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the 2 things that could make or break the Wii U

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#1 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 31 July 2011 - 09:00 PM

Ok two thongs I believe nintendo should work on for Wii U to be sucessful.
1. By more development studios! My first option would be high Voltage. They tried and supported the Wii when noone else gave a you know what. While wee see it has taken 5 years for skyward sword to be released since twighlight princess. They need more development studios to make quality games while they work on their homerun hitters.

2. Give the users freedom. I currently have the nintendo video downloaded on my 3ds. Nintendo tries to hard to control their user. Instead of giving us youtube they give us the videos they want us to watch. Instead of giving us the games we want(Last Story, pandora's towwer, etc) it sucks right now to be an American nintendo fan.

I do believe if nintendo buys a couple of Dev teams give the Wii U user freedom and release games that the user wants the Wii U can win the next gen.

#2 hooky


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Posted 31 July 2011 - 11:51 PM

I think it would benefit Nintendo to buy HVS. All but one of their titles have been only on Nintendo consoles since 2008 (both the Wii and PSP versions of Iron Man 2 were developed by HVS) so it wouldn't really hurt, also Nintendo gets their FPS IP. They could also look into buying Sega; Nintendo would probably help with the development of Sonic games to make them better, not to mention that Nintendo and Sega seem to be pretty close nowadays.

#3 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 02 August 2011 - 05:50 AM

More M-rated games means more audiences. Even though I wouldn't care, that's what everyone loves. Rated M games. They really don't care if it's crappy. As long as it's M, it OK.
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#4 Brian6330


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Posted 02 August 2011 - 08:52 AM

Development for games could be faster, but I'd rather wait a few years for (a) really good game(s) like the Smash Bros series. If a game gets delayed (like Cave Story 3D at the moment) I don't mind as long as at the end the quality is really good.

I do not mind waiting for good games. (Also, games don't start to pile up XD)

#5 Bill Cipher

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Posted 02 August 2011 - 09:23 AM

Ok two thongs I believe nintendo should work on for Wii U to be sucessful.
1. By more development studios! My first option would be high Voltage. They tried and supported the Wii when noone else gave a you know what. While wee see it has taken 5 years for skyward sword to be released since twighlight princess. They need more development studios to make quality games while they work on their homerun hitters.

2. Give the users freedom. I currently have the nintendo video downloaded on my 3ds. Nintendo tries to hard to control their user. Instead of giving us youtube they give us the videos they want us to watch. Instead of giving us the games we want(Last Story, pandora's towwer, etc) it sucks right now to be an American nintendo fan.

I do believe if nintendo buys a couple of Dev teams give the Wii U user freedom and release games that the user wants the Wii U can win the next gen.

Ever heard of Spell Check?
Anyways, these won't make or break the WiiU. Something that could break it is confusion of the system with the Wii and Negative feedback based on the wii

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Posted 02 August 2011 - 10:33 AM

I don't think that those two things will make or break the Wii U. The things that I believe will make or break the console, are third party support, a successful launch for the system and ensuring that people know that it's a brand new system, rather than simply an add on for the Wii.

#7 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 02 August 2011 - 03:47 PM

I agree with AMAC. Even though the Wii has an internet system that isn't up to scratch for most gamers, it was still successful from the get go.

However, it does need stronger third party support. SEGA and CAPCOM seemed to be the only major supporters off the top of my head. Considering the 3DS had a poor launch, they need to make up for it with a strong launch on Wii U. And they do need to distinguish it as a completely new system.

As far as all that goes, Nintendo's been doing a lot of preaching to third parties, and they even put up a list of goodies up at E3. EA is helping out with the online too. Nothing is locked down, but Darksiders is the closest known title bound for launch day, and Pikmin 3 has been in a lot of development, so I have fairly high hopes for it being a launch title. Seriously, if they get Pikmin 3 on launch day, or within launch week, consider the Wii U a success.

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#8 Mukkinese



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Posted 03 August 2011 - 04:38 AM

The online services look to be very flexible, apparently unifying other publishers own networks with a single Nintendo account, though that is just what I think I can gather from the bits we have been told so far.

We have seen that Nintendo are working hard to bring in third party devs. I think the Machine will survive without huge third party support, but we want more than survival don't we? Only time will tell on the actual level of support.

It's still early days yet, I'm sure we will get some announcements at the Tokyo show and more after that.

Sony have been showing their desperation lately, by specifically trying to negate uniqueness of the new Wii U controller. Their remote-play service looks good, for owners of both the PS3 and Vita, but it is not the same thing, by a long-shot.

I think, at least in discussions of whether the Wii U will be a success or not, too much focus is given to the new controller. Yes the second screen is an exciting idea, but that is hardly the greatest danger the Wii U holds for Sony, or Microsoft for that matter.

While it is natural, from a gaming point of view, to focus on the new controller of the Wii U, I think most commentators have missed a more important point about this new console.

Think about this; by far the vast majority of gamers cut their gaming teeth on a Nintendo machine, the Wii has become known, somewhat disparagingly, as a “grannies and kiddies” machine, and the Wii U looks set continue to attract those younger and family gamers. All well and good, but then we must ask a very important question; why do so many of those kids leave Nintendo and move to Sony or MS consoles?

Quite simply, because when they wanted to move on to, what they see as, the more mature, "cool", HD games they had little choice, but to go to other machines. Until now.

With the announcement of the Wii U, those gamers now have the choice to stay with Nintendo to play mature AAA HD games and all of Nintendo’s exclusive content, including it’s, still massively popular, back-catalogue.

It is safe to say, when it comes to the popularity of exclusive content, Nintendo lead the field by a long, long way. Add to this massive draw, all the same multi-platform games that other consoles have, plus an undefinable "brand-loyalty".

Looked at from this point of view and, regardless of the new controller, Nintendo look like they might have another machine which has every chance to dominate the industry again.

Ninty would love to "steal" gamers from other consoles, but that is well nigh impossible. I believe that they are aiming, mainly, at keeping their core market and adding the market of young and also "casual" gamers who want to move on to "mature" AAA games.

Sony should forget these silly "spoiler" PR exercises and focus more on attracting younger and casual gamers.

Edited by Mukkinese, 03 August 2011 - 04:47 AM.

#9 SolxBurst


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Posted 03 August 2011 - 02:19 PM

I think your concern of the more developers is already taking cared of. Studios such as Bethesda, EA, Bioware, Ubisoft, Irrational Games, Activision, Square Enix, Epic Games, all of these studios have expressed interest in the Wii U, so I believe that there wont be shortage of good 3rd party games. As for user freedom, we don't even know what the menu looks like yet, also this wouldn't directly affect gameplay and I don't believe would make or break it's just a nice touch. What I want to see is achievements, they don't make or break it either but it would be a nice addition.


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#10 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 03 August 2011 - 03:52 PM

Going further on your point, Square Enix has been really defending the Wii U and EA is working on together with Nintendo on the online.

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#11 Bill Cipher

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Posted 03 August 2011 - 04:01 PM

Going further on your point, Square Enix has been really defending the Wii U and EA is working on together with Nintendo on the online.

As amazing as that sounds, that means we could end up with an Orgin style online. I'd much rather have steam based online

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#12 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 03 August 2011 - 04:13 PM

As long as the end result means we get something adequate, I'm happy.

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#13 Epic Kirby

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Posted 06 August 2011 - 10:25 AM

Ever heard of Spell Check?
Anyways, these won't make or break the WiiU. Something that could break it is confusion of the system with the Wii and Negative feedback based on the wii

That's why they shouldn't have Wii in its title at all, causes a lot of confusion <_<
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#14 AMAC



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Posted 06 August 2011 - 10:35 AM

That's why they shouldn't have Wii in its title at all, causes a lot of confusion <_<

I think that was one of the reasons that the 3DS struggled at launch. Quite a lot of people thought that it was just a DS with 3D. Nintendo seem to have realised this, as the latest adverts for the 3DS make it clear that it's a brand new console. Hopefully, Nintendo will make it clear that the Wii U is also a new console at its launch.

#15 chainmychomp


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Posted 06 August 2011 - 10:51 AM

I think your concern of the more developers is already taking cared of. Studios such as Bethesda, EA, Bioware, Ubisoft, Irrational Games, Activision, Square Enix, Epic Games, all of these studios have expressed interest in the Wii U, so I believe that there wont be shortage of good 3rd party games. As for user freedom, we don't even know what the menu looks like yet, also this wouldn't directly affect gameplay and I don't believe would make or break it's just a nice touch. What I want to see is achievements, they don't make or break it either but it would be a nice addition.

The trick is to get that support to consistently support the system, expressing interest in the system is only a measure of caution, it doesn't imply consistent, firm support. I believe the WiiU will do fine at launch, but will it do fine two years later is the situation on which Nintendo should be concentrating.

#16 SolxBurst


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Posted 06 August 2011 - 12:11 PM

The trick is to get that support to consistently support the system, expressing interest in the system is only a measure of caution, it doesn't imply consistent, firm support. I believe the WiiU will do fine at launch, but will it do fine two years later is the situation on which Nintendo should be concentrating.

I think their interest in the system is basically saying, If it has the same or better capabilities as other consoles then we will also put them on Wii U, mainly because they already put a lot of games on the Wii, they are just watered down. Those are my thoughts, and I'm not saying we shouldn't be worried its just that I have faith in developers that they will pull through.


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#17 Tre



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Posted 06 August 2011 - 07:30 PM

As far as third support goes, developers that have started developing for the Wii U have talked about how easy it is to develop for which make them start comparing the development to Xbox 360. It will be up to the consumer whether development for the Wii U continues. The confusion is good cause when there is confusion there is interest. There is a misconception that their weren't any third party support but there actually was just the quality of that game wasn't as good. Spiderman Edge of Time may be a good game but once it is compared to the other systems then it will be said that it is crap. Wii U should not have that problem.

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