted by Happy Monk on 06 December 2013 - 06:39 AM in General Gaming


What universe are you living in? First off. IT HAS A PLAYABLE DEMO. Thats considerably more than NOTHING AT ALL FOR ANYONE ELSE.

Second off, this game has had footage after footage after footage after footage since e3. GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE. How many trailers can you make for freaking donkey kong? Its not like its x, or zelda, or metroid, or anything that has any substance beyond the surface. Two trailers is twice too many. Its had gameplay footage, new levels footage, diddie kong new footage, dixie kong new gameplay footage, and just a day or so ago a giant blow out with reggie and geof with EVEN MORE FOOTAGE.

And 4-5 (The number is much, MUCH higher when you factor in indie titles, many of which are of competitive quality, like giana sisters) is an extremely HIGH number, at the beginning of a systems life when there are less games total, than midway through a systems life, but its especially damning when the other number is ZERO.


I believe I mentioned the demo, I thought the fact it is playable was obvious. All I've seen of the game is one trailer from E3 and one since and some gameplay footage from the E3 show floor. That is all I have seen of the game, nothing else. I didn't see the Reggie geoff thing as I live in the UK and have not looked for it on the internet. Donkey Kong is just as valid as any other game for trailers (beyond overly ambiguous titles) and has plenty of substance beyond the surface, you're acting like Donkey Kong is rubbish (which may be your opinion and I respect that) and a complete waste of time whereas I think the opposite.


On the number of platformers side of your argument, it's Nintendo. Nintendo consoles have always had a large amount of platformers, part of the reason I buy them. Some of my favourite games are these apparently worthless pieces of trash. Nintendo consoles have always had a lack in genres like racing and fighting games, I think even having one in either of those genres is good.


As for the they're not being bought thing, I believe I already agreed with you. Typing it in caps just looks petty and annoying, especially if I've already agreed with you.


P.S. Donkey Kong looks fantastic.

#259283 VGX announcement Predictions

Posted by Happy Monk on 06 December 2013 - 07:57 AM in General Gaming

Yes, DK and its fanbase is just as vaild as anything else. That doesnt mean its as deep, or engaging on the same levels as games like metroid, zelda, or X. Its not. Its clearly not, its a 2d platformer. 2d platformers engage in the here and now, what you see, when you see it, dodge this, jump on that, speed up to make that jump, grap that collectable. There is no philosophy to consider in donkey kongs story, there is no out of the way locales to explore, there is no world lore to uncover. The game relies soley on its gameplay, and level design, and nothing else to garner interest and intruige. Thats fine, it is a very pure arcadey gaming experience. HOWEVER every single thing you SHOW of it, is a spoiler, every character, every move, every level, You dont need to show anything more beyond what is required to discern solid mechanics and level design, and the games general aesthetic.

 Personally, I find games like Mario and Donkey Kong more engaging and enjoyable, never got on with Zelda and Metroid to be honest and I never got round to playing Xenoblade - X's closest relative. And isn't anything you show of anything technically a spoiler? I think maybe I just haven't seen a lot of Donkey Kong, more than I have of Mario Kart 8, X, Bayonetta 2, Yarn Yoshi and Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, but less than I have of Smash Bros and less than was shown for Mario, Pikmin 3 and The Wonderful 101 with their respective marketing pushes.


At the end of your post you say this:

'Theyve tried the donkey kong genre fans. They have failed. Failed to buy systems, failed to buy software. Its time to move on.'

Are you forgetting that the game has not been released yet? I assume you are talking about other platformers, because if you are, Mario has certainly helped people to re-evaluate the Wii U, and has caused sales of the console to rise. It can't just be coincidence that the gaming press has become less aggressive towards the Wii U recently, Mario is proving to be something people were waiting for, I just hope more people put their money where their mouth is.


Personally I hope they show more of X or something of SMT X FE.

#276033 In defence of third party publishers

Posted by Happy Monk on 06 March 2014 - 08:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The vast majority of my personal Wii U library is 3rd Party - 14 out of 16.


I don't tend to get caught up in supposedly bad ports, I just buy and enjoy games. Everyone is so self-righteous when it comes to buying games, then they complain that they aren't getting the ones they want - despite the fact that they aren't buying them. I wonder why I even get involved in online discussions on such a matter, I'm just too neutral and complacent when it comes to games, who made them and what it is like compared to other versions. I'm just happy that I get to play games at all - I consider myself lucky.

#259099 VGX announcement Predictions

Posted by Happy Monk on 05 December 2013 - 05:35 AM in General Gaming

I don't think they've ever said Reggie will be making a big announcement. But a new look at an upcoming Wii U game, please don't get your hopes up, the backlash when they show Donkey Kong (which looks fantastic) will be unbearably idiotic.

#259142 VGX announcement Predictions

Posted by Happy Monk on 05 December 2013 - 01:57 PM in General Gaming

Brave by showing dk? Theyve done nothing BUT show dk, constantly, all the time, at every single anything, in playable demos, and spoiled almost every single aspect of the game.

On top of that, dk is yet ANOTHER entry into a SEVERELY oversaturated genre on the wii u.... That nobody who owns, or is waiting to buy a wii u, is responding to. No one responded to nsmbu (nobody, is a comparative term compared to the sustained explosion that led to 20-30+ million sales), its by far the lowest tracking entry in the series, no one is buying nsmlu, no one is buying rayman, even 3dworld is doing nothing in japan.

That audience is showing very very very very clearly, that they arent interested in wii u. Makes sense to me. Dont exactly need to spend 400 bocks on a new system for... The same 2d experience that can be done exactly as well on the wii, or ps2, or snes... These people who made these games multi million successes didnt buy the wii to get beefier hardware than gamecube. They dont care about the wii u. The fact it blows the wii out of the water in power means nothing to them. Its 350-400 bucks on something they dont understand as different. So they dont get it. They can leave it behind just like they picked it up. On impulse. This dk, will likely be 10x better than the last one, and it wont sell a fraction as much.

Now all thats left that cares about dk, about side scrolling platformers THAT MUCH, were the same ones who did BEFORE the wii. And they arent any bigger than zelda or metroids fanbase. Probably smaller. And yet they are GROSSLY overserved while everyone else is starved.

The kind of games that are revealed at vga/x appeal far more to nintendo's starving, neglected audience, and not at all to nintendos fat, overstuffed audience.

It is VERY, VERY, VERY clear what KIND of game nintendo should pull from its stable for this event. And as you agree, its not dk.

Shown nothing but Donkey Kong? They've shown the same demo a lot and have released two trailers. That's not exactly a huge amount, especially considering it is due for release in February. 3D world has also helped pump interest back into the Wii U, just look at the numbers the console has been selling since that game was launched. 21,000 odd at the game's launch and a jump up to 28,000 the next week. I know these numbers aren't massive but it was just a matter of weeks ago that the Wii U was not even reaching 3,000 units sold on a weekly basis.


Also, I'd hardly call having 4 and soon 5 platformers SEVERELY oversaturated. I agree that these games aren't setting the sales world on fire, but every one released seems to push sales of the console just enough to warrant them. I mean, I can't get enough of platformers, with Rayman Legends being one of the best games I have played this year and Origins never sold amazingly well, meaning Legends was never going to do the numbers, it was and still is unrealistic to think so.


But yes, it would be a silly move for Nintendo to show Donkey Kong, I just think people need to turn their expectations down, expect Donkey Kong is all I'm saying, if it isn't cool for you (unless if you want to see more of the game like me). I just get fed up with people having ludicrously high expectations and then moaning because they haven't been met, and I also get fed up with the unnecessary hate thrown at Donkey Kong.

#240109 How do you feel about the Wii U gamepad?

Posted by Happy Monk on 18 August 2013 - 03:24 PM in Wii U Hardware

The Wii U Gamepad is one of the most comfortable controllers I have ever used, I like everything about it.

#258589 Knack out sales Mario in UK

Posted by Happy Monk on 02 December 2013 - 09:47 AM in General Gaming

Well. Isn't this something. PS4 games were always gonna sell well (as it is the launch of the thing), but I completely agree. The UK game market is stupid, I know this first hand being a resident.

#211197 Vote for Retro's new game

Posted by Happy Monk on 25 May 2013 - 10:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I really really want a new Star Fox. But honestly, I think it could be Metroid again.

#270246 Mergers and Acquisitions

Posted by Happy Monk on 03 February 2014 - 10:00 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'd honestly just consider buying the company for the IPs and let EAD or someone in-house make the games.


Pretty sure a few of the people from the N64 games would consider coming back if Nintendo held the reins again.

Indeed. A new Nintendo-made Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark and a new Blast Corps would be fantastic.

#270197 Mergers and Acquisitions

Posted by Happy Monk on 03 February 2014 - 02:15 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo should buy Platinum, get them to make F-Zero and Starfox. Sega would be good but would never happen, as with Capcom.

#280803 Last of Us PS4 trailer

Posted by Happy Monk on 10 April 2014 - 02:42 PM in General Gaming

I still don't know why people are as excited for this as they are.

#267114 Smashers launches petition for GC support for SMASH 4.

Posted by Happy Monk on 17 January 2014 - 01:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

There is practically no point in a charged smash against humans. And absolutely no point whatsoever against humans who really know how to play.

You dont use smashes for damage building (exceptions like zelda's up smash) but for knockouts, and charging doesnt increase knock back enough to make the broadcasting of 'hey, you know exactly what im stuck in and how to punish me with impunity!'

Csticking also removes the 'click'
wind up and allow the move to strike instantly, and thus recover faster.

It can also be used for tilts for people who have trouble.

Although c-sticking wont be going anywhere, I guess it will just be called right sticking... Though I admit I wont relish the new position of the stick.

Certainly something a smart 3rd party controller company can take advantadge of.

I have never played competitions (never really want to) and only play the games as party games, I always use charge smash attacks.

#266941 Smashers launches petition for GC support for SMASH 4.

Posted by Happy Monk on 16 January 2014 - 02:27 PM in Wii U Games and Software

the configuration is extremely important. Also, the wii mote has no c-stick so it's at a HUUUUUGE disadvantage just from that alone. I could tell you a couple at's that are impossible or practically impossible to do with Wii mote.

There's a thread about it somewhere on smashboards, I think I even read it once, but I can't find it.

I never understood the c-stick, I always just charge smash attacks, it makes more sense to me to have them as charged attacks to compliment the rest of the normal, quick attacks.

#211129 Should Nintendo stop making Mario games?

Posted by Happy Monk on 25 May 2013 - 06:34 AM in General Gaming

Should Mario retire? What kind of a silly question is that?

Not only does Mario fund Nintendo, each one is fun and unique in different ways. The New Super Mario series is purposely made to be simple and straight up 2D Mario platforming, the New! series really helps fill the time between the 3D adventures everybody loves so much and are every part as much in the 'main' series of games as any other one - not including spin-offs.

Nintendo has said they want to release one New! Super Mario Bros on every console they make, as a safe and secure benchmark game that will sell, yet they still provide fun, and lots of it.


All in all, Mario is Nintendo.

#265542 Sega confirms Alien Isolation not coming to Wii U

Posted by Happy Monk on 08 January 2014 - 03:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It's a shame, the game sounds interesting. Ah well.

#266598 Smashers launches petition for GC support for SMASH 4.

Posted by Happy Monk on 14 January 2014 - 04:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I honestly don't see what you can do on a Gamecube controller that you can't do on anything else. I mean, they all have the same buttons (other than Wiimote on its side). What difference does it make beyond the shape and feel of the controller?


I always used Wiimote+nunchuck for brawl, never had any problems with it.

#244544 Reggie Confirms No Ambassador Program For Wii U

Posted by Happy Monk on 06 September 2013 - 06:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

you knew what games were coming out and you decided to pay 200 of your American Great British Pounds on it. Or whatever.

You made the decision to rip yourself off is that what you're saying?
Or are you saying that the company deciding to lower the price of their device later on than you bought it is them ripping you off 6 months or however long before?
unicorn tongue

I'm saying that with the lack of games (I only had 3 since it launched up until October of the same year), the price seemed steep while the Wii U's price did not seem steep and still doesn't.

The fact that they were so quick to drop the price also made me feel ripped off, and by how much they dropped the price.

#244621 Reggie Confirms No Ambassador Program For Wii U

Posted by Happy Monk on 06 September 2013 - 03:18 PM in Wii U Hardware

What were you expecting then? A $2 price cut after 5 year in the market? The Ambassador Program was an exception, this is a completly different situation. You can't just buy a console expecting to have free games after 10 months.

I know the Ambassador programme was an exception, heck, I've even said I don't care that the Wii U won't have one. All I was saying was that I bought the 3DS at launch, it was expensive (perhaps too expensive), and the ambassador games were very nice because I felt annoyed at the large price cut the 3DS received in such a short space of time.


Many times in the past (not necessarily on this site) I have argued that the ambassador programme was a very nice bonus/ exception and that we didn't need one (I know that I posted we needed one for the 3DS - I was wrong to say that).


I never said I expect an ambassador programme for the Wii U.

You shouldn't have bought it if you thought it didn't have enough games to justify the price.

There were at launch, just not in the many months following (delays and the such).

#244340 Reggie Confirms No Ambassador Program For Wii U

Posted by Happy Monk on 05 September 2013 - 06:03 AM in Wii U Hardware

Well, the ambassador programme was needed, I know for sure I felt ripped off about the 3DS after the price dropped. I do not feel ripped off at all with the price I paid for the Wii U, it means I got 10 months of being in a (kind of) exclusive club for £50, what's wrong with that?

#260987 Nintendo PR for November 2013 sales. Wii U slightly over 220k.

Posted by Happy Monk on 13 December 2013 - 05:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

According to VgChartz, Wii U lifetime sales are on 4.5 million, half of what Nintendo have forecast for end of March next year. 3DS meanwhile has sold 40.5 million, quite a lot.




Dunno what the percentages mean...

#268508 If you could change ONE thing

Posted by Happy Monk on 24 January 2014 - 05:08 PM in Wii U Hardware

A little more horsepower. Like 3 gigs of ram instead of two or a quad core processor. I dunno. I really like the console the way it is to be honest, therefore the only way it could be "better" is if it had a little more under the hood.

#231676 wiiu's power

Posted by Happy Monk on 15 July 2013 - 05:41 AM in Wii U Hardware

Oh mighty master of  proof. Please explain how come  you are always pointing out excuses made by companies that  hardly even touched the wii u. Oh please show me how amazingly these games were coded to use all cores when they were not. Please show  how lack of load balancing and therefor using less than half the available  CPU power yet still running games that  somehow require a core that runs at double the clock because its so weak. I  grovel at how good you are at explaining and proving points. Lay this wicked believer to rest with more bs. *bow bow*

This is one of the funniest things I have seen on this forum for a long time! Congrats!


The thing is, these threads are getting pretty ridiculous as we already know what the Wii U can do - using pure and simple knowledge and logic.

Iwata said that games such as Assassin's Creed III run using up to 50% of the Wii U's potential - proven by the fact they all seem to use just one of three cores available.

The Wii U is not as powerful as the PS4/Xboxone, but it isn't as far behind as people like to think.

But please carry on the pointless arguing, it's funny to see everyone ignore what everyone else has to say.

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