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Caius Casshern Sins People were saying when a special Zelda 3ds will be made well it happened
Caius Casshern Sins
People were saying when a special Zelda 3ds will be made well it happened:
I saw that! I can't believe some people have done that! Then again, they must of been a die-hard CoD fan, like me.
Which reminds me, I'll be going to a midnight-launch in 7 hours to get MW3! :D
Nov 07 2011 02:14 PM
Caius Casshern Sins
Final Week of Classes, next week finals than my Winter break starts and won't end till January. AWESOME.So much free time for two games.
Thanks Caius! ^^ ( let me get pass 10 in the pony vs non-pony thread :D )
Nov 06 2011 01:59 AM
Caius Casshern Sins Well Nintendo or working on a new 3ds zelda game
Yes read this earlier and will be interesting to see where they go with this...Majoras Mask might come after it though.
Nov 04 2011 10:34 AM
Caius Casshern Sins This may be one of those patents that may never be used or nintendo is planning something the thing is I really can't figure it out.
Caius Casshern Sins
Played the Chateau demo if Uncharted 3 at Best Buy. I really enjoyed it. I was there two buy a 20 dollar prepaid card for the PSN and i was talking to the worker and he agreed with me. Skyward Sword and Uncharted 3 are gonna make one great winter break.
I'm considering getting the Uncharted double pack to help tide me over until Skyward Sword. If I like it I may pick up Uncharted 3 as well.
Oct 30 2011 05:21 PM -
Auzzie Wingman
Double pack is good. I'm working on getting the Platinum Trophy for the other half :P
Oct 30 2011 06:25 PM
Caius Casshern Sins This is extremely sad. Me and my younger brother are just like them, we love gaming.
I was like that with my own brother. :) He's the reason why I even bother playing video games. xD
Oct 28 2011 03:59 PM
Caius Casshern Sins
I am so happy. CYBORG 009 is coming back. I loved the show when it was on toonami.