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Turbo Tails 8027 → Dov13
We did meet in the chat room. What sorta stuff d'ya like?
Jun 16 2011 05:04 PM
Ruthie → Turbo Tails 8027
Oh sorry, I wasn't online, I'd quite like either yoshi or kirby or both, something on the lines of extremely cute :3
Jun 01 2011 09:52 AM
Turbo Tails 8027 → Ruthie
Know what art gift ya want? I was hoping to draw it ready, but you didn't tell me.
Jun 01 2011 04:53 AM
Epic Kirby → Turbo Tails 8027
Sure, send me a PM when you're online and we can RP again :)
May 30 2011 02:55 AM
HaHa-No → Turbo Tails 8027
Sorry for the late reply >.<, I've been busy recently. Thankyou for the add anyways.
May 24 2011 08:57 AM