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#45660 its just a rumor.... but nintendo should jump on this

Posted by Jack on 07 December 2011 - 01:30 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo just needs more 3rd party support...period.Not just by EPIC but everyone and they dont necessarilly have to be exclusives.

#42160 New guy here!

Posted by Jack on 14 November 2011 - 11:07 PM in Introduction Central

Thanks for all the kind words guys, glad to see some good attitudes about gaming in general without having to use console wars sterotype that goes on in some forums.
@ Waller
thanks for the answer, even though it might not be ideal or give you the whole Wii U experiance knowing this answers some of my questions but I'm getting more stoked about the Wii U the more I read about it.
Sadly my artistic talent never evolved past the stick figure stage :P anyway what kind of ART are you into?
And yes Jack is fine :)
Just one last thing...what is this whole A.P.D.F thing all about Im to new to know whats going on but it does have my attention.

#41977 New guy here!

Posted by Jack on 13 November 2011 - 11:08 PM in Introduction Central

Well Brian6330 let me tell you a little story :P
The thing was that I was going to get a Wii at first but it was at that time when it was almost imposible to get one ( shortages, not enough units to go around ) and in my area they were sold out basically everywhere so instead I got a PS3....( please no haters just wanted a console to game on and decided the PS3 had more games that I liked, Uncharted, MGS, blah, blah, blah you get the point) the whole situation of not being able to get one sort of soured my whole attitude with NINTENDO, not that the Wii is bad becuase it does have some great games and and is boat loads of fun ( my buddy has one ) so I really didn't see the need to get my own 1..I had my own PS3 to take care of my console fix 2.. I game on my laptop too :)
So to make a long story short the few games that I did like I can/could play at my buds house and I couldn't justify getting my own just to play a handful of titles that appealed to me......but now the Wii U is chance for me to jump on the Nintendo bandwagon again... but I do have to see more, the little we know about the Wii U so far is pretty darn good and it seems that it will have much more 3rd party support this time than last gen.
Tablet style controler is still a big question mark for me but I do love what I see so far just, maybe CES 2012 we can get a little more info as to what exactly we are going to get spec wise with the console and see what resolution the the tablet controler will have and how good the panel they use on it is.
There still iso a lot of unknows as to what features the console will have so I will end this post with another question
Would you be able to play a whole game with just the tablet controler as the main screen?

#41913 New guy here!

Posted by Jack on 13 November 2011 - 06:16 AM in Introduction Central

Hiya, and welcome to the WiiU forums. Knowing Nintendo they'll most likely release colored versions later on in the systems life cycle for holidays and special milestones to boost sales as they always seem to do.

So, since you weren't a fan of the Wii what types of games did you partake in this generation? What's your favorite game genre and what is your most anticipated game at the moment?

My older brothers had a 360 and PS3, both very good consoles with great games.
Favorite game of all time would be the God of War series but i like all genres as long as it's a good quaility title, most anticipated game would Metal Gear Solid: Rising know that Uncharted 3 and Skyrim are out.
Please don't hurt since none are Nintendo titles, but i do have a 3DS :P...most anticipated game for that is Mario Land 7 and Shinobi

#41898 New guy here!

Posted by Jack on 12 November 2011 - 10:59 PM in Introduction Central

Just want to say hello to everyone, never was a fan of the Wii but the Wii U has got my attention, finally what the Wii should have been from the start.
My one concern with the Wii U ( some people might think its nothing ) is the white color of the console, will it come in different colors like Black?
My grubby hands think the White tablet controller will get dirty quickly and overall just plain don't like the color, it's not a deal breaker but I would like to have options.
I'm onboard for the ride just hope it meets all expectations.

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