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Well Europe can sell their games and accessories cheaper if they want. I'll probably get the controller £34.99 here and the games £39.99.
Sep 12 2012 11:48 PM -

Japan Nintendo Direct at 8am English Time (I said English, GET IT. GMT+1).

I bet you'll see an American posting about the European Wii U launch date! LOL

No, I am not calling 'Americans' stupid. When I think of America I always think of Argentina and Brazil (Brasil). I guess the Spanish roots of the name. Anyway, I am just referring to that an 'American' would make a post about the European launch? Cause you are going to get a loser like that.
Sep 12 2012 05:35 AM

Robotic Sunshine Commander
yah lol i do too, i want to see how and if they use miiverse
Aug 20 2012 10:27 AM -
I hope it has a better storyline and more and better cutscenes this time round.
Aug 20 2012 01:28 PM -