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Let me know what you think about setting up an IRC:
May 31 2014 01:27 PM
I did a few minutes ago. I need to decide whether the irc would have some exclusivity to it, like if I want to make a password or if I want to accept users.
May 31 2014 01:07 PM -
Oh man. That would be incredible. Best way to bring back the chat. :D
May 31 2014 01:10 PM
What the hell Nintendo, did you move your club nintendo site over to the discontinued Brawl servers?
May 30 2014 09:03 PM
Take it as a good sign. Means millions bought MK8 which is good for Wiiu
May 30 2014 09:59 PM -
Hmmm, yeah, I can't log in... Hopefully I can get my free game soon. :3
May 30 2014 10:47 PM
Sneak Peak at the new Retro game being unveiled at E3:
May 28 2014 06:25 PM
Where is Cranky Kong?
May 28 2014 07:12 PM -
I wish people wouldn't post leaks to E3 here. I want to be surprised like I was to find out your real name is Manfred.
@WydrA: That is Cranky Kong. The story doesn't fit the continuity properly for it to be the young Donkey Kong.
May 28 2014 09:05 PM -
Don't lie to me, Cranky Kong always has a beard
May 28 2014 11:03 PM
What were you saying? I was calculating how much more I took just now.
May 13 2014 02:47 PM
Get ready for a new pokemen game every year, that could no way end up being formulaic as hell.
May 07 2014 06:49 AM
Binding of Isaac Rebirth is going to be GotY of all years
May 06 2014 10:21 AM
White Trite Chronicles
It didn't appeal to me, really. Although it's probably my nostalgia for the older Teen Titans series that's keeping me from watching Teen Titans Go.
May 06 2014 12:57 PM