Posted 05 August 2011 - 01:57 PM
After being on these forums for a little while i've seen that not many of you are that excited about 3rd party games and I haven't met alot of people willing to buy a Wii U just for 3rd party games since they already have Ps360, so what if 3rd parties stop making games for the Wii U due to poor sales for there games. I feel so strongly about this cause I bought a Wii and only a handful of games were worth playing to me through out it's lifetime. If it happens then i'll be willing to wait for the Ps4/720
Posted 05 August 2011 - 02:10 PM
Also, Batman: Arkham City (PS360), Metro: Last Light (PS360), Darksiders (PS360). If people can buy these games on their own console what reason do they have to buy the Wii U? The only way is if developers make these games really special by utilizing the Wii U controller in brilliant ways.
Posted 05 August 2011 - 03:55 PM

Co-Leader of the A.D.P.F
Lose yourself in battle, and rejoice
After War there is Death ~ Goddess Palutena, victory is ours
Yeah, you've done a great job so far, letting the Metal Heads destroy the palace.
Posted 05 August 2011 - 04:11 PM
The 3DS had a lot of 3rd party titles.... that were really crap.
If not all of them (in Australia at least, we didn't get Samurai Warriors Chronicles until a week later, which is probably the first good game. Open to criticism of course, but remember, it's opinion..... good opinion >=D )
I haven't seen a 3rd party title for the Wii U that I wouldn't happily buy. Of course, there hasn't been much news on a launch title yet. Assuming that 50% of what was shown at E3 is available at launch, then it should be theoretically one of the strongest launches ever. In practicality, well, that comes down to us.
Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON
Posted 05 August 2011 - 05:33 PM
Edited by Biohazard, 05 August 2011 - 05:34 PM.
Posted 05 August 2011 - 05:34 PM
I'm willing to bet the WiiU won't launch until after E3 2012Given what we know about the Wii U, I don't know if I should be worried about the system or not. The E3 2011 unveiling basically offered a cursory idea of where Nintendo is taking the console. I doubt Batman: Arkham City, Darksiders II, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Ninja Gaiden III, and Metro: Last Light are the only titles in the pipeline. Keep in mind, Ubisoft is possibly creating an all-new Assassin's Creed title. As for Nintendo heavily relying on third-parties to carry the Wii U, they may have decided to contribute more input for the system after seeing how that strategy for the 3DS backfired. Nintendo has been very aware of their mistakes in the past few months, so I don't think it's a stretch to think they may have re-evaluated their strategy for the Wii U. After all, Pikmin 3 could very well spearhead the launch since Miyamoto stated it's been making a lot of progress. the Wii U will not launch until after April 2012, which means Nintendo has plenty of time to effectively market the console before the release date.
Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.
NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX
Posted 05 August 2011 - 05:35 PM
I don't think it will turn out like the 3DS if it's primarily banking on 3rd parties at launch.
The 3DS had a lot of 3rd party titles.... that were really crap.
If not all of them (in Australia at least, we didn't get Samurai Warriors Chronicles until a week later, which is probably the first good game. Open to criticism of course, but remember, it's opinion..... good opinion >=D )
I haven't seen a 3rd party title for the Wii U that I wouldn't happily buy. Of course, there hasn't been much news on a launch title yet. Assuming that 50% of what was shown at E3 is available at launch, then it should be theoretically one of the strongest launches ever. In practicality, well, that comes down to us.
It also had third party titles that were good like Dead or Alive but Rayman still did better.
Posted 05 August 2011 - 07:56 PM
Posted 05 August 2011 - 08:57 PM
Nintendo is heavily relying on 3rd parties with the Wii U and i've been thinking what if it fails.
After being on these forums for a little while i've seen that not many of you are that excited about 3rd party games and I haven't met alot of people willing to buy a Wii U just for 3rd party games since they already have Ps360, so what if 3rd parties stop making games for the Wii U due to poor sales for there games. I feel so strongly about this cause I bought a Wii and only a handful of games were worth playing to me through out it's lifetime. If it happens then i'll be willing to wait for the Ps4/720
Well, Nintendo maybe is not trying to steal the PS360 users, but rather make the casual gamers into hardcore gamers. Nintendo themselves already said this.
Posted 06 August 2011 - 01:46 AM
If there's one thing Nintendo has done right this whole time, it's an impressive first party army to back up Nintendo's system every generation. This is, However, a double edged sword; for one it gives the system and the brand (Nintendo) a major advantage over other platforms, but they also have a limiting factor, for third parties become more restrictive when trying to conquer new audiences in any of Nintendo's platforms.
Nintendo has tried to regain the third party support since the Gamecube era. Sadly, their strategies have yet to prove effective. The latest attempt made by Nintendo was the 3DS and even though Nintendo limited its first party games, in order for third parties to take the spotlight, the shadow of Nintendo's first party success prevented third parties from profiting as they expected. Aside from a very few third party games (Street Fighter 4 3DS is one example), what took the spotlight in the not so successful 3DS launch were first party games (Nintendogs+cats, Ocarina of Time, Steel Diver, Pilotwings).
In general, Nintendo is faced with a difficult task this upcoming gen; that is to regain the position of a company suited for third parties and first parties alike. If they succeed, I think we'll be seeing a second SNES era, if they mildly get there, I think we'll see a second Gamecube era and if they fail, I think we'll see a second Wii-like era.
Nintendo won't go out of business anytime soon, yet. Nevertheless, if the Wii U fails, I think it'll be time for every Nintendo fan to worry about the company's future as a dedicated console manufacturer.
- MorbidGod likes this
Posted 06 August 2011 - 02:27 AM
The level of "prejudice" about Nintendo, that so many see it as making "kiddies" machines, is so all-pervasive that it has become self-fulfilling.
But Nintendo still has the advantage, if they can hold out and persist with developing this market, or encouraging third parties too. They have the young gamers already, so when many of those young gamers want to move on to "mature" games they can stay with the Wii U instead of having to move to another console. This is not a short-term strategy, but it is a massive advantage that can be exploited with patience and effort.
Edited by Mukkinese, 06 August 2011 - 02:28 AM.
Posted 06 August 2011 - 02:44 AM
Third parties get a raw deal with Nintendo themselves and they also get a raw deal from Nintendo users. I noticed the Conduit 2 which I thought was quite a reasonable game has total sales worldwide of 50,000. High Voltage put soo much effort into the engine for the wii and for all that effort to result in such horrifically low sales figures is tragic. A real shame.
When people say the wii has casual gamers sometimes its hard to think what that means. I interpret it as meaning people that like occasional gaming but aren't gaming obsessed and these people aren't well informed. So they tend to buy the big Nintendo franchises and perhaps the big titles from big publishers like Activision and EA and this seems to be born out with the wii as the call of Duty series do quite well. Obviously the wii is sold as a family console and many of the games that sell well are inclined towards that like wii sports.
It just seems to me that for every wii owner that is a hardcore gamer there are 9 that are purely casual and have bought the console as its fashionable to buy and they buy the games that are fashionable to own. The real userbase fo wii which is comparable to the 360/PS3 users is probably quite low like 10 million users.
I think the wii has given Nintendo a deserved reputation for underpowered hardware and many wii owners found the console disappointing so Nintendo may have made huge profits with wii but they have created a large amount of people that won't trust them this time around with regards hardware. So ultimately I think there is a large amount of people that will reject the wii u because of the wii.
Personally I have no interest in the new controller having a built in screen either. Its an innovation but from my perspective it seems a negative one. I don't want to have to use two screens I'd rather it was all on the main display. I realise the built in screen is a low resolution single touch design which probably only costs a few dollars but I still would have prefered those 3-4 dollars had been spent on a better cpu, more memory or even a slightly better gpu. I think the whole point of the screen in the controller is it looks expensive when in fact the technology is incredibly cheap.
Like most though I think some sort of high definition Mario or Zelda game will start me salivating and needing to get a wii u. On the face of it though the wii u is not an impressive console.
Posted 06 August 2011 - 02:48 AM
Hopefully such a service will exist on the Wii U.
Heck, if I have to maintain it, I effing will!!!
Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON
Posted 06 August 2011 - 12:23 PM
It's not working that great with the 3Ds
Well, Nintendo maybe is not trying to steal the PS360 users, but rather make the casual gamers into hardcore gamers. Nintendo themselves already said this.
Yeah i'll probably stay on these forums for a long time but what's the point of having an account if i don't even have a Nintendo console next year cause i can't talk about games i know nothing about

I wish i had a console with all the 1st party titles and "hardcore" games that are multiplat and that's why i was so excited about the Wii U but i'm starting to see some developers not planning on porting games Example:Bioshock Infinite. WHY NOT?? There is absolutly no excuse for it now that it's more powerful then any other console and that it's as easy as the 360 to develope on.
Posted 06 August 2011 - 08:14 PM
It's not working that great with the 3Ds
Yeah i'll probably stay on these forums for a long time but what's the point of having an account if i don't even have a Nintendo console next year cause i can't talk about games i know nothing about
I wish i had a console with all the 1st party titles and "hardcore" games that are multiplat and that's why i was so excited about the Wii U but i'm starting to see some developers not planning on porting games Example:Bioshock Infinite. WHY NOT?? There is absolutly no excuse for it now that it's more powerful then any other console and that it's as easy as the 360 to develope on.
Did you think they might make the next Bioshock on the Wii U? You have a lot of worries and it isn't that serious. The fact is people will say they don't like it or don't want it but until people try it then it won't be known. People have different taste and you shouldn't worry about that. If you that scared to buy the system then don't buy. I mean seriously don't buy it. I'm not worried about third party support nor am I worried about what games people will buy. I will buy what my money let me buy. People say a good launch line up but seriously I think a good lineup is a game from every genre. It is not like people will buy every game that is out with the system at launch. That's a lot of money spent. It will be possible that the next system from the other console makers will have a bad launch line up but as I said it depends on the consumer whether a line up is a success. As I said before either don't buy it or just wait it out. You don't have to buy it day one.
Posted 07 August 2011 - 07:00 AM
I know but bioshock infinite was one of the games i was waiting for, and i wouldn't buy on launch day even if it was the perfect console. I wait a few months in case something happens with it(3Ds price drop) so i can get the best version without missing out on games
Did you think they might make the next Bioshock on the Wii U? You have a lot of worries and it isn't that serious. The fact is people will say they don't like it or don't want it but until people try it then it won't be known. People have different taste and you shouldn't worry about that. If you that scared to buy the system then don't buy. I mean seriously don't buy it. I'm not worried about third party support nor am I worried about what games people will buy. I will buy what my money let me buy. People say a good launch line up but seriously I think a good lineup is a game from every genre. It is not like people will buy every game that is out with the system at launch. That's a lot of money spent. It will be possible that the next system from the other console makers will have a bad launch line up but as I said it depends on the consumer whether a line up is a success. As I said before either don't buy it or just wait it out. You don't have to buy it day one.
- Tre likes this
Posted 10 August 2011 - 08:54 AM
You just made the THQ company drop out.Nintendo is heavily relying on 3rd parties with the Wii U and i've been thinking what if it fails. After being on these forums for a little while I've seen that not many of you are that excited about 3rd party games and I haven't met a lot of people willing to buy a Wii U just for 3rd party games since they already have Ps360.
Edited by StreetPassWanter, 10 August 2011 - 08:55 AM.
Posted 10 August 2011 - 09:45 AM
But companies are interested in the Wii U and all we can do is wait a year to see what support they will get

Posted 13 August 2011 - 03:52 AM
- BazzDropperz likes this
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