Posted 06 April 2013 - 02:49 AM
I am hoping that Nintendo are really looking at the wii u as I look at it. It doesn't need to be the most powerful console, I'm not into that. Just awesome Fun games. I've been a gamer for along time prob 25years. Anyway here the games that I think are system sellers and these are all gonna make the wii u gamepad an essential part.
Ask questions on how the game would be on the gamepad.
Retro style games
Monkey Island series hd maybe a monkey island 4 wiiu exclusive.
Zelda- a link to the past hd
Most Graphic adventure games.
3rd party games
Football manager
Sim city
Theme park sort of game.
These are some of the games I think will be left field from the the normal Nintendo catalog. With exceptions to zelda. Would love that game to be HD.
Also would like u input to games that wouldn't really be on the the system but think they would be a system seller and WHY!
Thanks for reading my post, can't wait to see what the community, ideas have.
Also Nintendo if yoy are reading this. Use these ideas, that's what make your games great. Thinking out of the box
Posted 06 April 2013 - 03:10 AM
Awwwwwww, I'd love Mincraft on the Wii U, it's too bad Microsoft have the rights for console exclusivity at the moment, I wonder how long that lasts........
- Guy Fieri, Alph and NocturnalLodestar like this
Posted 06 April 2013 - 03:15 AM
Awwwwwww, I'd love Mincraft on the Wii U, it's too bad Microsoft have the rights for console exclusivity at the moment, I wonder how long that lasts........
I'm almost positive it ends in May.
- SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums likes this
Posted 06 April 2013 - 03:32 AM
any ideas for nintendo for games that where in the past lads?
Posted 06 April 2013 - 03:50 AM
mario kart probably easily fits the bill. the last installment on wii is like what 30 million sold or something. mario kart is gonna sell a LOT of Wii U consoles.
- Platinum rogue likes this
Posted 06 April 2013 - 03:52 AM
I would love Minecraft and Shenmue. Maybe we could have Duck Hunt or a new Star Fox game?
- Platinum rogue likes this
Hi, my name is Alph. I live on a planet named Koppai. I am famous for saving my planet from starvation. My best friends are Brittany and Captain Olimar, NOT Captain Charlie. I like surfing the KopNet and playing Kopetball.
Posted 06 April 2013 - 04:13 AM
mario kart
star fox both awesome
maybe a new red dead redemption excusive.
all games have to be exclusive.
more idea PPL
Posted 06 April 2013 - 05:16 AM
i would love to see nintendo tackle a more mature adventure genre in the style of the new tomb raider and uncharted series i think they could nail it i would like to see a real quality turok title again that'd be sweet.
- Platinum rogue likes this
wii u premium, new super mario bros u, darksiders 2, call of duty black ops 2, zombiu
blue 3ds xl, resident evil revelations, zelda ocarina of time
Posted 06 April 2013 - 06:13 AM
Well, I already know Super Smash Bros. will be a great system seller.
"You have to shine the brightest in the darkest part of the woods."
Posted 06 April 2013 - 06:40 AM
Awwwwwww, I'd love Mincraft on the Wii U, it's too bad Microsoft have the rights for console exclusivity at the moment, I wonder how long that lasts........
@Dragon: I really hope so *crosses all fingers and toes* I'm on my Wii U so I can't quote properly
Its not just a question of when the exclusivity ends but also whether or not Markus Perrson aka Notch and Mojang want to bring it to the Wii U. I suspect they are more likely to release it for the PS3.
Posted 06 April 2013 - 08:31 AM
mario kart probably easily fits the bill. the last installment on wii is like what 30 million sold or something. mario kart is gonna sell a LOT of Wii U consoles.
I'm sure this is a dumb question but do you think you can still use the Wii mote as a wheel?
Steam - 8BitDisaster
Tumblr - 8BitDisaster
Posted 06 April 2013 - 08:34 AM
I'm sure this is a dumb question but do you think you can still use the Wii mote as a wheel?
Yes that was a dumb question, and the dumb answer will be "Duh"
Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.
Posted 06 April 2013 - 08:41 AM
But for me its got to play like the 360 version, i can't get on with the movement on pc, I like the short stop start when you move on the 360, where as the pc version ya sort of glides to a stop so its harder to build on.
Posted 06 April 2013 - 09:37 AM
The only thing to sell wii U's right now is Mario 3D, and Mario Kart U.
I would love me some minecraft wii U, though
Posted 06 April 2013 - 09:38 AM
i would like to see something similar to guild wars or wow on the U. I personally favor the online rpg. But the key to any new game nintendo puts out is "ADVERTISEMENT". They just don't put it out there as much. Also, as much as love the old zelda games i personally feel its kinda cheap to re-release them (just my opinion) . I won't buy the old ones i have played but any new one i will purchase.
Posted 06 April 2013 - 10:37 AM
Yes, Sega should release a Shenmue 3. That would be AWESOME!!!!!!
Posted 06 April 2013 - 01:05 PM
Pikmin 3 sold the system to me. I'm bummed it was delayed. I hope the release date is announced soon.

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