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Member Since 04 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 10 2011 07:23 AM

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1st party launch games - An estimation

04 July 2011 - 09:42 AM

First of all Hello to everyone :D this is my first post here. Glad to have found the forum.

Now, what I would like to do is to get the infos together that we have so far to estimate what launch games we might get.

Here's my input:

- Super Mario: producer Yoshiaki Koizumi didn't really know much about Wii U until E3 and says that development of Mario for Wii U is in very early stage. This kinda rules out a title for launch, since it can only be in proper production since a month now. At least a full fledged Mario title. Even for a late 2012 launch, a year and half does not sound likely.

Estimate: very likely no launch title, earliest in 2013.

- Zelda HD: Miyamoto has confirmed there will be some sort of HD Zelda, but that is kinda a given. No definite confirmation of title in development was made so far. The Zelda development team is still finishing up Skyward Sword. Another team might work on a new Zelda, but it is known that Nintendo has dedicated departments for specific game series. Also in light of the release of Skyward Sword Nintendo might want to leave a bigger gap (Wii U's earliest launch is May 2012, SS will release late 2011). There might be a surprise though, like Retro revealing the next Zelda (*dream*)

Estimate: likely no launch title, earliest late 2012, probably in 2013 or after

- Smash Bros. Wii U: As confirmed, the development team for Smash Bros. Wii U has not started production yet since they are finishing up Kid Icarus for 3DS. This is a pretty clear indicator, ruling the title out for launch.

Estimate: as good as guaranteed not at launch, probably 2013 or even 2014

- Pikmin 3: So we come to the hot contender for the launch! As we all know, this game has been in development for years, announced several times, nothing has been shown so far, officially moved to Wii U. The title must be well developed by now and there is a high chance it will be ready by launch.

Estimate: launch title

- Kirby: HAL Laboratories are busy with Kirby Wii and Kirby Mass Attack, it is unlikely they have the time and resources for releasing a Wii U title at launch.

Estimate: likely not at launch

- Mario Kart: The development team for Mario Kart is finishing up Mario Kart 3D for holiday release. They might simultaneously already work on Mario Kart Wii U. It's thinkable that this could be a launch title.

Estimate: possibly a launch title

- Luigi's Mansion: With the release of Luigis Mansion 2 on 3DS early next year it is highly unlikely that there will be another entry in the series for Wii U in 2012.

Estimate: very unlikely for 2012

- Revivals: F-Zero + Star Fox. There hasn't been a proper release for either of these titles for a home console in many years. These are two of the most beloved Nintendo franchises still, one of these titles might very well be in the works for Wii U. Both of these could be great to show off the graphic power of the new console.

Estimate: good chance one of these will come at launch

- Metroid: This is an interesting one. Retro has said they're done with Metroid, so we shouldnt expect a new title from them. Last year's Other M was received very mixed. It's going to be interesting to see what Nintendo will do next with this series. I think it's fair to say they will let more time pass after the Other M controversy.

Estimate: probably not at launch

- brand new I.P.: Miyamoto has said himself in recent times that he's looking into ideas for a new game series. We might be surprised and get a brand new game for launch.

Estimate: possible for launch

That's my take on it. What's your's?

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