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Good write up on the current state of console market.

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#1 Pjsprojects


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Posted 06 March 2013 - 09:21 AM

Think this pretty much hits the nail on the head.



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#2 alan123


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Posted 06 March 2013 - 11:40 AM

well people don't have much money to throw about now-a-days, thats why there will be a lower take-up, but the X360 & PS3 have a bigger userbase than Nintendo.

#3 routerbad



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Posted 06 March 2013 - 11:57 AM

well people don't have much money to throw about now-a-days, thats why there will be a lower take-up, but the X360 & PS3 have a bigger userbase than Nintendo.

Wait, what?  Wii U has a smaller user base, but not Nintendo.  Wii has a 98M+ user base, and the majority bought that console within the first couple of years.

#4 Penguin101


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Posted 06 March 2013 - 01:38 PM

Wait, what?  Wii U has a smaller user base, but not Nintendo.  Wii has a 98M+ user base, and the majority bought that console within the first couple of years.

...and a majority of that user base regret buying one I'm afraid. I don't count myself but there's a good percentage. Nintendo lost my trust in their seal of quality when it came to all the shovelware on that console.

#5 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 06 March 2013 - 02:37 PM

That my friend was a brilliant read, thank's for posting, it has definatly made thing's clearer so to say.

#6 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 06 March 2013 - 02:56 PM

Good read, I don't really care about consoles other than wii u because I have my PC now, but this really hit the mark on where the industry is heading.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#7 routerbad



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Posted 06 March 2013 - 03:18 PM

...and a majority of that user base regret buying one I'm afraid. I don't count myself but there's a good percentage. Nintendo lost my trust in their seal of quality when it came to all theshovelware on that console.

Oh I know, I WAS one of those people.  I only had it for less than a year after it launched and I got bored very quickly.  Now I'm making up for that because unbeknownst to me there were all these great games coming out for it starting at the end of the first year of it's lifespan that I never played.  I have never played SMG, MKWii, SSB3, LOZ:TP and SS, Xeno, the list goes on.  There were so many good games for it and I'm actually upset that I got rid of it.  Some of these games I'm playing now and I can't remember having this much fun playing halo or COD ever.  It may be kiddish, but SMG in particular is just SO.MUCH.FUN.


But I understand those people who regret buying it, and I can understand why their faith in Nintendo would be tested, but there is no denying that not too long after launch Ninty brought the games, and there are some gems on that console that I missed out on completely.


I still enjoyed my xbox and my PS3, most notably the first time I played Uncharted, and went bananas over it, awesome tomb raiderish series, and Assassins Creed was a sleeper to me as well, I got it for christmas but didn't even open it for months, until I was bored one day... I finished the game in one sitting, it was that good to me.  I still don't think they were quite as FUN as some of the Wii games I've been playing recently.


I'd also like to point out that my wife hates videogaming, she's never liked it at all.  She asks me every night to spend an hour with her playing mario kart Wii.  I HAD TO TEACH HER HOW TO HOLD THE CONTROLS!!!


She has a blast with it.  She also likes SSB3, but she doesn't play that one as often, she specifically loves the kart racing (and interestingly hated Sonic racing).  I think the Wii got a little bit of a raw deal from Nintendo itself.  If they had just included hardware that was just a little more capable, they wouldn't have had so much negative media attention.  That's the past though.


Here we have a console that is really very capable.  How capable?  we won't really know until later in the generation, but capable enough.  All we need is for Nintendo to advertise for the thing and to release some games (looking forward to LC:U) and I think the Wii U will be a no brainer when there are some ads showing what it can do with games currently available.

#8 alan123


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Posted 06 March 2013 - 04:13 PM

Wait, what?  Wii U has a smaller user base, but not Nintendo.  Wii has a 98M+ user base, and the majority bought that console within the first couple of years.

And how many of that 98m still play their Wii ?


If what you are saying is true then why hasn't the WiiU sold many more than it has ?


All there is in Nintendo sites & reports on news sites about games not coming out on the WiiU, they don't even include the WiiU when talking about next gen consoles, people keep going on about how E3 will change everything for the WiiU but how will Microsoft revealing the X720 help the WiiU or all the games coming out for the PS4 help ?


It is funny how Nintendo said the WiiU would have loads of third party games yet is has none other than ports of old X360/PS3 games, the PS4 & X720 are having new third party games for their release, how come the dev's & publishers have got the games ready for the PS4 & X720 when they have not got any WiiU games ready, they would of all had the same lead time, so what is the excuse ?


All i can think of is that they are not bothering to make any games, others-wise there would be more news, i cannot see the point in waiting for E3 to reveal.

#9 routerbad



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Posted 06 March 2013 - 05:03 PM

And how many of that 98m still play their Wii ?


If what you are saying is true then why hasn't the WiiU sold many more than it has ?


All there is in Nintendo sites & reports on news sites about games not coming out on the WiiU, they don't even include the WiiU when talking about next gen consoles, people keep going on about how E3 will change everything for the WiiU but how will Microsoft revealing the X720 help the WiiU or all the games coming out for the PS4 help ?


It is funny how Nintendo said the WiiU would have loads of third party games yet is has none other than ports of old X360/PS3 games, the PS4 & X720 are having new third party games for their release, how come the dev's & publishers have got the games ready for the PS4 & X720 when they have not got any WiiU games ready, they would of all had the same lead time, so what is the excuse ?


All i can think of is that they are not bothering to make any games, others-wise there would be more news, i cannot see the point in waiting for E3 to reveal.

One word, software.  There isn't enough of it, no one here is arguing with that point.  Actually publishers have been including the Wii U, they don't need to spell it out to you "Next Gen Consoles including Wii U, bla bla"


98% of the launch titles were 3rd party games.  A large majority.  Regardless of whether they are ports or not does not detract from that fact.  Nintendo still has plenty of time to prove they have the 3rd party support some people want.  Meanwhile, Nintendo have no control over what a third party developer makes for their system, unless they publish it. 


What devs have said they have PS4 and 720 games "ready"?  Are you even trying to make a valid argument here?


So because Nintendo isn't calling you up to make sure that you are kept abreast of everything they are doing you are upset at them?  That's instant gratification culture for you.  Consider this, before 2011, Nintendo NEVER announced ANYTHING outside of e3 and space world.  They didn't have Nintendo Direct, they didn't do any of that.  e3, space world, and Nintendo Power is where Nintendo disseminated their news.  Just recently have they started to talk directly to their core fans.  We know about titles being developed and being released this month.  They can't drop a 300 game library on you at launch, that's too much money for publishers to plop down to fund a whole bunch of brand new products on a brand new platform.  Maybe it's just because I'm starting to get old, but I'm patient enough to wait beyond 4 months for games to drop.

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